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Reply #15 on: November 13, 2008, 07:54:19 pm
Oh well, lack of other games to play made me buy WotLK on release day anyway and inclined to play my pally though also thinking of maybe levelling my shammie at the same time (but as enhance, liked it on my draenei shammie). I'm not in a rush this time, so we'll see what happens.

Hope to see (some of) you online in WoW soon :).

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Reply #16 on: November 13, 2008, 11:05:23 pm
I'll be there soon if I don't crack WAR ... Only problem is and I am sure we all feel it, I want to play a game with a different emphasis, nothing wrong with WoW its arguably a great game, just want something different.


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Reply #17 on: December 06, 2008, 05:11:16 pm
thought i'd bump this for an update-ish post.

so carcs dinged 80th, along with Xentimer. i'm 76th atm, trying to speed up but finding it tough :P also still using all my 70th lvl gear, thought i'd have replaced somehitng by now

any1 else still planning on playing wotlk on Wildhammer, haven't seen many ppl on for abit?


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Reply #18 on: December 06, 2008, 06:32:28 pm
grats carco@80 :) Xent too but I'm not sure he comes here?

I'm finding it really hard to motivate myself to play because i can't really see anything in the endgame. WOTLK kinda looks the same as TBC to me except all the grinds reset :p Personally I've found it kinda underwhelming :/

Not really feeling motivated to endgame raid (been there done that and got the t-shirt twice already) and it seems if anything awakening are now more hardcore (which i prolly would have liked a year ago but now i just don't feel i want to dedicate all that time anymore). However, I was chatting to eko the other day and we both agreed we prolly couldn't raid casually either, don't wanna feel like dead weight or anything.

And not feeling motivated about PvP either because it seems to me they gave all the l33t boi's what they wanted with everything requiring arena points and arena ratings - plus did they add anything to pvp other than a new arena ? Also, I imagine at 80 they have new grinds to get your new gear...zzz

I'm still sub'dd and planned to come on occasionally and mess about/chat but might not see much of me, want to keep in touch with you all but as i said to you all previously i feel like im kinda forcing myself to play :/ Maybe I'll have a change of heart, dunno, for now just chilling.


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Reply #19 on: December 07, 2008, 11:55:11 am
Yo, don't give up Las!!  I only just started last night :)

I don't know what the endgame is either and how it'll compare with the previous BC end game but as long as I don't get bored on my way there I'll play.  As to raiding, I was thinking about that and I reckon I should be able to make 1 - 2 evenings free a week but decided not to change my current routines for raiding.  I reckon less hardcore raiding is fine, if they wanna hit it up 3 times a week every week then thats fine let em, obviously if I don't get Raider Rank and few/no invites then I won't bother, its not my idea of fun to be forced to play 4 hours sessions 3 times a week tbh.

Dunno how its gonna go down with PvP, I'll prolly enjoy it, but then owning nubs is always fun  ;D  I was hoping we could form more teams this time and run together rather than solo once we all hit 80th.  Sort of "be online at 20:00 for PvP grp runs" ... The PvP zone is supposed to be fun, but only accessable once every 3 hours or so which is silly ...

Release your inner fanboi Las!!

Anyway got to go teach Xanic how to play Blood Bowl now ;p


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Reply #20 on: December 07, 2008, 12:05:07 pm
The endgame's the same, and that's my point, just all the rep grinds and gear grinds reset (when i look at WOTLK i don't think there is much new here at all actually). The countless hours i put into pvp gear alone mean nothing now and you gotta start it all again before you can own nubs or they'll own you :) Plus the fact that you simply have to arena (and the added rating requirements for gear) and i found arena a very negative experience (and we gave it plenty of tries between you, xan, eko and me). Dunno about the new pvp zone but has always looked like a little added fluff to me (just a slightly bigger halla?).

