The Secret World

eKo · 10749


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on: June 20, 2012, 05:45:24 pm
Is anyone interested in having a key for the last betatest weekend (this weekend 22/06-24/06) of The Secret World? I got 2 keys, so I've got 1 key to give away. Let me know if you're interested :).
« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 07:28:05 am by eKo »

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Reply #1 on: June 20, 2012, 11:50:08 pm
Hi Eko :)

Am away this weekend, so would be wasted on me. But interested to know what you think about it, let us know



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Reply #2 on: June 21, 2012, 08:51:07 pm
I am interested in the game but got too much on to try it out.  I like the look of it, hope you enjoy it and report back what you think!


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Reply #3 on: June 24, 2012, 08:00:04 pm
It's an interesting game, the setting and the lore is really cool (modern day setting with occult events happening).

Combat is okay, it looks good, but it isn't anything amazing. The skill system is interesting though. There are no character levels, but instead exp gets you skill & ability points. Skill points are used to be able to equip better gear and ability points are used to buy abilities. There are 3 'Weapon' groups: Melee (which consists of Blades, Hammers & Fist Weapons), Ranged (which consists of Assault Rifles, Shotguns & Dual Pistols) and Magic (which consists of Blood Magic, Elementalism & Chaos) and 3 Misc groups (tanking, healing & pvp). It's a 2-tiered system and you need the first tier to unlock the second tier. First tier has 2 ability trees (made up of 7 skills each), second tier has 6, for the Weapon groups at least, the Misc groups only has 1 ability tree. You can actually buy any ability, but you're limited to 7 active skills & 7 passive skills, but afaik you can setup profiles to switch between for example tanking & dps. You can also have 2 Weapons groups active (each is represented by a weapon and you can have 2 equipped).

The game looks really good though needs a decent system to run. It runs okay on my old Core 2 Duo 3Ghz & GTI 560 Ti at 1920x1200 on high settings (fps is 40-ish average which sometimes goes into the low 20's, but for an MMO it doesn't matter as much). The character generator is fairly good, though the full game will have more options (apparently the closed beta has more options). The characters themselves look really good and so does the rest of the game (what I've seen of it at least).

Questing is rather interesting as there are some puzzles included as well (they've not been hard so far and they have an ingame browser available :)). There is an overarching story quest for the zone you're in, NPC's also give you story based side missions and you can also get side missions from stuff lying around. You can have several quests (5-6 or so) at once and switching the active one is easy. A negative point is that your character never speaks at all, not even during cutscenes, which makes them very weird and unnatural.

There is less guidance/handholding than in wow or swtor, which I find refreshing. You still have indicators where to go etc, but once there you have to look around and sometimes solve some puzzles (for passwords and such). Crafting has me stumped though, it's a rather strange setup.

Not sure if the 3 factions mean much or not as after the tutorial you're sent to the same quest zone and do the same quests. There is persistent PvP (not done any), which does grants some small bonuses.

There isn't anything which is particularly outstanding (there was in swtor and it only lasted 3 months anyway ;)), but it's a really polished (apart from crafting) & stable game. I've had fun so far, so I'll certainly buy it. I'm sure to get my money's worth as it's an entertaining game and I'll see what happens once I'm past the free month.

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
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Reply #4 on: June 25, 2012, 01:31:58 pm
Thanks for the feedback eko, sounds okay but not really sure it grabs me. Will be interesting to see what you think about a month or so in as thats when I think you start to get a realistic impression of how good the game is. The skill system sounds the best as I imagine there are allot of possibilities, but just like GW/Rift etc I suspect there will be pigeonholes which people will start to fit into once you get a bit deeper in.

