Dragon Age Inquisition

eKo · 3343


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on: November 27, 2014, 01:49:02 pm
Anyone else got Dragon Age Inquisition yet? I only just got past the tutorial after way too much time spent in the character generator ;D. I kept rerolling because eventually something  always irked me about the way they looked during cutscenes. After many (many, many, many, ...) hours I finally managed to create a character (female dwarf DW rogue) I'm really happy with (lip color is slightly off due to the strange lighting in the character generator, but it's not bad enough to reroll). The character creation tool is really great and produces some diverse characters (can be seen on the Bioware forums), though the hair options are limited and facial hair looks rather weird.

The game itself looks good so far, but as I said I only just got past the tutorial :P.

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
Spookks :: Huldra :: Pistols/Elementalism


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Reply #1 on: November 27, 2014, 09:07:38 pm
Yup, i got it, although i waited for reviews this time as the last one was not so good. Not got very far either and can't make my mind up which class to play :) Got furthest with a 2h Warrior but tried most of the basic classes out to get a feel. Silly really as you can pretty much play any character you want in your party but still something seems special about the one you roll ! Not surprised you spent so long on the generator, it is really good :) Nice gfx too, and seems really really (skyrim) big!


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Reply #2 on: November 29, 2014, 12:08:01 pm
So i rerolled rogue as seems to be the most interesting class I think, playing Archer but I figure if that gets dull respecs seem cheap so you can just go dual wield. Trying to leave the Hinterlands this time before I ran into stuff I can't kill ;-)


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Reply #3 on: November 29, 2014, 01:07:57 pm
I ran into stuff I can't kill in the Hinterlands (okay, just one rift with lvl 12 mobs). And no I can't handle lvl 12 mobs yet (I learned that the hard way :D).

I might respec to Archer tbh, running after the spasmic AI (both enemy & friendly) gets old fast. And I also start to run into some melee mobs who AoE, so I'm dieing more. Will play some more before deciding I guess.

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
Spookks :: Huldra :: Pistols/Elementalism