Eador Masters of the Broken World

Saxif · 16146


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on: January 13, 2014, 01:53:53 am
A game worth checking out if you like 4x games, though it is actually hex based.  You conquer shards, in an astral screen and then conquer and explore lands in a hex based screen and then fight battles in another hex screen with a huge variety of units.  Can be brutal at times but very fun, indie title.

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Reply #1 on: January 15, 2014, 09:52:40 am
Yea, I saw that in the Steam sale and picked it up, not played it yet though. Actually bought quite a few games in the sale so got a good few stacked up to play now :-)

Currently revisiting Skyrim as the DLC was cheap :-)


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Reply #2 on: January 16, 2014, 03:31:03 pm
Looks interesting Sax, might pick it up if it's in a future sale. But I went a bit mad in the Steam sale and bought more than enough to keep me occupied for the time being! Currently I'm having a blast in Borderlands 2. I usually suck at FPS, mostly because I tend to get motion sick. But the art style of Borderlands 2 seems to suit me and it has custom FOV, so I've been blasting away merrily.

Also enjoying Torchlight 2 and ... unexpectedly .... Portal 2. I say unexpectedly because I thought the crazy camera angles would cause me a problem. But it's been fine so far and the puzzles are very nicely paced (I think I'm about half way into the story).

That's the good thing about the Steam sale, I've been able to take a punt on titles I wouldn't risk at full price.


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Reply #3 on: January 16, 2014, 09:42:50 pm
Portal 2 was fun, Stephen Merchant was v funny on it as well :-)

Was a good steam sale this year, lots of bargains!


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Reply #4 on: January 16, 2014, 11:23:05 pm
Yasrp I picked up Eador, Dragons Lair, Anno 2070, Shadowrun Retruns, Space Hulk, and The Walking Dead.

Played Space Hulk and Eador so far and a little Shadowrun.

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Reply #5 on: January 20, 2014, 10:09:55 pm
I loved playing The Walking Dead and picked up Season 2 (only 1 episode available which I haven't played yet). While your decisions won't really influence the situations you get in (afaik) they do make for a personal story. I've been tempted to play it again to see how making different choices would change the story, but I feel it's best played with sticking with the choices (and consequences) you made initially.

Also been tempted by Shadowrun Returns & Space Hulk, but guess I'll wait for another sale to buy them. Got some other games instead: just finished Bioshock Infinite which was great (the end is a bit of a mindfuck) and about halfway through Hitman Absolution which is really fun, but is starting to get harder now. Found Far Cry 3 to be a little disappointing so far, but I'm not that far in yet, so maybe it gets better), but I was pleasantly surprised by what little I've played of Tomb Raider so far.

Stupid sales keep me buying stuff while I still have loads of games to finish :P.

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Reply #6 on: January 23, 2014, 11:46:10 pm
What is Blackguard like eKo?

Xan said it looked a bit like xcom but done fantasy style?

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Reply #7 on: January 24, 2014, 06:31:28 pm
Yeah i liked Walking Dead s1 too, also like the tv show (though going a bit off the boil atm). I think you are right in that it's pretty linear, but the game remembers your choices and does link them back in which is pretty nice. not got s2 yet, might wait for a sale again !

Space Hulk was pretty fun I thought, worth a fiver or whatever I paid. Though got a bit samey after a while.

Bioshock Infinite I also completed (+got the DLC, all for ?10 which was a total bargain), very good FPS and pretty as anything. But story wise it really was a bit stupid :)

Picked up Max Payne 3 also and have Hitman Absolution still to properly try to get into as well !


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Reply #8 on: February 01, 2014, 06:29:40 pm
Nudging eKo, what is Blackguard like? :)

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Reply #9 on: February 02, 2014, 05:26:25 pm
Try the demo :P. I only played the demo and combat is hex & turn based so it's kinda x-com fantasy style yeah. Difficulty is rather hard, so if you like a challenge play it on hard!

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Reply #10 on: February 04, 2014, 09:25:08 pm
Played a bit last night, gonna try again tonight, seems ok but not willing to go further yet.  I think it might bloom but we'll see ...

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Reply #11 on: February 11, 2014, 09:02:07 pm
I liked it tbh, not quite worth ?30, certainly worth ?15 though, might spring for ?20 at a push.  Really good character development regards lvl progression, fun battles though it is more a chessboard map than a more open terrain XCOM style map.  If they'd mixed the lvl progression with the Eador game and replaced what now seems slightly clunky combat in Eador with this then you would have a ?30 game!

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Reply #12 on: February 12, 2014, 01:20:11 pm
Might be worth picking up in a sale then ? Are they still working on it/making it better etc? (sounds like it from the brief amount I read)


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Reply #13 on: February 14, 2014, 09:12:39 pm
I would pick it up in the sale, er will ... If I were you though I'd play the demo, there is 4 - 6 hours free game play in it, so no loss, no point going for the purchase if you haven't played the demo tbh.  I haven't been following it tbh, demo finished and I still have other games to play/start ... but will keep my eye open for the next sale.

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Reply #14 on: February 16, 2014, 09:29:18 pm
Yer, too many games not enough time :-)

p.s. have you all gone back to wow again yet ? ;)