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Reply #45 on: June 13, 2013, 09:47:17 pm
Bah, checked patch notes, doesn't seem that GF got that much loving to me, need to double check the names of some of my abilities of course but meh.  I hope you all got nerfed hard!  ;D

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Reply #46 on: June 22, 2013, 11:10:14 am
Well, experience has shown that the patch made a significant difference to GF at the 20-29 lvl BG at the very least.  I have been doing significantly better than before, it's much easier; anyone seen any GF whining, or are they too few and far between still?

Also Cern mentioned Bots, has there been any proof of Bots in PvE/ PvP yet?

People still playing btw?  I don't get online enough to see how often people play!

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Reply #47 on: June 23, 2013, 02:39:18 pm
Yeah I think GF's have had a bit of a buff (or perhaps the nerfs to others balance it up a bit), but they also improve as you level I read.

Not had much time to play am afraid, missed the end of beat event thingie, was it any good?


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Reply #48 on: June 23, 2013, 07:12:22 pm
No idea, only played a little myself, got a new game for free and am road testing that atm, will make another thread for it.  Also off to Glastonbury this week; boo ya!!  Anyone else going?  I know we have a few music buffs amongst us? :)  So I won't be playing much for a week or two!

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Reply #49 on: June 23, 2013, 09:03:14 pm
End of Beta event was an undead invasion of the city. Portals opened around the city every 30 mins for a few days, then every 10 minutes on the final day. Idea was to farm the mobs that spawned for bags which gave a chance of a rare Skeletal Dog companion, plus a few other goodies. Fine in principle but it suffered the usual MMO curse of lag when you honeypot too many players to the same location at the same time.

As for bots, plenty of evidence they're commonplace in game, as you'd expect from a cash shop MMO. You won't see them in regular questing areas or in pre-endgame PvP (nothing worth grinding). But you will find them anywhere there's endgame purples to be farmed for the AH, which currently includes endgame PvP.

Glastonbury - nice one, enjoy! I used to go every year but not been for a long time now. Would love to go again one year.


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Reply #50 on: June 24, 2013, 01:42:19 pm
Ahh right, sounds like most end of beta events to be honest Cern ... they sound epic but the only epic experience is the slideshow that you get :) Must admit I enjoyed the WOW one which was a similar invasion etc. It was pretty fun seeing all the chaos :D

enjoy Glasto Sax ! :) I see Portishead are on at the same time as the Arctic Monkeys, that'd be a tough choice for me !


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Reply #51 on: July 01, 2013, 02:16:07 pm
Well, survive Glasto :)

We wanted to see Portishead but chose to go and see Sinead O'Connor instead, the idea being that Portishead are easier to see than Sinead.  We did catch the last 2 songs of the Portishead set though on the Other Stage and they were awesome, defo a band I'd like to see fully.

Also saw the Smashing Pumpkins, though I didn't think that much to them and I think it is him now rather than them, Billy Corgan?  He shouted out at the end of his set 'God bless America!'  Meh and he had a 'I am great attitude' put me right off.

I caught an upcoming band called Suun on The John Peel Stage, they were quite good and if you like Portishead, would be worth checking them out on Youtube.

Caught a number of other acts, bands and DJ's as well all round the site, my calfs are ruined from walking soo much! :)

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Reply #52 on: July 02, 2013, 12:45:13 pm
Nice one Sax, sounds like you had a great time.

Glasto is so vast that deciding which acts to see and then actually managing to get between the stages in time can be a real problem - not just the distances and crowds involved, but also all the distractions! Gets exhausting. The last few times I went we took a different approach - each day we camped out a particular stage for the whole afternoon or the whole evening and just accepted whatever acts were put in front of us. Some real surprises and eye-openers, especially on the alternative stages. Some shockers too. Great fun :)

I watched the Stones on the TV coverage, thought they were wonderfully shambolic (in a good way). Would love to have been there, but don't think I would have wanted to contend with a 100k crowd crammed around the Pyramid Stage.


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Reply #53 on: July 02, 2013, 07:44:24 pm
Yeah sounds pretty awesome :) I'll check out Suun also Sax, thx.

The worst thing about festivals has to be toilets though, by the third day they get so manky :) Prefer just going to gigs these days as a few hours is about right but a whole weekend can start to get tiring, but still I should make more effort !


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Reply #54 on: July 02, 2013, 09:30:19 pm
Yeah the bogs varied in quality, most were pretty bad, though there were fewer chemical toilets and more long drops.  When you needed a shit you either had to time it right and go to toilets that were decent, like the composter toilets or do a squat stress position and try and squeeze it out!  I didn't have any toilet disasters thankfully, though being so tall, many of the toilets only came up to my shoulders!  I obviously didn't check out what other people were doing :)

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