Guild Wars 2 Review

Cernos · 24513


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on: July 23, 2012, 04:40:55 pm
I just played the third and final Guild Wars 2 beta weekend (also played BWE1 and 2) so thought I'd post a full review in case anyone was thinking of leaping in with this one.

Client and UI
Overall the game is a total blast. Really fun gameplay, very innovative and visually stunning (at least to my eyes) yet runs smoothly on older machines like mine. Feels like a real breath of fresh air. The UI is very polished, very nice to use. I never found myself wondering where to find certain features in the GW2 interface, its all very logical. GW2 can genuinely claim to be a next generation MMO, it does raise the bar and it does do things radically differently to WoW. The style of gameplay won't be to everyones taste, especially for those who enjoy raiding and 'holy trinity' gameplay, and the theme is generic fantasy (albeit with some lovely twists and touches) so it doesn't have the attraction of a strong lore like some games do (eg SWTOR).

Races & Character Customisation
The races are very diverse and have their own very distinct personalities and start zones. There's Humans, Norn (norse themed large humans), Charr (large wolflike humanoids), Sylvari (nature / tree folk) and my favourite the diminutive Asura. Races arent just human models with different heads (like in SWTOR), every race has its own unique animations and personality. Character customisation is excellent, one of the best I've seen in any MMO. You have all the usual options, but also a height slider and most importantly a huge amount of choice in skin, hair and marking colour and sliders for just about everything. You can spend a lot of time fine tuning your character and creating quite unique looks, if thats your thing. Running around the game I was amazed at how much variety in appearance there was. Also, there's a full gear dye system. You get some basic starter dyes to choose from and then can unlock more exotic dyes as you progress in the game. Wonderful.

Classes and Combat
There's the usual range of melee, ranged and magic classes. But with a twist. There's no holy trinity, no dedicated tanks and healers, all classes have tools to assist with survivability and healing, some better than others in different situations of course, but everyone has something. Same with ranged / melee, all classes have access to both ranged and melee abilities depending on weapon choice. Weapon choice is what governs what abilities you can use. Each class has access to a number of choices. And where there is crossover, weapons do different things in the hands of different classes. So a sword in a Warriors hand gives a different set of abilities than it does  in a Thief's hand and so on. At around level 7 you can equip a second weapon combination and hot swap easily during combat, so you can quickly switch from melee to ranged, or from dps to support and so on. Also, if you fight underwater you do this with special underwater weapon variants (harpoons, spears etc).

As the game progresses you earn skill and trait points to unlock extra abilities. However, you can only ever slot up to 9 abilities at once. Keys 1-5 are always your weapon specific abilities. Keys 6-9 are your general abilities you buy (self heals, special attacks etc). And F1 to F4 are special attacks you get access to as your power builds (adrenaline etc). There's no endless quickbars like in WoW, so those who love to have dozens of abilities at their fingertips all the time (as per WoW) won't like it. Personally I like it as too many abilities usually phases me. Combat itself is pretty manic, fast paced and twitchy, which might not be to everyones tastes. I've played a number of different classes in beta and all of them feel like you can (and will) die at any moment. Some classes are more resilient than others, but everyone feels on a knife edge. Maybe this changes later in the game. I actually rather like it though, feels exciting and combat never feels grindy because you can't just stand still and spam one ability.

Fun fun fun. There's a real and genuine departure from standard MMO questing. There's storyline quests and there's fixed quest givers dotted around the map who give out objectives. These behave as more standard MMO quests with some creative twists. But this isn't where the beauty of the game lies. Public events are where it all kicks off. These spring up around the map as you're adventuring. You get alerted to them in different ways, in some cases a NPC will run up to you, in  others stuff kicks off nearby and its obvious what is going on. These events are hugely varied and many are multi stage and unfold with storylines and NPCs who you can follow. Follow up events will change depending on if you are successful or not and this impacts the game world for a period of time. Everyone is involved, this isn't instanced. It's a public thing and the difficulty automatically adapts to the number of players involved. In the starter zones these events can be a bit chaotic, but as the players spread out these events become more creative are really very well scripted and make the game world feel alive and dynamic. Events don't just instantly respawn like they do in other MMOs and some events chain off each other. Of course if you stand around in the same place for long enough the same event will eventually kick off again, but in normal gameplay it feels like the thing you just helped with has some permanence.

