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Saxif · 8077


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on: February 13, 2013, 09:29:51 pm
It is indie and crowd sourcing but it could be good, though I think its time came and went about 4 or 5 years ago but we'll see.  I think I will donate some cash to the effort though ...


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Reply #1 on: February 15, 2013, 11:09:05 pm
It seems well intentioned but frankly have heard it all before, I truly want to support indie developers with cool ideas about where to take MMO's but have grown increasingly cynical that any marketing guff just disguises the total grind that will be in form or another :)

Makes me remember when we all got excited about TOA......silly people we were eh ? :)


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Reply #2 on: February 16, 2013, 05:46:03 pm
I was already burning out by TOA and never played it, only touched on it when I went back a couple yearsa go tbh.

I think you're right though, I don't expect a grind but I don't expect very much tbh, he seems like a man who also wants to re-conjure the glory days ...

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Reply #3 on: February 17, 2013, 03:32:50 pm
I think the time is ripe for some indie titles to do well, everyone is getting really fed up with the monetization of gaming and MMOs in particular.

BUT (and it's a huge but) .... indies have to realise they are in this to produce a GAME and not to make mega profits. Yes they need to return a profit so they can employ people and make it worth their while, but they must not see it as an opportunity to try and squeeze every last dollar out of the playerbase.

Indie studios have to keep things manageable and not bite off more than can chew. Make a game which is sensible in size and scope, but has good gameplay and the players will come. There's enough players out their disillusioned with big A-list titles that would give a well designed and well run indie title a try.

But I think Sax is right, the time for this particular project was probably a few years ago. But good luck to them, if it becomes reality and sticks to its principles and doesn't get derailed I'd take a look.


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Reply #4 on: April 18, 2013, 09:48:12 pm
Seems they have $1.2 million of a $2.0 million total with 13 days to go.  I haven't pledged at this moment but may do ... the Prydwen forums have a little buzz going on about this ... I'd wanna play but would be scared it wouldn't live up to the memories.  I know I can't do 27 days played grinding to 50th again like I did way back when!!

The memories are so bitter sweet!  It hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Reply #5 on: April 19, 2013, 01:29:51 pm
I know I can't do 27 days played grinding to 50th again like I did way back when!!

Pffft, powerleveller! ;)


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Reply #6 on: April 19, 2013, 03:27:09 pm
hehe, I was there in CF I think when Sax dinged 50 :) Didn't you then run off to emain shouting 'see ya suckers !!' ;)

I didn't actually realise this was Marc Jacobs, wondered what happened to him after he left EA. Not really sure its wise to keep going back to DAOC trying to recreate it but can imagine he will have a much more powerful following this way, so guess he needs to. Even if it really is DAOC2 incarnate, I'm not sure I feel the same about gaming these days (it's still fun but I don't invest the same time). Good luck to him though, hope it works out and may try it I suppose if it does ! :)


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Reply #7 on: April 24, 2013, 02:28:12 pm
Funny isn't it, so many MMOs, so many alts, so many characters dinged to maximum level. But the only one I can remember exactly where I was in the game and the group I was with, was my first 50 in DAOC, my Hero. And yep, first thing I did was run off to Emain :)


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Reply #8 on: April 24, 2013, 05:20:40 pm
aye :) There was nothing like the alliance spam you got as well when you dinged 50, sincerely meant at the time as everyone knew how much effort it had taken. I guess much later down the line it got a bit more hollow as people pbaoe'd their way in CF in a matter of days, but really meant something at the time.

And yep I think running off to emain to get wtfpwnd! was mandatory :) Having said that, there were so few level 50's even when I dinged that I had allot of easy kills back in those days :)


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Reply #9 on: May 11, 2013, 11:05:16 pm
I still remember that night Las, I also recall begging people to stay for those last pulls, then running off to Emain at about midnight on a school night, musta suffered at work the next day.  Though so long ago now! :)

Been moving house again, hence my inactivity, now own my own house, well obviously with my partner :)

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Reply #10 on: May 12, 2013, 08:58:18 am
I guess it's because for most of us DAoC was our first MMO and I know I certainly didn't know what to expect. I've got some really good memories of DAoC while there's not really anything that stands out in WoW even though I played WoW for way longer.

I think that in part it's because DAoC was tougher (no hand-holding at all) and since we were underpopulated we had to work together for PvP, so we had this great community which I've never seen in any other game since then. Nowadays it seems games are aimed at casual players and group play is tacked on. There's nothing wrong with it, except that you will never have a good community. The story based missions in SWTOR were great, but it meant everyone soloed most of the time and no other game was so silent in guild chat tbh, so it felt more like a single player game with multiplayer tacked on.

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Reply #11 on: May 12, 2013, 10:49:02 am
The only way to go back to the 'old school' of gaming is to play something indie or ancient and niche.  I am sure those types of communities are still out there but few and far between.  Also that sense of community didn't even survive in DAoC that long, things started to change within the year it was released once people started chasing RPs, then you either had the skills or got sidelined, uber guilds, twink builds (grp and individual), the competitiveness ramped up.  Still a wonderful game though :)

I think I might be the same as Cern as well, I don't remember where I was when I got 50th as a Warlock, or Druid, nor where I was as a Cleric in DnD Online, Asherons call had exponential xp, so no one maxed out until the game had been out years and I don't think i maxed out in any other games since ... Though I will say this, the first 20 levels of WoW were epic, Silverwood Forest is one of my favourite zones and I do remember my first bat ride in WoW and going wow!

Cursed Forest, I miss you!!!

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Reply #12 on: May 13, 2013, 03:22:26 pm
Hey guys :)
Hehe, for me DAOC was also the 1st MMO and it was sth amasing as whole.
But , even though I miss specially the community feel on Prydwen, the relic raids or defense etc, sth no other game brought later on , I got also a whole pack of bad memories.
?Racism? , there ?clasism?  was most horrible thing ingame ever haha.
You would never get a group , if you were not a tank, healer or some fotm pve class :) Or if you didn?t belong to a well settled guild.
Honestly , that was my feel with the ranger and nightshade which  I dropped at some point and carried with mentalist.
Hehe :)
I genuinely hated this game while loving it. :)
I would die if not Balb (Kalk) who with his chanter mastered the , hmm, wth was the name, shield on pet thing farming? I think he was the 1st on Prydwen using it, there was one more guy who did it, and it was only weeks or months after that it became a standard for exping :)
So basically we lvled together, my pot and hot and dots helping his pet :)
I would love to play the same world, same zones, but with different fight engine etc (ferking interrupts!)
Reaching lvl 50 gave similar feel that graduating or passing the driver license examma, so I say, wtf?? Heheheh :)
Silly game :)
to summarise, get over it, those times wont come back :)