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Reply #15 on: May 13, 2014, 04:51:26 pm
You can roll both factions on the same server, but only for PVE servers. PvP servers are faction locked, but thanks to WoW I'm allergic to those anyway :D


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Reply #16 on: May 14, 2014, 07:23:13 pm
You can't beat a good bit of impromptu PvP whilst leveling, I actually regretted my decision to go PvE in the end.  Some of my most memorable WoW adventures involved killing another player, rather than a mob! :)

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Reply #17 on: May 14, 2014, 07:32:17 pm
That's true Sax, some of the most memorable 1v1 fights I had were on skullcrusher and totally unexpected whilst levelling. They still stay in my head to this day, one in particular where i jumped off a cliff because I was low health with mobs on me and the rogue followed me (like a lemming) and I then used the priest featherfall ability. i was laughing pretty hard all the way down :) that said, i also remember the other 99/100 times when I got ganked from nowhere usually at half health and a mob on me :p

Not sure I'll join Wildstar, seems to have grown on you Cern but my impressions are more like your first post. Its not exactly relaxing and just shoves shit in my face all the time :) If you're all still raving about it a few months then I might get off the fence but i suspect it's just WoW behind all the ADHD stuff :) not sure I get on with the whole cartoon thing either - I do like the humour though, liked it since you first posted about it a while back eko.


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Reply #18 on: May 14, 2014, 09:05:20 pm
Not sure I'll join Wildstar, seems to have grown on you Cern but my impressions are more like your first post. Its not exactly relaxing and just shoves shit in my face all the time :)

Yep, totally agree with this, particularly for about the first dozen levels or so. What I found is that this calms down once you get to around level 13-14 and onwards and away from the first couple of starter zones. This holds true for both factions.

It's as if they tried to cram WAY too much into the early part of the game, perhaps for reviewers, perhaps to try and capture the modern gamer with the attention span of a gnat.

So within the first 12 levels you get bombarded with learning your class and skills, learning your path, the main storyline, offworld missions, challenges, crafting, gathering, customizing gear / your character, PvP and more. Then when you think you got a handle on all that, at level 14 they throw player housing at you, which is a curve ball all of its own. And all this before you get anywhere near a dungeon.

Now it may be that this is to cover up for a lack of content at higher levels. Perhaps, but I haven't seen veteran beta testers complaining of that. In fact I hear that the endgame is highly developed and where the real core of the game is. If so, then it's just a case of badly pacing the lower level content and throwing too much at the player too soon.

Whatever the reason, the early assault on the senses is likely to burn out a lot of players before they even begin. It nearly pushed me away. The reason it's grown on me is I was able to progress into zones which were a bit more relaxing to play than the early stuff. But it might just be a lull before the storm, as I hear PVE difficulty really picks up at level 20. Will have to see what happens at launch .... watch this space for a meltdown :D


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Reply #19 on: May 14, 2014, 10:01:06 pm
If you were l33t skillzor player like me Las, you wouldn't get ganked  ;)

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Reply #20 on: May 15, 2014, 10:10:38 am
have you guys figured out any useful addons yet?
Cern, you mentioned the FoV one. Need check what difference it make, surprises me, 1st time i see such type of addon.
I saw a couple modifying the quest interface, need try them out - thye are consolidating it into a more friendly panel, bit like WoW, well, saw 2 addons, need see which one is better.



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Reply #21 on: May 15, 2014, 01:22:38 pm
I'm going to resist trying out too many addons until I build my new PC. Wildstar is playable on my current PC now, but it wouldn't take much to push it over the edge and addons tend to have an overhead. The FOV addon was essential though, it totally transforms the game for me. The default FOV of 50 was really messing with my eyes. I have it set to 80 now and it's so much better.

Here's the link:


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Reply #22 on: May 15, 2014, 03:06:57 pm
Not sure I'll join Wildstar, seems to have grown on you Cern but my impressions are more like your first post. Its not exactly relaxing and just shoves shit in my face all the time :) If you're all still raving about it a few months then I might get off the fence but i suspect it's just WoW behind all the ADHD stuff :) not sure I get on with the whole cartoon thing either - I do like the humour though, liked it since you first posted about it a while back eko.

Pfft, you're just getting old ;D.

There's nothing wrong with having a tutorial or 2 pop up, having the level up animation and having a challenge or 2 activate while being in combat :P.

It's kinda strange as I haven't felt that at all, though yes there can be quite a lot going on. Some people even find the tutorial on the ship boring, though I find it introduces the game mechanics well. And yeah it's mostly up to level 15-ish, after that it is calmer. As far as I know there will be more shiphands, adventures & dungeons than are available right now in beta, but that's mostly 15+ anyway.

And I'm not ever gonna play on a PvP realm again, it sucked in DAoC and also in WoW. You hardly ever get in a fair fight anyway, mostly they either outnumber you or wait for you to engage a mob. PvP in battlegrounds/arena is good enough for me, plus Warplot PvP sounds like a great idea. (And else there's still PS2 for a PvP fix). My biggest gripe is that raids/warplots will be 40-man and thus could be hard to organize and means you need a huge guild. Though there should also be enough solo/small group content available (shiphands, adventures & dungeons).

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Reply #23 on: May 15, 2014, 03:38:40 pm
those good memories from pvp server experience are pure nostalgy, bit like recalling Rambo, not that id like to watch and would enjoy it again :D


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Reply #24 on: May 15, 2014, 08:46:22 pm
Bah, you've all gone soft!

Come on we can do it!!  ;D

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Reply #25 on: May 29, 2014, 02:12:27 pm
Shi, myself and a few others will be rolling on the Ascendancy EU PVE server at Wildstar headstart. We'll be on Dominion side, but you can play both sides on a PVE server, so no doubt we'll also try Exiles too at some point.

The Eko server has a cool name and all :) But it was rather quiet during beta compared to Ascendancy and it looks like Ascendancy will have the higher population at launch, with more guilds announced for it, one or two of whom I've teamed with in other games.

As it happens, it looks like the PvP server will be the most popular of all, but Carebears ftw :)


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Reply #26 on: June 05, 2014, 02:49:39 pm
Have you guys been playing yet? I've been looking for you, but unless you changed names I haven't seen you on yet. Started Katsui, a Cassian spellslinger, on Ascendancy, but also reserved some names on Eko just to be sure.

The PvP servers are indeed more popular, glad I didn't play on one since the queues this weekend were bad enough on PvE. Though the third PvE realm has alleviated the load and I haven't had to queue at all this week.

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
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Reply #27 on: June 05, 2014, 04:30:03 pm
Yep, we're on Ascendancy. My Chua Engineer is Cern and Shi has a Medic called Shiin. I've just sent a friend request to Katsui so hopefully you'll see that later.

We haven't formed a guild yet, but we did make a Circle (sort of a 'guild lite' feature) you can join. Still working out what to do about guilds.

Queues were bad for a few days but seem to have eased off now they opened a few new servers and offered free transfers. Population on Ascendancy seems good and community pretty friendly, so planning on staying rather than using the free transfer to move elsewhere. PvP server sounds like the usual gankfest :)

BTW, if anyone wants a guest pass (free 7 day trial with a few limitations I think) then I have three, so just give me a shout.


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Reply #28 on: June 08, 2014, 10:12:34 pm
feel free to chuck a pass this way Cern, wouldn't mind having a look

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Reply #29 on: June 09, 2014, 01:21:24 pm
Check your messages (on forums here) Brigh, I've sent you a guest pass.