World Vs World (RvR)
Well finally here we have a possible successor to DAOC. 3 factions, huge persistant RvR zones with keeps, seige weapons, keep warfare, roaming warfare, zergs, small man, solo. You get the idea. But the factions aren't racial or sides, they are your whole server. Your server plays against two others for a week. Then everything changes around and you get matched against other servers who performed similar to yours, so its a server ladder. There's genuine realm pride because of this, and since server transfers are a paid service on a cooldown there will be very little FOTW server hopping (eg relic chasing in DAOC). I did about 6 hours of WvW over the beta weekend and was totally hooked by it. It has all the right ingredients, it feels epic, there's keep assaults and defences and the keeps themselves are multi-walled affairs with lots of options for where and how to break in. You can ram down doors, knock holes in the walls, balistas, oil, all that stuff. Plus supply lines are important, you can't just sit in a keep and defend forever, because if the enemy strangle your supply then you can't keep building cannons, trebs etc. Naturally keep warfare gets zergy, but you can move off to other objectives (such as escorting supply caravans) and get smaller scale skirmish fights. There's a bolstering system which actually seems to work nicely and you can earn good xps from WvW by getting various bonuses for objectives. Also, players drop loot when they die, so you can also gear up via WvW.  Will it be as good as DAOC in its golden period? I doubt it. I don't see any game capturing that sense of realm pride again. Will it be better than Warhammer and other games which have attempted RvR since DAOC? I think yes.

Structuted PvP
This is hardcore ladder based PvP, I guess like WoW's arena. You play specific maps and tournaments and everyone has access to the same gear. I didn't try this during beta, its just too intimidating for me these days. In fact I'm unlikely to try this, RvR is more my thing, but it's good that it exists. This will be a magnet for the hardcore guilds and PvP'ers. Most casual players will probably choose WvW (RvR) unless there's a way to dabble in this without annoying the hardcore players. I suspect this is where most of the whining about class balance will come from, because it will be at its most apparent here.

There's all manner of stuff to explore, lots of free roaming. This is not a 'corridor' game like SWTOR. There's also vista achievements, where you get a nice cinematic at certain locations. Many of these are in fiendish places where you need to figure out just how to get there. Also, the more you explore the more likely you are to trigger special events, some really nice ones are off the beaten path.

No Monthly Fee
The best thing of all is the subscription method. You buy the box and you play as much as you like. There will be a cash shop, but for cosmetic stuff, not for anything which gives a gaming advantage. Future content packs will of course be paid expansions, that's how they'll make their money. But the base game is huge already, going to be a long time before any extra content is needed.

This is not going to be a raiding game. There are dungeons and I hear they are very good, very creatively handled, but they come later in the game and I didn't get to see any during beta. But there's no gear treadmill as such, it's just not that kind of a game. There are world bosses and world events too. Endgame is all going to be about WvW and structured PvP with some PVE events and dungeons sprinkled in. But it's not going to be an all-out raiding gear treadmill game, which suits me fine.

Potential Issues
The game as a whole is very polished. The main problem is that it is a little too generic fantasy. The content is very well written, very well designed and some great attention to detail. But the lore isn't going to be a strong point. Because realm loyalty is on a server-wide basis, the world itself is somewhat free of any sense of ongoing conflict beyond whatever PVE conflicts are going on you're expected to help out with. Everyone is your friend, no-one your rival. In some senses this is nice. But when you go into WvW (RvR) zones you see no names of your opponents, they are just marked "Invader" from a different server. Its somewhat faceless. And each week the server match ups change anyeay. So you won't build up the same rivalries between certain guilds and players like in DAOC's RvR. For that you will need to get involved in Structured PvP. But Structured PvP is like WoW's Arena, its a ladder based style of rivalry, it's not a realm wide rivalry.