Will maybe login to say hi and mess about every now and then but not even expecting I'll get to 80 really. Sorry :)


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Reply #21 on: December 07, 2008, 12:48:52 pm
Ah well, there'll be other games :)


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Reply #22 on: December 07, 2008, 01:56:33 pm
Well I'm amazed to say I'm loving WOTLK so far. So much so I've now got both my Shammy and Pala to 80 (I levelled them in tandem to maximise the rested bonus). The new zones are beautiful, the new quests are great fun (a few irritations but mostly a positive experience), the new instances are very well scripted and optimized for less trash and more bosses. As for rep grinds, well they are largely gone. You can easily ding honoured, in some cases revered, with all the major factions while levelling (or by catching up on missed quests at 80). Then if you don't want to do the dailies (which can be a bit of a grind) then simply use the new tabard system and wear the tabard of your preferred faction, jump in any heroic and earn several k of rep for that faction from a single heroic run. Genius system Blizz should be applauded for.

So far I've enjoyed running the heroics, done several on Shammy as dps and tanked my first on Pala last night. They are nicely challenging in freshly dinged 80 gear. Legion Inc did Naxx 10 man on Friday and we got the first two bosses down, almost a third. Was fun working it out for ourselves and not relying on WoWHead too much, felt like we'd achieved something. As for 25 man hardcore raiding ... bollox to that as always ;)

As for PvP, just don't go there :) Even on a PvP server it's possible to largely ignore it. My Pala got ganked once enroute to 80 (DK driveby while eating), my Shammy a few more times (as they are a free HK to almost all other classes these days) but nothing too bad. Ganking really hasn't been as much of a problem as I'd feared, and one great thing to see is that due to the Achievements system there are now quite regular raids to Stormwind and Orgrimmar to kill the leaders there.

WOTLK isn't without its flaws, but overall its a much better expansion than TBC was and takes PVE in a better direction IMO. As for PvP ... Blizz can shove it where the sun don't shine :)


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Reply #23 on: December 07, 2008, 03:50:58 pm
Cern you blizzard fanboi ;)

Glad you're enjoying it and grats on your progress so far with legion :)


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Reply #24 on: December 07, 2008, 05:54:14 pm
I like your idea of leveling in tandem, I wanna play my Warlock as well, so might do just that :)  Also the Undead Warlock will fit in snuggly with the Howling Fjord aesthetics :)

I'll defo PvP, I enjoy it even if BG's are kinda childish compared to Emain and Odins tbh I doubt we'll see PvP like that again ...

Las, I think you should take a break, play some single player games and come back, even Xananab misses you :)


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Reply #25 on: December 08, 2008, 01:19:01 am

Anyway got to go teach Xanic how to play Blood Bowl now ;p


tandem lvling, prolly the smartest thing to do with my 'lock too, need a mining guy for Xanic, but i like to concentrate on one toon when getting down to lvling properly.

i'll be trying the pvp too... ofc, always did enjoy the odd bg, won't be grinding tons of them like i did a couple of times alwhile back. /yawn after to many.

Las, I think you should take a break, play some single player games and come back

i agree :P

what about eko too?? you gonna be playing it at all anymore?


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Reply #26 on: December 08, 2008, 12:19:06 pm
Think I'll alternate between the 3 chars I'm playing (Gnome DK on Thunderhurn and Eara+Keaira on Wildhammer). Not interested in reaching lvl 80 fast, so I log out when bored and yes, sometimes it's after 30 mins ;).

Lightning bolt spam got old fast, so respecced Eara to Enhance and it's fun even with the crap gear she has now. I don't kill as fast, but the spectral wolves are great and it can only get better with gear.

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Reply #27 on: December 08, 2008, 01:27:33 pm
We should grp up to do some early dungeons, Xan on his Lock, I'll play the Druid (or lock) and Eko on his Shaman, Carco can bring his Warrior as well then we need 1 random ... or Las ;p

Seriously though, how about it?  Maybe tomorrow evening about 20:00 (UK time) start?


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Reply #28 on: December 08, 2008, 02:42:38 pm
I could even join you on my gimp Hunter if you're running some of the early dungeons. Long time since I've played Hunter but how difficult is Steady Shot spam? :) Currently BM spec, so we would have an offtanking pet if needed.


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Reply #29 on: December 08, 2008, 02:53:54 pm
Sounds good to me :)

About 20:00 start tomorrow for some dungeon running ;p


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