I've been struggling to find gaming time to be honest since I finished Mass Effect 3. Want to give Skyrim another shot but not quite got around to it, I still want to play that Batman game as well that's been sitting on my pc for 6 months+ now :) I was tempted with the Game Of Thrones title as well as that's such an awesome series, but the game sounds kinda disappointing so will steer clear :(

p.s. time for a new pc ? :)


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Reply #5 on: June 25, 2012, 01:46:28 pm
I'd been watching this one for a while so was good to get into the final beta weekend and have a good look around. Overall my reaction is a mixed one, there's a fair bit to like, but also some issues which are hard to overlook.

* It's a beautiful looking game, with amazing environments and great attention to detail. It uses an evolution of the Age Of Conan engine, so it does require a fairly good rig to get good framerates. Mine (Nvidia GTX 260, 8GB ram) is getting a bit old now but coped mostly ok. I found myself really getting drawn into the atmosphere of the game. The gameworld feels real, gritty and believable, not the usual MMO theme park.

* Lore and storyline is great, especially if you like Cthullu, Lovecraft, Stephen King, occult, horror, conspiracy theories etc. It's a modern setting, but full of occult magic, intrigue and horror. It came across as a mish-mash of Cthullu, Lovecraft and zombie series like The Walking Dead. I found myself getting really immersed in the story and wanting to know more about the plot. I'm not sure the whole faction thing is as prominent as it could be, but the beta only revealed the early game and this may well develop.

* The mission system is very good. You aren't tied to progressing from one quest hub to the next as such, you can wander around picking up quests where you find them.  Missions come in different flavours (combat, puzzle, storyline, dungeon etc). You have a strict limit on the number of active missions, but it doesn't matter if you get sidetracked as you can pause a mission and pick up where you left off (usually, I hit a few glitches with this though).

* Gameplay is very challenging. This is not a dumbed down MMO. There's some good puzzle missions where you actually have to think and work stuff out. Combat is damn tough, partly because since there's no levels and no colour coding of mobs. So there's no easy way to judge if a mob will kick your arse or not (I liked this a lot, made things exciting). And partly because they seem to have deliberately tuned the difficulty high. Mobs fight hard and use some good abilities and tactics which keep you on your toes and some of the mission bosses you have to face solo are complete beasts. This makes combat exciting. Sure it can be rather frustrating at times, but it feels like you're actually in a battle you might lose if you don't use your abilities well. No doubt the WOW whiners will get this changed though :/

* Combat animations. The combat is challenging, but the animations are rather lacklustre and spoil it a bit. There's the same sort of wooden animations we've seen so many times before in SWTOR, Warhammer etc. I realise this is partly down to technical limitations. WoW can have more fluid animations because of the low poly count.  But there has to be a happy middle ground and TSW doesn't find it. End result is combat doesn't feel fluid enough, it's stiff and mechanical and it reminds me a lot of Warhammer actually and that's not a good thing at all.

* Skill system. Some love it. Some hate it. I'm on the fence. Yes it's a huge wheel of abilites you can learn based on weapon type. The weapon and weapon skills you learn determine your role, be it dps, tank or healer. This is good. But the sheer choice is overwhelming and there's no respec. So if you make the wrong decision you have to change by spending hard earned points in a different weapon. In the long run many players will learn most skills they want (as per EVE) but in the short run there'll be a lot of whining as people make bad choices they are stuck with. Also, you can only equip 7 active and 7 passive skills at once. That's it. Not sure what I feel about this, but already in beta I was struggling to get all the abilities I wanted on my hotbar. GW2 is similar. Perhaps I just need to adjust.

* Character customisation is a mixed bag. The main problem is everyone will be the same bodysize. There's absolutely NO sliders to adjust height or body shape and they've said there won't ever be for technical reasons. Facial customisation is distinctly average with limited choices. Even if they add more, it's not the sort of system which lends itself to creating a unique looking character. This is a HUGE issue for someone like me who likes to spend a lot of time messing around with character appearance. However, on the upside I think the costumes will be fine. Appearance is not dictated by gear, all your upgradeable gear that control your stats is in the form of talismans. So your appearance is cosmetic, which is wonderful. So you can put together a good look and stick with it if you want. There's a lot of scope for them adding lots more clothing as the game develops, though I worry the best stuff will be via a cash shop.

