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Reply #15 on: May 20, 2016, 03:51:06 pm
gives Jabba a run for his money for the largest character :)

Might have to re-activate him for a blast

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Reply #16 on: May 24, 2016, 05:54:36 pm
Heh, what a coincidence, after the new Star Wars movie I started to play some SWTOR as well :). Levelled a bounty hunter to 60 and still not done with the "Original" storyline, let alone KOTFE. Grew bored of soloing before I got there.

I should play more Battleborn as it's a really fun game, but I finally got into the Witcher 3, so that's taking up all my free time now. Won't even have enough time to play/test Overwatch today.

Hope I manage to finish it before No Man's Sky comes out. Really looking forward to it as it seems more fun then Elite Dangerous. Elite is a great (looking) game, but too much of a sandbox for me, while there is some (light) story in No Man's Sky at least.

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Reply #17 on: May 25, 2016, 09:08:53 am
Yeah I'm hoping no mans sky is decent as well....here's hoping!

Witcher 3 is a beautiful looking game, although I've still not got very far into it, I've gotton into it a few times but then got distracted by something else :)


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Reply #18 on: June 02, 2016, 02:04:38 pm
alright, so I gave in and decided to give some more of my money to Blizzard (like they don't already have enough of it !!!). ******* Blizzard, coming up with good games and stuffs.... :)

PM me for battlenet id if you wanna add me, or PM me yours :)

« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 09:01:15 pm by Lasiien »


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Reply #19 on: June 02, 2016, 04:52:15 pm
p.s. proof of 50%!!! (lol@Blizzard)


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Reply #20 on: June 02, 2016, 06:54:40 pm
Play a few games with me and I'll soon get your win/loss percentage down :)

That said, my win percentage on my most played hero, Lucio, is .... 52%.

But I lost quite a few matches when experimenting with other heroes. My stats in recent matches is somewhat better. But I've mostly been sticking to Player vs AI to learn the heroes and maps.


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Reply #21 on: June 02, 2016, 11:04:29 pm
pah Cern, playing with you improved me 1% !! Mighty 52% ready to tumble to 48% very soon :)


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Reply #22 on: June 02, 2016, 11:22:19 pm
Was good fun, especially the pushes we did with Zarya + Lucio. 50% win ratio right on the nose.


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Reply #23 on: June 04, 2016, 01:12:42 am
proof of 48% lol...stfu bliaazzzarrrd !!!!


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Reply #24 on: June 10, 2016, 09:29:01 am
Found a nice channel with some brief guides to the heroes in overwatch, whilst I know most stuff is self explanatory i learned some things I hadn't thought of and also they talk about who counters which hero and how to play them well etc. This link is to tracer but there are guides for other heroes as well and they don't take long to watch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6r9Nw8GeHE

p.s.49% .....


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Reply #25 on: June 10, 2016, 04:42:30 pm
Nice one Las, just watched a few of those vids and some useful tips. Already learned something about escort missions - the payload moves faster the more players are on it, but caps out at 3. Most escort matches it's rare to see more than one on it, but then everyone wonders why a team with Bastion (or Torbjorn) + Reinhardt + Mercy on the payload pushes through like a hot knife through butter.

The "5 biggest mistakes" highlighted in those videos was interesting, most of them you see repeated again and again and I haven't seen much change in this behaviour since launch, so it's going to be like any other objective-based PvP game, rather hit or miss from match to match. The average (random) player seems to still approach it as a death match rather than an objective-based game, run off solo, get killed, rinse and repeat.

Obviously grouping with friends helps. But even then people seem to forget about objectives in the heat of battle, stick to certain heroes even if they aren't working out too well and generally not stick together as a team that well. I'm guilty of all this too, it can be hard to keep track of everything and everyone in such a fast paced game. And it's very tempting to keep trying to make a certain hero work rather than switching. But I think sticking together should be #1 on the priority list. Most of the best teams seem to work very closely together, all watching each others backs and focusing down key targets.


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Reply #26 on: June 16, 2016, 02:01:38 pm
Thanks Las, those guides are cool, I only watched some for the heroes I play most (D.VA, Junkrat & Mercy) and I learned some new tricks.

Also was fun last night, actually went a lot better than expected :), especially once we got the more evenly matches, those were really great. I still have problems countering a good Reinhart though.

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Reply #27 on: June 16, 2016, 04:34:55 pm
Yeah was fun :) And that's what I want really, don't mind losing close games as they are usually fun....and don't care about my win/loss rate. Just hate getting rolfstomped and people giving up early (you know, that guy that quits 2mins in calling everyone a 'noob team' or something and then it takes another minute to get a replacement...then someone else quits etc.!).

You are just playing the wrong toons to counter Reinhart i guess. Just pewpewpew his shield :) (if one really upsets you Tracer can be very irritating to him!).


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Reply #28 on: June 19, 2016, 09:57:09 am
Yeah Cern, I do think that sticking together should be #1 on the priority list. I have switched from healer to something else when people just roam all over the map and I just end up being killed all the time. At that point Junkrat or D.VA (my favorite characters) are more effective than a dead healer.

#2 I'd say is playing the objective. To cap a point you need to stand on it, to move a payload you have to be close to it. Not be trying to get kills from miles away. We lost a match where the payload was almost at the enemy base, it needed to move only a few meters, but instead people stayed at range trying to get kills. (Okay, they had 2 Torbs & a Symmetra, but behind the payload their turrets had no LoS). A few people on the payload not scared of dying would have given us the win. Okay, maybe I should've switch to Reinhardt instead of D.VA to push the payload, which leads us to #3.

#3 is to switch heroes. If the defense team is turtling with turrets for example, you need some ranged damage dealers to take out those turrets (Phara, Junkrat & Widowmaker at least can be good at this), but you then also have to follow up with a push past the chokepoint. Afterwards you can switch back to another hero if you want, but at least we're not stuck on the first chokepoint anymore.

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
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Reply #29 on: June 20, 2016, 01:07:00 am
Here's a couple of short videos with some useful tips:


Quite a lot of stuff I didn't know, such as Junkrat's ultimate ability can climb walls!

I had to take a bit of a break from Overwatch this past week as it was giving me eye strain. Partly because it's so frenetic, partly because I need new glasses. Hoping to play some sessions this week though.