
Brigh · 18465


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on: November 14, 2014, 02:04:49 pm
Lo All

Not sure if anyone had a chance to look at the new blizzard game currently in Beta - Overwatch


Looks interesting, I've applied for Beta but not heard much.

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
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Reply #1 on: November 14, 2014, 02:14:22 pm
Yeah, I had a look at it after the announcement. It does indeed look interesting, but beta is announced for 2015 so it could be a long way off.

PS: Come play PS2 while waiting for Overwatch :P.

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Reply #2 on: November 14, 2014, 03:51:03 pm

PS: Come play PS2 while waiting for Overwatch :P.

ok :)

Been mucking about with the card game from Blizzard - Hearthstone!

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
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Reply #3 on: November 14, 2014, 07:50:47 pm
Must admit I haven't read much but from the trailer I watched it just looked like cartoony Team Fortress to me ? Meh :)

Yeah brigh, eko needs a gunner for his blingy harrasser, not sure if he learnt how to drive properly yet tho :p

p.s. how about this for an INCREDIBLE ps2 fan video, truely awesome tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suPGIoVOqD4


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Reply #4 on: April 30, 2016, 08:10:31 pm
I'm in the Overwatch beta and I've got one additional key if anyone's interested. Beta starts on May 3 until May 9.

Though tbh Battleborn looks like the better/funner game for me. Its PvP has some MOBA influences and the TTK is slower so you have some time to react at least (yeah I'm not getting any younger :P). And it has some co-op PvE as well. Hadn't heard from it before, but got a beta invite and tried it out. It's from Gearbox, the makers of the Borderlands series and it has the same kind of (sometimes juvenile) humor in it. I liked it enough to pre-order it and it also comes out on May 3 ;).

PS: for a comparison between both, see this video and for a long(er) explanation video, see Totalbiscuit's video.

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Reply #5 on: May 06, 2016, 12:09:02 pm
I had a look at the Overwatch open beta. I found it fun and frustrating in roughly equal measure :)

On the fun side it looks wonderful, plays well, heroes are varied and most of them are really enjoyable to play with some great moves. The maps are all well thought out and suit the objectives (when players bother with them, not really happening in beta). Loot box cosmetics are a nice incentive system. It's all very polished, as you'd expect from a Blizz game. I love the fact that it's a FPS I can play without motion sickness (thanks to the good FOV and smooth graphics).

On the frustrating side, TTK is insanely fast and there's just too many cheesy one/two-shot moves in the game. I get that there's counters to most of the cheesy moves, but if your team lacks them then it means hero switching on respawn. Whilst this is an intended mechanic to counter team balance problems, it essentially makes gameplay glorified rock, paper, scissors (same old, same old). Perhaps it'll improve as players learn the game, but in noob PUG play the turret heroes are totally OP, I'm already tired of seeing "Play Of the Match <insert random name here> as Bastion".

It's nice to be able to dive into quick game when you just want 30 mins of mayhem. But overall gameplay is rather shallow and seems aimed at the attention deficient, so I'm not sure how much legs it has (for me) and if it's worth the asking price. If it were under ?20 I'd likely take a punt, but perhaps not at full price.

I suspect I'd enjoy Battleborn more (love the Borderlands games) but there's no trial of this available currently and given my potential for motion sickness it's too much risk at the ?39 asking price. Perhaps Steam will run a free weekend soon.


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Reply #6 on: May 10, 2016, 03:47:58 am
Well, having played this some more during the beta weekend I have to confess I'm addicted :)

It is really fun and been a total blast to play, both in PvP and co-op modes. The game runs so smooth and I've not hit any glitches at all, impressive for a beta. There's more depth to it than it appears at first, deceptively simple but there's lots of tactics to try out (or in my case, for other players to try out on me!).

I still have concerns about the TTK, balance issues and how certain maps reward / reinforce certain tactics too much (eg turtling). But I'd imagine these are things they'll address in due course.

I think the biggest attraction for me is how you can dip in and play a few fast games in a way that too few games allow because of long loading screens, bloated menus, DLC checks etc. Overwatch can get you into a game and shooting stuff in a flash. Only problem is that saying "I'll just have a quick game or two before I do some work" is usually a lie :)


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Reply #7 on: May 13, 2016, 02:40:27 pm
Hey eko/Cern, are those the first posts of 2016 ? :) Must admit i stopped checking so regularly !

