'Sup ?

Lasiien · 8333


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on: November 29, 2012, 10:46:18 pm
Sure is quiet in here.... no posts for a month :)

What ya'll up to ? Gaming wise I've been playing X-COM and Faster Than Light (awesome indie game), checked out a few other games (Sniper Elite, PS2, Alan Wake) but not really grabbed by any I'm sad to say. Tempted to get the new hitman game but nervous that they've really changed it - I always liked the walking around in disguises but sounds like you can't do stuff like that for long anymore (anyone got it to review for me!? May just wait for it to be int he January sales!).

How's GW2 going, peeps still playing ? And more importantly what is santa bringing you for Christmas ?!! (he already gave me a nexus 7, I must have been really good this year!)


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Reply #1 on: November 30, 2012, 04:45:02 pm
Well I was having a blast in GW2 but then my graphics card melted and died, seems it wasn't spinning up the fans properly in certain games, GW2 included. Probably had been happening for some time, slowly baking my card into crispy silicon oblivion. So I had a gaming break for a few weeks while I researched a replacement. Ended up with a shiny new GTX 660, which is rather like putting a Ferrari engine in a Ford Fiesta given my ageing PC, but I figured it'd have some degree of future proofing. And very lovely it is too!

While I was gone GW2 decided to implement a gear grind, which is something they are on record many times saying they would never do. However, seems that behind the scenes there's been some shareholder changes and one of the major shareholders that came in around the time the game launched now wants to "monetize" (such a suitably horrible word) the game. Well we all know where that leads, especially since the game relies on a cash shop model, so I've kind of lost interest and have barely logged in since.

SWTOR re-launched as F2P recently, so I stuck my nose back in the door and ended up getting drawn in again, heh. My account was in such a mess - characters needing renaming after server mergers, inventory hell etc. Figured I couldn't sort it out under F2P restrictions, so I subbed. Really enjoying it again but I'm keeping away from the raiding endgame and just enjoying all the story stuff, which was always the game's strong point anyway. Will play while it remains fun or until something else comes along.

I see Planetside 2 launched recently. Has anyone tried it?

As for Santa, I'm hoping he drops X-COM down my chimney. I don't think I've been good enough this year for anything else.


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Reply #2 on: December 01, 2012, 02:18:43 pm
ahh sorry to hear about your gfx card, and also shame about GW2. There seems to be allot of this 'pay to win' type models going around at the moment where games are 'free', not a trend I like much really. On the plus side I suppose it does mean you can try before you buy i guess.

I haven't checked out SWTOR but do still intend to go back at some point, really liked the stories i did so would like to play through on the empire side. Have tried PS2 but I found it a bit laggy and in big(ish) battles I had real problems. Didn't play it much though.


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Reply #3 on: December 01, 2012, 04:28:02 pm
Yeah Pay2Win is a bad way forward, it might be a good earner in the short term but long term it'll push players away. It's good to have an alternative to the monthly sub model, especially as it allows players to try different games out. But there's a balancing act between offering xp boosts, cosmetics and content unlocks in the cash shop and blatant pay to win. At launch GW2 seemed to have got the balance right, but it has begun to veer towards P2W and also added some seriously suspect lottery based cash grabs linked to timed events. It's a slippery slope. Perhaps this was always the plan, lure people in then move the goalposts and milk 'em. But I think the devs did have good intentions, but as usual the greedy vultures in suits smelled some fast dollars.

I've not been hearing good things about the lag in PS2. Would like to take a look but will wait for it to settle down.

Finally got my Sniper to 50 in SWTOR. This was my first character created, but abandoned due to frustrations with the cover mechanic. They ironed out most of the bugs now although the whole cover thing is still rather messy and probably always will be. Good to complete the story though, the Imperial Agent storyline was fantastic, head and shoulders above most of the others.


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Reply #4 on: December 01, 2012, 09:09:24 pm
Not alot tbh gaming wise.  I re-subbed DAoC but I seem to have deleted how hard it is to get back into an already established game from scratch and how significantly different the old breed of mmorpgs are compared to the newer instant action breed; and that is with all the changes they made to DAoC so you don't need to spend 30 minutes travelling from one side of the world to another!

I am planning on trying FTL also, Xan says he finally completed it after lots and lots of attempts.  I have also been playing Magicka again, Xan and I maanged to complete the first Arena but haven't done any others, I wanna buy the new Demons and Dungeons expac but won't till I complete the basic campaign.

