First Impressions

Cernos · 5290


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on: February 15, 2005, 02:10:39 pm
I've been in WoW for only a few days now, but thought I'd share some first impressions and grab the first post in this section while I was at it :D
I didn't play WoW Beta, so the game is brand new and shiny for me. I must say that I'm having by far the most fun as a noob as I've had in any game I've tried since Daoc (which was my first MMORPG). Everything about the game is a pleasure to play. The graphics are stunning (I find the cartoony style a distinct plus, not a negative) and the attention to detail is astounding (love all the references to previous Warcraft games). The UI seems very well thought out and there's always some surprises in store. I've found myself questing constantly because the quests are fun and varied, and I've even been READING the quest dialogues!
Strangest of all, I've found myself just travelling around to sight see and stopping in awe at some of the locations I come across and taking screenshots. Can't remember any other game that has turned me into such a tourist!
I can't comment on the high end PvE or PvP aspects yet of course, and in many ways it's how those aspects play out which will determine the long term playability of the game. But if the PvP and PvE endgames are as well thought out as the early PvE part, it should be a lot of fun.
I think the most striking thing is this game is only just out of Beta and it's already very polished and relatively bug free (compared to some other launches like SWG). If you think how far Daoc has come since Beta, it's exciting to think what WoW might grow into. Let's just hope they don't "do a ToA" :D
So what are everyone elses first impressions? And what about those of you who have played Beta and seen more of the higher level content - does it keep getting better?
« Last Edit: February 15, 2005, 02:32:11 pm by Cernos »


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Reply #1 on: February 15, 2005, 02:39:40 pm
The quest logs are very interesting, hey I am an anti quest type, i used to think they just got in the way, and were a pain.  In WoW they have done the quests just so, they even time them to open up new areas for the player and direct them to good hunting grounds.

I am also an anti crafter type (based on DAoC), yet i enjoy the crafting system here and have been going out of my way to skill up.

On the whole atm my impression is of a very good game, the only potential let down is the PvP, while it still provides the challenge, there is no reward atm, and i'm the type who gets highly motivated for a reward :)  Looking forwards to BG's though.

<Currently thinking of something amazing to write ...>


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Reply #2 on: February 15, 2005, 03:02:39 pm
Yeah, I'm not a quester either (in Daoc I only do them for the items or xps and almost never read the dialogues - even when I first started and it was all a novelty). So that's why I'm surprised I'm enjoying the WoW quests so much.
As for PvP rewards, if you remember this wasn't present in early Daoc either, they only added the realm abilities later. Perhaps WoW will introduce a system of PvP rewards, and hopefully learn from some of the mistakes Daoc made with their RA system.


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Reply #3 on: February 15, 2005, 03:33:24 pm
aye they are working on 'honour' rewards but ditched the 'dishonour' idea because its just too complicated (imagine if i was to come and save a low level guildie from getting ganked by alliance, but got penalised for doing so!).

Echo thoughts on the game, although I played these levels in beta too many times so keen to get to some new content / quests :)



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Reply #4 on: February 15, 2005, 04:52:08 pm
I like it a lot, the variety of landscapes, toons to play (seem more varied to look at), the beautifully thought out quests.  Best of all, I'm pretty busy atm and it's a game you can dip into and out of as you like :-)


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Reply #5 on: February 16, 2005, 04:04:05 pm
Really enjoying it atm and like others have said I enjoy starting off as a n00b ? I?m sure being level 7 and still using your starter weapons isn?t a good idea, guess training would help as well :D

I?m like the postal service though ? good way to send items to people without having to arrange a time and place to trade.

Thanks for anyone who has sent me stuff or given me stuff in passing ? its been a big help :D

Brigh :D

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Reply #6 on: April 01, 2005, 01:04:26 pm
Yeah, must agree with the posts above.
I've not played much in the way of MMORPG before (just SWG Beta really) but I'm loving every sacred minute.

I'll always remember the first time I was running through Tirisfal Glade on the way to Brill and I spotted something moving towards me above the trees - it was the zeppelin.  The first time I'd seen one and it made me laugh out loud with joy.  (Guess you had to be there...)  It sums up the completeness of the world.

I've been told there's some bugs (haven't seen any showstoppers myself) but considering this is still fresh I can't wait to see what it will become.

Great fun and I'm only scratching the surface - haven't made level 20 yet, never been inside an instance, never picked up any blue / orange items, never bought anything at auction, still low level profession-wise, haven't used a mount, only duelled twice, etc.

Wind rider journeys are great fun too.  It's such a good looking game and runs smoothly even on my 900Duron! (And Herne - I *will* get around to upgrading to the 1100 that you gave me, but if I have a spare 10 minues I'd rather play...)

That's really my only complaint in the game - I simply can't spare enough time to keep up with the rest of you all!