Not alot of action?

Saxif · 18356


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on: August 02, 2013, 11:21:40 am
Peeps gone back to playing more normal games or are you all now ruling NWN2?

When I play I am still on FA:LH, though it is a bit easy and not quite as well coded as Steam so might put it down after my current game!

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Reply #1 on: August 02, 2013, 01:48:24 pm you say just as i bought it ? :)

I didn't quite make 60 in NWN but summer kinda hit us and I got busy with work, when I got back I got a little bored with it so decided instead to replay ME3 to see the new endings and stuff (been a year and a half or so since i played it, so was nice to revisit a good game: saying that I was slightly disappointed with the 'new' endings, looks like they just tried to cover their tracks a bit). Trying out fallen enchantress as of last night :p


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Reply #2 on: August 02, 2013, 02:28:12 pm
Yeah work commitments + summer have impacted on gaming. Mostly just pottering around in Swtor, but no raiding or anything. I enjoyed getting to 60 in Neverwinter but the endgame didn't appeal enough to get more involved, so I ended up drifting away.

I've been thinking of re-visiting ME3 now the nerd rage over the ending has subsided a bit, see for myself what changes they made. I see there's quite a lot of DLC that's been released for ME3. Has anyone tried any of it?


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Reply #3 on: August 02, 2013, 05:07:19 pm
I've been thinking of re-visiting ME3 now the nerd rage over the ending has subsided a bit, see for myself what changes they made. I see there's quite a lot of DLC that's been released for ME3. Has anyone tried any of it?

Yeah I did it all on this play through, it's all pretty good but perhaps avoid the 'citadel' one but it depends how much you like to hang out with characters and role play (it was kinda like a house building expansion, Shepard hangs out in an apartment with all the crew and has parties and stuff, though there were a couple of nice touches/quests to go with it). Leviathan was really good, some nice 'detective' type touches (though easy enough it was a little different).


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Reply #4 on: August 02, 2013, 06:25:59 pm
It isn't a bad game and learning how it works is nice but it isn't as well coded as CIVILISATION (not Steam!). but then Civ rules.  The AI makes some basic mistakes and they need to sort that out, generally it is fun and it'll take you, maybe 2 play throughs to understand how it works and for me that is alot of the fun!  It is a Civ length game, so 6-15 hours per game, depending on map size and numbers of AI etc.  I guess if I was going to pick it apart it would be having so many cities to control when you are winning, but it isn't as micro heavy as Civ, so you can put alot of them onto Build Resource:Growth:Manar:Gildar and run around pwning monsters and the AI :)

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Reply #5 on: August 02, 2013, 10:46:26 pm
Grew bored with Neverwinter after getting to 60, so decided to try out a few other F2P MMO's (EQ2, Rift, Firefall, Tera). The only one of those I like is Tera, since Cryptic copied their combat system :P. It's initially a Korean MMO which is clearly visible in the character design, but the translation is well done and it's not a grindfest like the earlier eastern MMO's. It won't have lasting appeal, but levelling is a lot of fun.

Firefall is different enough, since it's a 3rd person shooter based MMO. You can switch an exoskeleton (which can be upgraded) at a garage to change your role, so you're not stuck with 1 class. But since it doesn't rely on the standard quest system, but instead on random events it gets boring relatively fast. It's still in beta though so might get better, but I gave up on it already.

I did come across Wildstar which looks cool. I like the humour they put in their movies, but the game might be too similar to WoW though the Paths sound nice. It's in closed beta right now and probably won't even be released this year though.

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Reply #6 on: August 03, 2013, 12:46:46 pm
Apparently SOE are working on this:

A new Everquest game, I haven't read about it and I don't know the date as I was only told about it last night and I haven't even read the above link!  But might be worth a spin? :)

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Reply #7 on: August 03, 2013, 03:56:22 pm
haha, that does look pretty funny eko (wildstar) :)

Cern - forgot about SWTOR, need to go back and do the dark side at some point. Did they make good changes and how did F2P change things generally (for the better?).

Sax - yer, i dunno. Typical next-gen blurb really, these marketing people are good at it and we've seen the same thing said about many before. They mention EVE which I still think is the only one that's truly gone down a different path, I am still tempted to play it (well I have tried it a couple of times, but I mean really play it) but it just looks too life sapping. I still love stuff I hear about it though like this -

Hilarious, one guy mis-clicks which leads to a 3000 player/ship battle :) lol....


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Reply #8 on: August 03, 2013, 11:08:34 pm
The new Everquest game looks promising if the stuff about the non-linear questing and destructible environments isn't just the usual nextgen hype. We'll see.

I'd love to have got to grips with Eve but I just couldn't get my head around the wider PvP game which of course is where all the real action is to be had. I've kept toying with the idea of trying to get back into it, but the learning curve feels really daunting.

SWTOR is doing pretty well post F2P. The population has stabilized and seems pretty well balanced between subscribers and F2P'ers. They polished it up a lot since launch, especially endgame raiding, streamlined the levelling process, added plenty of new content and some much needed 'quality of life' features. It'll never shrug off some of its fundamental design flaws, but there's still no MMO that can rival the story-telling and companion system.

I'm not sure how well SWTOR plays as a pure F2P, there's a lot of restrictions. But as an ex-subscriber you get "Preferred" status anyway which gives a few extra perks and is certainly enough to level up and enjoy the story (but not suitable for endgame stuff). What some players seem to do is subscribe for a month and buy some unlocks with in-game credits (to unlock things like purple gear, extra inventory space, extra quick bars etc) and then revert to Preferred. I'm mostly active on Rep side these days, but still have my Imps so if you want to do some Imp Side levelling, give me a shout and I can kit you out with some decent gear (assuming you have at least Preferred status and can trade).


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Reply #9 on: August 19, 2013, 03:59:31 pm
Hey All

Not been playing games much as I've recently become a dad :) my son was born on Sunday 4th August!

I was playing PS2 a fair bit before he arrived and I was thinking of dipping back into SWTOR - are you still on the same server Cern? (Red Eclipse I believe?)

Brigh :D

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Reply #10 on: August 19, 2013, 07:35:28 pm
congrats brigh :D Has he got a name yet then ? :)


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Reply #11 on: August 19, 2013, 07:52:21 pm
Yep his name is Arthur - going to register him next week

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Reply #12 on: August 19, 2013, 08:53:45 pm
Congrats Brigh! And welcome Arthur :)

Yep, I'm still on Red Eclipse server in SWTOR playing toons called Cern* Imp side and Kern* Rep side (more likely to be found Rep side these days).


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Reply #13 on: August 19, 2013, 11:25:56 pm
Grats Brigh! :D

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Reply #14 on: August 21, 2013, 08:58:18 pm
Congratulations, proper adult :)

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