* PVP. I only briefly tried the PvP. The good news is there's three factions (yay at last!) the bad news is its the usual zergfest (groan). The instanced battleground seemed very limited and sub par. The persistant battleground (currently only one) was much better, but during beta it was a pretty horrible zergfest (but maybe this will change as players learn the game). There's potential here, all depends if they give it sufficient attention and make sure there's sufficient rivalry between the factions. Unlike SWTOR the PvP is at least an intended part of the game rather than a bolt on.

* The UI isn't very responsive. Interaction with the menu and clickables in the game world was sluggish and erratic and sometimes would stop responding for no good reason. It was of course a beta client and hopefully the release client will be better. But it reminded me a fair bit of the sluggishness in the Warhammer UI, which worries me because WAR never fully overcame the problem.

* Cutscenes and voice acting are generally of high quality, not as good as SWTOR of course, but much better than most. BUT ..... Funcom have decided not to give your character a voice. They claim this is a 'design decision' but it's probably a financial decision. But this is fine, opinion is split on if full voice acting is desireable in a MMO. That's not the problem. The problem is how they've handled it. They've gone down the 'silent protagonist' route but decided to still have your character feature in the cutscenes. So your character just stares blankly off into the distance during all the cutscene interactions with mission NPCs, even when they directly address you. It's like watching some disinterested emo teenager. The end result is jarring, irritating and quite frankly ludicrous. I did find this worked slightly better when I made a character who looked like Lisbeth Salander though, heh.

* Bugs. There's quite a lot. No huge show stoppers or client crashers, so that's good. But lots of little niggly ones, such as UI bugs, quest problems, mob issues and so on. More than I think they can realistically fix before launch. So if you play at launch, expect lots of niggles I think. Might be one to let the dust settle a bit. However, then you miss out on being part of the launch community and experiencing the content at the same pace together, before some players get uber powerful.

* This is yet another in a long line of MMOs that don't feel very multiplayer. Sure there's lots of players around you and a nice chatty and helpful community. But in the game world there's little incentive to group and it has a very old school approach to quest mob tagging and co-operation with other players. Guild Wars 2 does this MUCH better. In GW2 you are pleased to have other players assist you because most quests are public and designed to be co-operative, even if you aren't grouped. In GW2 you don't lose any loot or xp by them doing so. In TSW as with so many other MMOs you do, so there's competition not co-operation. Sad.  

* The monthly fee. This is the real elephant in the room. I don't feel this game is worth a monthly fee in its current state. The MMO industry is moving towards F2P and the GW2 box fee + cash shop model. TSW has box fee + monthly fee + cash shop which seems VERY greedy. No surprise to see EA are the publisher then. This alone could put me off playing. If this had no monthly fee I'd definitely play it, and if the character customisation was better they might even make some money out of me in the cash shop! But as it stands I'm not sure. Perhaps I will approach it as I did SWTOR, knowing I'll probably only play 1-3 months (which will fill the gap to GW2). Will think about it.


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Reply #6 on: July 08, 2012, 08:26:11 am
I got the game and still loving it despite some bugs. Restarted my character after I lost all chat channels and couldn't get them back, though my build was also lacking, so it gave me an excuse to reroll ;D.

The skill system is more complicated and deeper than I thought. While you can equip 2 weapons and only use the active abilities from both weapons, you can use the passives from any weapon, you don't need the associated weapon equipped. You have skills to build resources, skills to consume those resources (it's like a rogue's combo points in WoW), but also skills to apply 1 of the 4 debuffs and skills that deal more damage if a certain debuff is on your target. Add healing, tanking & survival skills and it becomes rather complicated, but also very interesting to try to come up with a build.

While character customisation is definitely lacking, the in-game clothes shop does a lot to remedy it. There's a store in London with a huge selection of clothes for in-game currency, so you don't have to use the game store if you don't want to. Especially since the clothes purchased from the store are only for the character that bought it, it's not account-wide.