The WvW zones are huge. This is a possible problem, because it can feel intimidating, confusing and hard to know where to go to find action (despite the conflict markers on the map). Also, you travel on foot and if you die and don't get revived you have to run back from a waypoint and most are a long way behind the lines. Sounds like vanilla DAOC? Yep, very much so. Is the modern instant gratification gamer likely to cope with this? Hmm, not sure.

GW2 is not going to be a "WoW killer" as it doesn't have a focus on raiding content. It's not going to be the "next DAOC" either, even if the WvW does really take off. It also won't tell a story as well as SWTOR or Secret World. So will it be too generic and be a jack of all trades and master of none? Possibly. But, at its heart it is a very enjoyable game to play and that may turn out to be more important than any lore or storyline.

Overall I'm feeling very positive about GW2. I don't think it's going to be the "perfect MMO" or anything like that. I don't even think that such a game can be made now, there's too much commercial pressure on developers to make a truly "for the gamers" game, they are always going to want to milk players finances somehow. But GW2 should at least be fun and the lack of a monthly fee means you can dip into it any time and not feel pressured to constantly play in order to get your moneys worth like in a subscription game.

Well, enough spam for now, I'll post some screenies later.  
« Last Edit: September 12, 2012, 02:06:49 pm by Cernos »


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Reply #1 on: July 23, 2012, 09:32:27 pm
Sounds pretty good, I might give it a whirl when it comes out, though I find it hard to get excited about games these days! :(

Still you portrayed (sp?) a good game, easier to get into than the years of content that DOAC has had! :)

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Reply #2 on: July 24, 2012, 08:09:35 am
Great review Cern - you should get a job working at a gaming mag :)

Might have a look at this when it arrives, I missed the 1st GW due to time constraints but hopefully it wouldn't be a problem this time.

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Reply #3 on: July 24, 2012, 10:44:52 pm
Nice review Cern, thanks for taking the time to post it. No monthly fee is certainly appealing. I remember playing the original for a while and saw its potential, looks like they've indeed learned from the first one and really worked on making it better.

With regard to endgame if not gear or extra goodies what's the rewards then ? Presumably hardcore players will get arena style ranks and bragging rights, but the rvr stuff is just about getting your server to the top of a ladder? (sounds a little lackluster?)


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Reply #4 on: July 24, 2012, 11:40:31 pm
GW2 Endgame is the subject of much debate but here's how I understand it. PvP is intended to be a major focus for many players, either via the Structured PvP or WvW / RvR. Rewards will be status (solo, guild and realm ladders) and cosmetic - cooler looking gear such as Legendary Weapons. But not more powerful gear. Think back to early DAOC, where the focus was RvR and everyone used either epic armour or crafted. Then there was Legion raids where the loot didn't make you any more powerful (everything was capped at 16.5dps) it just looked cooler ... ooh glowies! Of course along came TOA and changed all that, but that's another story .....

Then there's PVE. There's lots of things to do in PVE at level cap, but raiding won't be one of them which is obviously a big issue for the WoW crowd. But there will be endgame dungeons, plenty of, zone events, world bosses and so on. But they aren't set up as raiding gear treadmills. When you hit level cap of 80 it is assumed you are going to have already obtained the best gear where stats are concerned. But by doing the endgame PVE you will unlock lots of cosmetic upgrades for your gear, plus legendary weapons and so on. But these are not better in terms of performance than what you will already have, but they are going to look cooler. So the PVE carrot you're chasing is a cosmetic one. You can also continue to earn xps to spend on skill points to continue to develop your character. But because there's a limit on how many abilities you can equip at any one time, this is sideways progression. You don't get more powerful, you get more versatile.