I might try and finish off DAO tbh, put it down after being owned by Dwarves in the Dwarvern city, simply couldn't do the arena with my grp.  Played XCOM alot and enjoyed it but put it down for now and GW2, good game but not the future I envisioned, I don't level well, got bored at lvl 55.  Now given what Cern has said I too may stay away for now, I was trying to make inroads with Gahn, Jarakin and Co. but after my server move I stopped playing; mainly cos Amazon delivered my copy of XCOM tbh :)

Santa is flying me to Chile for 3 weeks on the 16th Dec, 24 hours travel time but should be wicked once there! :)

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Reply #5 on: December 02, 2012, 02:45:21 pm
Chile ? wow, nice! Hope you have an awesome time :)

Yeah I'd really recommend FTL, just one of those indie games that is quite unforgiving but additively so, also it's much much deeper than it initially seems.


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Reply #6 on: December 02, 2012, 03:01:10 pm
Should be god my missus grew up in Santiago and her Mum and Step Dad live there so we have access to cars and local knowledge, gonna be wicked :)

Couldn't find my DAO disk so played Demigod last night, fun game, one  I have picked up and put down and picked up several times.

Cern, you get Assassins Creed loaded yet or what? :)

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Reply #7 on: December 02, 2012, 08:35:38 pm
Great Sax, I went to South America (Ecuador) once I really loved it there. Would like to explore more of South America one day (though I'd have to learn Spanish ;).

I quit playing GW2 since no one was playing it anymore. Instead I've finished X-COM (only on normal difficulty mind you) and started catching up on some series like Firefly (awesome series, can't believe I waited so long to watch it), Breaking Bad (really great too) and Boardwalk Empire (Season 3 isn't as good the previous 2, it's somewhat more standard gangster fare).

Gaming wise I've started playing older game I never finished: Valkyria Chronicles (easily one of the best PS3 games), Uncharted 3 (grr@shooting with a controller), Red Faction Guerrilla & Lost Planet Extreme Edition (got those in a Steam Sale sometime ago and while they're not great they're at least entertaining enough to want to finish them). Still have Assassin's Creed Revelations to play through as well :P. Would've liked Borderlands 2, Torchlight 2 & Assassin's Creed 3, but got so many games I never finished I want to play those first (and I'd be able to pick up Borderlands 2 & AC3 for cheap later on) ;D.

Not tried PS2 since it launched, how is apart from being laggy?

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Reply #8 on: December 02, 2012, 09:16:49 pm
hehe told you to watch firefily :p And yeah, Breaking Bad is awesome too - easily the best thing on telly imo (though Game of Thrones is also very cool).

I guess well have to wait for Brigh for a PS2 review, though I may try and fire it up again this month sometime.


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Reply #9 on: December 03, 2012, 01:45:17 pm
Hello All

I've been busy with doing my Open University work so not had much time for gaming. I did pick up the Command and Conquer ultimate edition cheap on Black Friday so I now have every Command and Conquer game released so I'm slowing working my way through them all!

I've also reinstalled Freelancer so playing that on the side as well.

Good to hear everyone is well :)

Brigh :D

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Reply #10 on: December 03, 2012, 06:53:22 pm
Freelancer...isn't that a bit old now ? :) Was a fine game though, is it still playable ?

Hope your OU stuff is going well :D


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Reply #11 on: December 04, 2012, 05:01:10 pm
Assassins Creed 3 was a 15GB download, so took me a while. All installed now and it looks great. Managed to complete the first few 'levels' but the difficulty hasn't really started to ramp up yet, it's mostly introductory stuff. Will see how I get on as it goes along.  There was a promotion bundling Assassins Creed 2 with the digital version of AC3, so also have a download code for that. Not bad, got AC3 as a freebie with the new gfx card, and AC2 as a freebie with the freebie :)


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Reply #12 on: December 04, 2012, 05:53:49 pm
Don't you have to run around on tall buildings and stuff in Assassins Creed? I remember you with those platforms and heights Cern !  ;D

Nice freebies!


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Reply #13 on: December 04, 2012, 07:14:17 pm
The early jumps are pretty idiot proof but I suspect I'll be seeing a lot more of the ground rushing up at me as the game progresses :D