Once you get to Blue Mountain there is more incentive to group as the mobs hit hard and some area's there are packed with mobs. On the other hand some quests suddenly have a solo instance with no way to enter those as a group which can make questing as a group a bit harder, but it's at least easier to group up here than in SWTOR for example.

Tried the first instance and loved it, it's mostly bosses with only a few trash groups, so it doesn't take too long. You do need to watch where you're standing and use your evade skill at times.

I also played some PvP and the Dragon dps costume still cracks me up, makes us look like bank robbers with that mask. Had no clue what I was doing so just followed the zerg in Fusang (persistent PvP map) and had fun. The silly costumes helped not to take PvP too seriously :P.

The game isn't perfect and won't be for everyone (it's more challenging than most for one), but it's been entertaining so far. Doubt it'll be worth the subscription, but I've at least already got my money's worth.

Here's some screenies of my character (wearing different costumes especially for Las ;D).

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
Spookks :: Huldra :: Pistols/Elementalism


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Reply #7 on: July 08, 2012, 11:18:38 am
Nice one, keep em screenies coming :)


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Reply #8 on: July 08, 2012, 09:05:29 pm
I decided to get the game too. After the beta I realised the storyline and gameplay had me hooked. Currently having a blast (literally) as a Shotgun/Hammer spec'd Templar.

The storytelling has been great. Edgy, dark, fascinating, entertaining and at times funny. The voice acting is pretty good on the whole and I've grown used to the silent protagonist thing. Script writing is adult oriented and gritty, there's no kung fu pandas here.

The game world is beautifully created, atmospheric and interactive. You are encouraged to climb, jump, get onto rooftops, jump off things and explore. In fact some missions demand it (there's no stealth, but you have to avoid guards and cameras, make jumps etc). The first 3 zones are all in New England, dark, brooding and full of zombies, like scenes from The Walking Dead. Next 2 zones are in Egypt and the theme becomes more Indiana Jones with an emphasis on puzzles, exploration missions and of course action. After that is Transylvania, but I've not got there yet.

The PVE is great. Yes there's bugs, more on that later, yes the combat animations could use some improvement and yes there's some balance issues. But the PVE is genuinely challenging and exciting. I've not had the adrenaline pumping like this in MMO combat for years. And not just because they made the mobs tough (though some indeed are). Mob AI is good and the combat needs you to use all your abilities well. You only get 7 active abilities (and 7 passives) so you need to choose and use them well together. You can of course switch builds out of combat (and save builds) so that you have different setups for different situations. There's some genuinely scary moments in the gameplay and some clever twists. Gameplay is not like other MMOs that's for sure.

The puzzles are tough, the storyline missions are cleverly thought out and need you to be paying attention. There's lots of roof jumping, climbing, lateral thinking, visual and audible clues that need the player to pay attention and so on. This is not standard dumbed down MMO quest stuff (though there are some regular 'kill & collect missions of course), this is quality questing of the sort you'd get in a single player game, but with other players around who can help (and sometimes hinder, see below).

Mostly the game runs smoothly, but there are bugs that wreck some of the missions. Puzzle missions are the most affected because they did not design them to be robust in a multiplayer environment. So, for example, if a number of objects need to be clicked in a certain order and you're half way through and another player comes along and starts randomly clicking the same objects this will wreck *your* mission and perhaps even cause the mission to bug out for everyone. This is totally unforgiveable in a MMO. They plan to fix this in an upcoming patch, but it was a poor design decision in the first place. The GUI is also a bit flaky at times and some people have had problems with chat channels going missing.

The PvP is promising but needs more work. There's 3 factions and the combat can be fun. But at the moment there's only one persistant RvR battleground and there's no direct rewards for killing other players. So it's more about swapping bases (for xps) than it is about killing. It can also get zergy and laggy. But I think if they iron out the lag and give players more RvR objectives and some incentives to actually fight each other, this aspect of the game will develop. One possible future issue is balance. With such a huge number of weapon combinations and builds, I've no idea how they'll keep it balanced in PvP.