As for the WvW, they have put a huge amount of effort into the WvW zones, lots of attention to detail and the zones are massive, with some quite complex mechanics going on. BUT, if not enough players get involved this is all going to fall a bit flat. However, during beta there were long queues to get into the WvW zones (the caps will be expanded for launch), they proved very popular and people seemed to be having a good time in them. But will this last. The xps you can earn in WvW will certainly be enough to pull players in during levelling. But at level cap? If GW2 doesn't have gear as its focus, it needs something else to chase, it's not enough to expect players to do the WvW just for server pride. DAOC rather quickly realised this and introduced realm ranks / points. We all like titles, we all like something to earn (realm points or whatever it is), we all need something to fight for (relics, bonuses, access to dungeonsetc). So GW2 will end up needing to put some more carrots in place to make people want to keep fighting in WvW. As long as they don't get lazy and make those carrots more powerful gear I think it's going to be fine.


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Reply #5 on: July 28, 2012, 08:36:00 pm
I like the sound of it, you're obviously gonna go with the short clever people, let us know which faction you choose I think I might give this a go; think I'll go with the Elven race.  I assume we just need to ensure we are on the same server and the 3 way factions are represented by 3 different servers coming together in one of the PvP world zones?

Think I'll prolly play a stealth styled toon when I start :)

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Reply #6 on: July 28, 2012, 08:40:45 pm
Great review, i apprecatie it. I was always going to try GW2, no subs and good pvp attract me.


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Reply #7 on: July 28, 2012, 09:21:32 pm
I like the sound of it, you're obviously gonna go with the short clever people, let us know which faction you choose I think I might give this a go; think I'll go with the Elven race.  I assume we just need to ensure we are on the same server and the 3 way factions are represented by 3 different servers coming together in one of the PvP world zones?

Think I'll prolly play a stealth styled toon when I start :)

There's no factions as such. It's server vs server. So, as long as we're all on the same server we'll be on the same side, humans, elves and midgets alike. In beta I played on the Gandara server and the community seemed really nice and PvP/RvR active. English was the sole language being spoken, although players were from many different countries. There's two EU servers which are attracting mostly UK and English speaking players, Desolation and Gandara. In beta Desolation was constantly full and seemed a bit of a magnet for the hardcore guilds. So it wasn't possible to create characters there. Gandara was a normal population server. Server population doesn't matter so much because the WvW zones have numerical caps on the number of players who can participate. In beta there were WvW queues even on Gandara, they must have been even longer queues on Desolation. The caps are being raised for launch, but there'll probably still be some queueing at least initially.

So, unless there's a compelling reason to try and squeeze onto Desolation I think its probably best to try and play on Gandara at launch. At least this way we should be able to get everyone who will be playing in the same place rather than worrying that any latecomers can't join because the server is full. I'll keep an eye on the server listings ahead of launch in case the names and language designations change.


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Reply #8 on: July 28, 2012, 10:20:41 pm
Here's some screenies from the last beta weekend playing Asura. There's some from PVE and some from WvW. Sadly I didn't get any screenies during the big PVE world events or the big WvW battles as I was too busy trying to FRAPS the action. I'm trying to put together a vid, which I'll post if it works out well.


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Reply #9 on: July 28, 2012, 10:31:56 pm
Cern, you're kinda fugly man!

Gandara it is then :)

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Reply #10 on: August 02, 2012, 10:53:47 pm
mmmmnnn tempting......must resist !


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Reply #11 on: August 03, 2012, 02:25:51 pm
Here's a short vid I put together with some of the GW2 beta WvW action. Sadly I didn't capture too much actual player on player fighting because too often I forgot to start FRAPS in the heat of battle, was too busy mashing keys. So, much of the vid is keep seige stuff. It's not the best edited vid ever, but hopefully gives a small taste: (25MB)


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Reply #12 on: August 03, 2012, 02:44:12 pm
Thanks Cern, dl'ing it now and will have a look later.


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Reply #13 on: August 03, 2012, 03:41:19 pm
Nice effort Cern, I like the boiling oil - that looks fun :) Though I am afraid to agree with Sax that maybe you should have spent more time in the character editor, even cardannach was better looking ! :D


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Reply #14 on: August 03, 2012, 03:58:29 pm
Pfft. If only you knew how much time I DID spend in the character editor ........... hrumph.