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Reply #45 on: January 24, 2012, 11:40:55 pm
Nowai ! No updates for non jedai !!! ;)

Going good, though can't play as much as I'd like :) Currently have a level 30 Gunslinger who I'm leveling (have a level 20 sage too) and enjoying the class. Not sure they work very well for pvp as the cover mehanic seems to make them very static - but frankly I don't care much as I'm just doing care bear pve at the moment (though I do need to check out the battelgrounds sometime soon). Character/story wise I feel a bit more like Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly for those that know it) rather than Han Solo or Lando, seems the advanced class is based a little more on that kinda space cowboy type thing whereas the scoundrel seems to be a bit more like Han Solo (though as a real geeky star wars comment scoundrels seem to have stealth, and didn't Han point out that he hated all that sneaking around ? :) ).

eko hit 50 the other night (grats again!), so no doubt he can report about how broken it might be at endgame and how pvp sucks etc. etc :)


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Reply #46 on: January 25, 2012, 11:41:01 am
I parked my Sniper at 33. Not because he wasn't fun (although the cover mechanic can be frustrating at times) but mostly because I wanted a more group friendly character. So I've now got a healing Sorceror at level 42. Seems a powerful class, not much I can't tackle solo and obviously useful in groups. I'm loving the Inquisitor storyline and playing a Light Sided Inquisitor makes for some interesting twists. Also dabbling with a Powertech tank lowbie, but focus is on getting my Sorceror to 50 and seeing what the endgame is (or isn't) all about.

The quality of the plot and voice acting has remained high all the way to 40x and I would assume all the way to 50. My only minor disappointment is that the wonderful cinematic storytelling of the Black Talon flashpoint (The Esseles on Republic) seems not to be repeated in any of the subsequent flashpoint (dungeon) instances. All the Flashpoints I've done have been very enjoyable and well designed, but are standard WoW-style dungeons and not as innovative as Black Talon / Esseles. Shame. Hopefully they'll add more of this sort of content (or perhaps there is and I missed it?).


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Reply #47 on: January 30, 2012, 06:25:59 pm
Firefly, awesome; postcount+1

<Currently thinking of something amazing to write ...>


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Reply #48 on: January 30, 2012, 06:51:05 pm
Firefly, awesome; postcount+1

Yeah, wonderful. Still a mystery to me why it got pulled after just one season. So much potential in that show.


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Reply #49 on: January 30, 2012, 10:31:36 pm
Isnt there this big thing in yankland where shows get pulled after 1 or 2 seasons as no one wants to start watching anything because it always gets pulled after 1 or 2 seasons.  Seems like some kind of vicious circle. 

I am watching Heroes from LoveFilm atm, love it :)

<Currently thinking of something amazing to write ...>


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Reply #50 on: January 30, 2012, 10:47:29 pm
Isnt there this big thing in yankland where shows get pulled after 1 or 2 seasons as no one wants to start watching anything because it always gets pulled after 1 or 2 seasons.  Seems like some kind of vicious circle. 

Yep that's about the sum of it.

The TV companies don't seem to appreciate that some series take time to get into their stride. Caprica (the prequel to Battlestar Gallactica) got pulled after 1 season. It did have an admitedly weak start, but got much better towards the end and was starting to show some promise. Likewise Terra Nova, weak start but then the plot developed. No decision on that yet but likely to get pulled. Thankfully Game Of Thrones and Walking Dead got renewed, both are excellent (check them out if you haven't seen them, especially Game Of Thrones).


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Reply #51 on: January 31, 2012, 01:01:42 pm
Yeah, if there was a show I'd love to see come back I think it would be firefly (or if they made more movies). Seems ratings are everything for these TV execs and I agree they pull the shows too early :(

/poke Brigh, how's your Bounty Hunter going? and /poke Shi what are you playing ? :) I have popped on to your server from time to time but could never find any names I recognised. Saying that, I probably should say I'm playing on lasien (not lasiien) mostly for anyone that pops over to the rebel side!


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Reply #52 on: January 31, 2012, 03:05:26 pm
oh hey Las :)
Cern is almost always on nightshift duty, with names clearly suggesting who's the owner :)
Try in search thingie Face Dancers, that's our guild name.
I've been a bit busy, finally got my dutch exams over so slowly returning to slacking (gaming) lifestyle :)
My toon is named: Shiin (2x i) .
Around lvl 26 atm, while busy been popping for few relaxing space missions. I love it and i got totally addicted, I could play a standalone game like that :)

Catch ya soon then :)


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Reply #53 on: January 31, 2012, 04:57:50 pm
Hey Las

Yeah been playing when I can - not had much time these last few weeks but I've got my BH upto level 41 now and slowly leveling up, I must say I really like the BH class and the storyline is brillant, it makes me want to start an alt to check the others but I refuse to until I've got this toon to 50!

Brigh :D

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Reply #54 on: January 31, 2012, 09:24:50 pm
hehe, Cern being a night owl Shi ? No wai ? :) Will search for Face Dancers and say hi when i come over to the dark side (I will at some point I should imagine).

Nice one Brigh on level 41, you're further than me (for once!!), only lowbie level 32 or so at the moment. eko keeps calling me a noob  :'(


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Reply #55 on: January 31, 2012, 10:28:24 pm
Night owl? Me? Surely you're mistaken :)

My Sorceror is 46 now. The levelling curve seems to have steepened post 45 so it's been slow going so I tend to alternate with my Powertech (29) while the rested bonus regens. Sniper remains parked at 33. I will pick him up again later, the Imperial Agent story is too good to miss, but for now he's on vacation at the Fleet.

You should find me on as Cern, Cernish or Cernok if you visit the Dark Side. I'll probably drop in on Republic side to say hello some time, but don't plan to do anything more than lowbie dabble there at present.


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Reply #56 on: October 09, 2012, 09:19:35 am
looks like SWTOR is going to have a F2P option in November, for anyone interested. Sounds a little restricted but you can still play to level 50, which was the bulk of the game anyway imo.


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Reply #57 on: October 11, 2012, 10:47:31 am
that's good news :) might come a day i feel like finishing at least the 50 journey :)
Wonder if WoW ever gets to a F2p model, lately I had a moment of weakness and started pondering bout trying the MoP (which still might be interesting, matter of lore, new class etc blabla ;P) but then watched a video on YT, went mentally through all steps, xpack price, a new sub, and went like , wtf am i trying here? no way :) felt like an addict on the edge of sinking in again hehe ;)


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Reply #58 on: October 11, 2012, 01:09:43 pm
that's good news :) might come a day i feel like finishing at least the 50 journey :)
Wonder if WoW ever gets to a F2p model, lately I had a moment of weakness and started pondering bout trying the MoP (which still might be interesting, matter of lore, new class etc blabla ;P) but then watched a video on YT, went mentally through all steps, xpack price, a new sub, and went like , wtf am i trying here? no way :) felt like an addict on the edge of sinking in again hehe ;)

Haha, nooooo dont do it! Just make a Charr on GW2 with a black & white face and pretend it's a panda if you really need to :)

SWTOR going F2P is nice. I have no intention of doing any endgame there again, but I'd like to get a couple of my alts through their story, especially my poor old Sniper - wonder if they ever fixed that class.