Onyxia key (high end instance quests)

Lasiien · 4772


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on: April 19, 2005, 10:25:28 am
*SPOILER ALERT* For those that don't like reading quest guides etc, mucho information you probably don't want to look at below :)

A few of us are about to start doing some of the higher end instances soon, wanted to make sure that we all get the quest to start Onyxia's key (this is to get into Onyxia's lair and involves killing many boss's in the high end dungeons).

Starting quest : http://www.thottbot.com/?q=1359

Guide (nicked from Thott posted by 'theskeeve'):

1) Go to Kargath and speak to Warlord Goretooth in the tower. Click his conversation item repeatedly to receive Warlord Goretooth's Command. Use this item to receive the quest, Warlord's Command.

Warlord's Command
Slay Highlord Omokk, War Master Voone, and Overlord Wyrmthalak. Recover Important Blackrock Documents. Return to Warlord Goretooth in Kargath when the mission has been accomplished.
Important Blackrock Documents: 0/1
War Master Voone slain: 0/1
Highlord Omokk slain: 0/1
Overlord Wyrmthalak slain: 0/1
Rewards can be found at http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?q=1359

2) You will have to five-man Blackrock Spire (BRS). The documents spawn randomly at one of the three bosses above and only one per instance can be acquired. This quest may NOT be raided!

3) Upon completion of Warlord's Command, you will receive the quest, Eitrigg's Wisdom.

Eitrigg's Wisdom
Seek counsel with Thrall's advisor, Eitrigg. He can be found in Thrall's chamber.

4) Speak to Eitrigg in Thrall's Chamber (speech bubble), then return to Thrall. He will give you the quest, For the Horde!

For the Horde!
Travel to Blackrock Spire and slay Warchief Rend Blackhand. Take his head and return to Orgrimmar.
Head of Rend Blackhand: 0/1
Rewards can be found at http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?q=4575

4) You will have to attend a raid of Upper Blackrock Spire (uBRS) to get the head of Rend Blackhand. Do so, and once again return to Thrall in Orgrimmar. All the occupants of Orgrimmar will receive a buff upon turn in.

5) Thrall will tell you to seek out Rexxar, who roams from north Feralas, through Desolace, and into southern Stonetalon Mountains. For maps of his route, see http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?s=rexxar . Find Rexxar.

6) Rexxar will give you the quest, The Testament of Rexxar. You are to deliver Rexxar's Testament to deliver to Myranda the Hag in Western Plaguelands.

Testament of Rexxar
Deliver Rexxar's Testament to Myranda the Hag in the Western Plaguelands.

7) Find Myranda the Hag near Uther's tomb, south of andorhal, standing on a tree stump. Map of the general area available at http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?m=12670 .

Cool Myranda the Hag will give the quest, Oculus Illusions.

Oculus Illusions
Travel to Blackrock Spire and collect 20 Black Dragonspawn Eyes. Return to Myranda the Hag when the task is complete.
Black Dragonspawn Eye: 0/20

9) Once again, you will have to raid uBRS and collect the eyes off dragonkin inside. They drop 1-2 at a time and are common.

10) Return to Myranda the Hag with 20 Black Dragonspawn Eyes. She will give you an Amulet of Draconic Subversion and the quest, Emberstrife.

Travel to the Wyrmbog in Dustwallow Marsh and seek out Emberstrife's Den. Once inside, wear the Amulet of Draconic Subversion and speak with Emberstrife.

11) Travel to Emberstrife's Den in Dustwallow Marsh. It is the cave along the cliffs to the very south. Map available at http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?m=214014 . The Amulet of Draconic Subversion will transform you into a Black Scalebane once inside Emberstrife's Den. While disguised, speak to Emberstrife. He will behave as an NPC.

12) Emberstrife will begin a mini-series of quests titled The Test of Skulls. The first such quest in this series is The Test of Skulls, Scryer.

The Test of Skulls, Scryer
You must find the blue dragonflight drake champion, Scryer, and slay him. Pry his skull from his corpse and return it to Emberstrife.
You know that Scryer can be found in Winterspring.
The Skull of Scryer: 0/1

13) Travel to Winterspring with a good group of five* and enter the caves of Mazthoril, south of Everlook. Work your way in, and slay Scryer.

* Note: The drake kill quests may NOT be raided!

14) Return to Emberstrife using the Amulet once again, and get the followup, The Test of Skulls, Somnus.

The Test of Skulls, Somnus
Destroy the drake champion of the Green Flight, Somnus. Take his skull and return it to Emberstrife.
The Skull of Somnus: 0/1

15) Somnus can be found in Swamp of Sorrows, wandering in an arch up and down the zone between the Pool of Tears and the beach.

16) Return to Emberstrife as above, for the followup, The Test of Skulls, Chronalis.