I've managed to work out the crafting and it's fun. Hard to describe here, but its nothing like I've seen in any other MMO (but I've heard it said its influenced by Minecraft).

Best thing of all, there's no need for rolling alts because of the way the skill system works. If you want to try a new weapon or role you save up some points and spend them on the skills you need to try something else out. As someone who usually rolls far too many alts I find this totally liberating. I've not felt this focused in a MMO for ages!

Character customisation is adequate, but no more than that. They are going to patch in improvements and allow players to change appearance. The clothing you can buy for in-game currency is quite good, but I don't like how the best stuff is reserved for the cash shop. Greedy. The special outfits you get for faction and skillset deck rewards are a nice touch, but because you can't customise them by mix-n-matching parts they tend to make you look like a clone if you wear them. In PvP everyone wears a fixed uniform, partly to combat lag issues, partly to disguise roles.

The game isn't without its faults and some of the current bugs can be frustrating. If you're thinking of taking a look, on the one hand it might be worth waiting 2-3 months until they iron out the bumps. Then again, it's fun to just dive in while most players are as new as you are and there's few walkthroughs on the web to rely on. Because of the difficulty curve this will probably be a niche game. Funcom deserve a lot of praise for trying to make a game that breaks out of the standard MMO box, let's just hope that EA's greed doesn't wreck it by asking them to dumb it down for mass appeal.

As a multiplayer experience, I'd say it encourages grouping a bit more than most current MMOs, but its still a long way from the amount of grouping expected in a game like DAOC. Some of the missions in the game would benefit from being converted into public quests, as per GW2. One thing I like is that whilst there's several dimensions you can create a character on, these have much larger capacity than traditional MMO servers and you can move freely between them in-game for PVE (but not RvR where you fight for your home dimension).  Also you name your character with <Firstname> <Nickname> <Surname> and the Nickname part is totally unique across ALL dimensions/servers. So there's only ever going to be one Cernos \o/

As for the endgame, I don't think anyone knows yet, looking forward to seeing where they take things. Hopefully more faction rivarly.

Attached screenshots aren't very representative of gameplay. The combat is usually too intense to think about screenies, but will try and grab some.


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Reply #9 on: July 08, 2012, 09:17:58 pm
Here's the Overlook Hotel, invaded by Demons.

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
Spookks :: Huldra :: Pistols/Elementalism


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Reply #10 on: July 08, 2012, 09:18:48 pm
The entrance to the second dungeon (the door on the right).

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
Spookks :: Huldra :: Pistols/Elementalism


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Reply #11 on: July 08, 2012, 09:19:54 pm
My Illuminati character (had to try one since they're all about Sex, Drugs & Rockefeller).

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
Spookks :: Huldra :: Pistols/Elementalism


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Reply #12 on: July 08, 2012, 09:21:13 pm
Hiding from Zombies in the Kingsmouth church (the plaque with the numbers up there is actually the solution to a puzzle).

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
Spookks :: Huldra :: Pistols/Elementalism


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Reply #13 on: July 08, 2012, 09:23:07 pm
One of the early solo instances featuring some puzzle based quest (find the right path or get blown up ... talking from experience ;D).

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
Spookks :: Huldra :: Pistols/Elementalism


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Reply #14 on: July 10, 2012, 08:11:33 pm
Thanks for the write up Cern and more screenies from both of you :) I don't have any intention of playing (sorry! ....well maybe at least until they get to a free trial or something) but it's interesting to see your takes on it. Will be interesting also to see where you think it is in 2-3 weeks time, as in my experience it's when the flaws start to really bug me :) Nice that there's some originality here though as it was deeply wanting in SWTOR.

Your 3rd and 4th screens do look like the walking dead Cern, thats pretty cool ! And eko, no idea how you get through that...make yourself reaaaalllly thin ? :)