I might take a look at overwatch, sounds interesting if it can be a casual quick blast. Let us know what you think of Battleborn also eko once you've played it a while, although sounds like you're already sold to me ! :) I never played borderlands, its one of those games I keep thinking I'll pick up in a steam sale but frankly I have too many of those littering my hard drive already!!!


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Reply #8 on: May 14, 2016, 03:36:08 pm
Yeah been quiet on these boards of late.

If you don't jump in straight away, I'll let you know how Overwatch goes and how casual it is. I  know Blizz want to make an e-sport out of it, so they'll have their work cut out keeping both the ranked players and the filthy casuals happy. It's all about getting the matchmaking right really.

Borderlands 2 is well worth picking up next time it's in the Steam sale. It's one of those games that's always fun to play and dip back into. The GOTY edition is the one to get as most of the DLC is worthwhile, especially Dragon keep which is an affectionate and amusing piss take on board and dice RPGs, D&D etc.


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Reply #9 on: May 18, 2016, 05:21:35 pm
Yeah, but what I hate about Blizzard match making is they get you to that point where you win 50% and lose 50% and it gets very streaky because averages don't really work out like that IRL. So one day you do nothing but win - yet you know the slippery slope downwards is right around the corner. Imagine it will be the same for this, it does theoretically work however and stops you being rolled by really experienced players (unless they cheat the system for the fun of rampaging over nooplets!).

On a tangent - I've been dabbling the past couple of months with SWTOR again, I admit the movie made me interested (actually I went back to playing KOTR2 and then thought about SWTOR!). If you haven't been back since 2012 like me I'd recommend trying it out again and buying a months' sub - you get all the expacs including the new one (with some gfx upgrades but it's still not amazing gfx! and the Shadow Of Revan expac is pretty cool story, KOTFE is okay also) plus a level 60 insta character. Also the best bit is you get much higher experience meaning your characters only need do the story missions and not all the stupid killtasks and stuff. Only downside is it really still is a single player game, and it's pretty easy so no incentive for ppl to group. I tried a bit of raiding but it just seems like the usual grindfest of people having done it 1000 times already (and you are slowing them down!!! /kick ! :) ). Anyways worth a look imo Cern/eko/Brigh if you ever thought about heading back. I'm playing a little less now so it's wearing off a bit and mostly just treating it like a single player game (which it seems to me Bioware are trying to do with it now anyway!).


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Reply #10 on: May 19, 2016, 12:06:56 am
Yeah, sadly there's always those who manage to find ways to farm noops in any game, not just Blizz titles. Overwatch seems somewhat aimed at filthy casuals though, so Blizz might feel some obligation to protect the peons from becoming cannon fodder. Probably not though :)

I've played a fair bit of SWTOR on and off and did some raiding with a very chilled and friendly Republic guild when all the raid content was still fresh. The raids are really enjoyable, better than most MMOs actually. But sadly Bioware have neglected the raiding part of the game and it got stale with everyone just rushing through the limited choice of raids for the 1000th time, as you discovered. Most of the guild I was in got tired of this and moved on to other games.

Essentially it's always been a single player game struggling to be a MMO. The 1-50 story content is for the most part fantastic and has lots of replay value on alts. But  it only really works solo and is awkward to try and complete story quests while grouped. Pretty much all the expansion content they added 50+ can't hold a candle to the original content and has gotten more and more linear, with class and faction storylines converging into one. So, whilst the new KOTFE content is enjoyable the first time through, it's essentially identical on every class on both factions. On the upside, it cured my altoholicism :)

It's high time they ditched the messy F2P model (where you need a sub to make the game bearable) and moved it to a B2P model where you buy the game and any DLC you want to play and then there's no monthly fee. Then they don't need to worry about calling it a MMO anymore, it can be a single player game with a chat channel.


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Reply #11 on: May 19, 2016, 09:33:22 am
Yeah, let me know if it's good for filthy casuals and I may try it :)

Sounds like you know SWTOR better than I do then ! Still enjoying it but wishing for KOTOR3 proper !!


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Reply #12 on: May 19, 2016, 02:58:30 pm
Anyways worth a look imo Cern/eko/Brigh if you ever thought about heading back.

I'll have to resurrect my fat bounty hunter!

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Reply #13 on: May 19, 2016, 10:17:11 pm
How could we forget him ? :) He's been in the Cantina for 3 years now though, maybe he can't move anymore ?


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Reply #14 on: May 20, 2016, 12:14:30 pm
So large he exerts gravitational pull over whole planets it seems.