The Test of Skulls, Chronalis
Guarding the Caverns of Time in the Tanaris Desert is Chronalis, child of Nozdormu. Destroy him and return his skull to Emberstrife.
The Skull of Chronalis: 0/1

17) Travel to Tanaris. Along the east edge of the zone (visible on map) is a mountain. Enter the area to find two low level drakes, and finally, Chronalis, guarding the door in the back.

1Cool Return to Emberstrife for the followup, The Test of Skulls, Axtroz

The Test of Skulls, Axtroz
Travel to Grim Batol and track down Axtroz, drake champion of the Red Flight. Destroy him and take his skull. Return the skull to Emberstrife.
The Skull of Axtroz: 0/1

19) Go to the Wetlands and enter the Dragonmaw Gates region, the curved valley area in the east side of the zone. Travel down the valley a ways and you will find Axtroz.

20) Return to Emberstrife to receive the followup, Ascension...

It would appear as if the charade is over. You know that the Amulet of Draconic Subversion that Myranda the Hag created for you will not function inside Blackrock Spire. Perhaps you should find Rexxar and explain your predicament. Show him the Dull Drakefire Amulet. Hopefully he will know what to do next.

21) This quest is to simply find Rexxar again. Rexxar will give you the final quest, Blood of the Black Dragon Champion.

Blood of the Black Dragon Champion
Travel to Blackrock Spire and slay General Drakkisath. Gather his blood and return it to Rexxar.
Blood of the Black Dragon Champion: 0/1

NOTE: Only one person can get the blood off General Drakkisath per raid! For this reason, please organize a list of people who need it, or simply roll each time until everyone is complete.

22) Return the Blood of the Black Dragon Champion to Rexxar, and receive the Drakefire Amulet, a necklace, stats available at http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=4829 .

23) Keep the Drakefire Amulet in your inventory to be allowed access into Onyxia's Lair when we raid! You need not WEAR the amulet, simply have it on your character.

CONGRATULATIONS! You are now eligible to raid Onyxia, Brood Mother of the Black Dragonflight!


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Reply #1 on: April 21, 2005, 10:41:42 am
Is that all?



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Reply #2 on: May 23, 2005, 10:42:41 am
As well as working on this chain, there are a couple of high end quest items I'm after but need some considerable investment to get. I'm after caster (endgame) items and havent looked at the other rewards:

Do the quests offered by this NPC in EPL (killtasks to start with):

Tirion Fordring

This then leads to a 5 man quest in strat, followed by some work in the WPL in the scarlet keep. The reward I'm after is:

Shroud of the Exile
Binds when picked up
45 Armor
+7 Stamina
+15 Intellect
+7 Spirit

Do the quests offered by this NPC (unsure if you have to do them all as I had done them already). Lady Sylvanas in the UC also giuves you a quest to go find him:

Nathanos Blightcaller

He gives a bunch of quests in a series. Later in the series there is a quest in strat (unsure if it's raidable, might be 5 man) and to kill some elites wandering the EPL. Rewards of interest (with mainly casters in mind because thats what im looking into, might be some decent stuff for others also but I really am not qualified to judge):

Sarah's Guide (Im not after this but some may like)
Binds when picked up
Two-Hand Staff
94 - 142 Damage Speed 2.50
(47.2 damage per second)
+20 Stamina
+15 Intellect

Elemental Circle
Binds when picked up
+10 Fire Resistance
+10 Frost Resistance

(or (only one ring can be obtained))

Royal Seal of Alexis
Binds when equipped
+10 Stamina
+10 Intellect
+8 Spirit
Requires Level 54

Stormrager (best wand in the game afaik)
Binds when picked up
57 - 106 Nature Damage Speed 1.30
(62.7 damage per second)
+8 Stamina
+5 Intellect


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Reply #3 on: May 25, 2005, 10:04:25 am
The uBRS raids shouldnt be too hard to get into, I have been in 3 successful Drak raids already, they're fairly routine and not especially exceiting (3 groups charge through ubrs and either kill Drak or wipe spectacularly)

The nameds in uBRS that have to be killed in a non-raid group should be much more fun :o)

I've had a go at Scryer and Chronalis solo, just because I wanted to see if I could take them... I couldn't. Lasted a while but I couldn't get the dps on them. Don't worry I got away both times.

I joined a 5 man group and killed Axtroz yesterday. He wasn't all that.

The hardest parts will imo be the eyes and Drak as he is hard. But getting raid groups to do these parts shouldn't be too challenging.

Edit: I use Sarahs Guide. Great staff, looks like a flagpole. It will do nicely until I can get my Warden's staff


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Reply #4 on: June 07, 2005, 01:13:18 pm
bump for Sax, to actually read this time :)

My 2nd post talks about that wand and a decent ring that I was talking about last night


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Reply #5 on: June 07, 2005, 01:43:12 pm
Done Done Done!

<Currently thinking of something amazing to write ...>