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on: November 19, 2011, 09:59:23 pm
whos playing? whos going to play? :)


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Reply #1 on: November 21, 2011, 05:41:43 pm
I might play eventually, but as I didn't like Oblivion that much I'll wait a bit. Doesn't help that so many other great games came out right now: Batman: Arkham City, Uncharted 3, Assassin's Creed Revelations, Saint's Row 3 (haven't got it yet, but will buy eventually) plus Star Wars: The Old Republic will be out on 20 December. Also been playing DC Universe online since it went F2P and it's rather fun so far, but don't think it will last after SW:TOR releases.

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Reply #2 on: November 21, 2011, 08:27:20 pm
Yarrr, I've got it. Looked too good to pass up tbh, even though as per eko I intially liked oblivion but went off it pretty quickly because of the level scaling. Then again I really liked Morrowind, and Fallout 3. So we'll see how it goes !

First impressions are good but it's kinda difficult not to be impressed I think, looks like allot of content here. Like the whole Norse / remote landscape vibe also which is way cooler than Oblivions Imperial vibe.

Dunno really what to play as since they kinda did away with classes, it's tempting to go some kinda champion style melee/mage hybrid though in my experience you almost always end up regretting it when your character can't even beat an ant at later levels :) I suppose I don't need two guesses at what your playing Xan ? ;)


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Reply #3 on: November 21, 2011, 09:59:27 pm
lol am i really still that predictable? ... yes, yes i am :P

Am playing an imperial rogue type, 1-handed, dual wielding, sneak, archery, light armour. He feels abit gimped already tbh, am 9th level. Might cut my loses and start again now, but am not playing it as it should be played really, i'm kind of story driven, this probably isn't the game for me... saying that am enjoying it though.

Yeah eko, i still haven't played any of them... though i never played any assassin's creed. and am probably gonna stay away from star wars, if i play an mmo again will either be guild wars 2... or WoW :P


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Reply #4 on: November 22, 2011, 09:59:59 pm
I am about to order it now.  I also dl'ed DC Universe but haven't gotten round to play it yet, is there a server or just one big mash up?

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Reply #5 on: November 22, 2011, 10:35:50 pm
The level scaling in Oblivion was totally silly, especially while having Sneak as a main skill. Levelling up from sneaking around was cool, but then getting beaten by rats hitting like a truck wasn't ;D. Hope it's better this time around and it does seem the setting is more interesting than Oblivion's generic fantasy setting. Did like Fallout 3 a lot, so will give Skyrim a try eventually.

As for DC Universe it looks like it's one big server per region (seperated into PvE/PvP, but looks like it's the same as in WoW, you can still flag yourself as PvP and/or do PvP Arena's and stuff while on a PvE server). Used to be very laggy at first, but after they went f2p they got 10 times as many players and it's stabilized now. The game lacks some guidance, but it's been pretty fun so far, started loads of alts to find a power/weapon combo I liked, shame you only have 2 character slots as f2p player :P.

Got my beta test invite for SW:TOR, but it seems to be for some huge stress test weekend, so it'll prolly be laggy as hell, but downloading it right now anyway :).

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Reply #6 on: November 22, 2011, 11:00:28 pm
Same as Xan really, not interested in SW, so won't be there for that one, though I hope you guys enjoy it :)

There is some 900mb patch to dl for DC UNiverse so doubt I'll make it tonight ><  Will prolly play PvE, just want some light entertainment tbh

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Reply #7 on: November 23, 2011, 12:10:28 am
started loads of alts....

As per Xan playing rogues, some things don't change do they ? ;)


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Reply #8 on: November 23, 2011, 11:16:34 am
I'll be getting this in a couple of weeks which should keep me going until SW is released

Brigh :D

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Reply #9 on: November 23, 2011, 04:42:53 pm
I didn't enjoy Oblivion that much, mostly due to the level scaling thing but also just didn't get hooked by the world design and the bland storytelling. So I'm reticent about Skyrim. Might take a look later when the price drops, but not now.

SWTOR I'm on the fence with. The news coming out of the beta is mixed. Dunno if I'm up for another WoW-style PVE grindathon with afterthought PVP bolted on. Been there done that too many times now. Despite all the money spent on it, SWTOR isn't going to be next gen, it's very much World Of Starwars by the sound of it. I love how Bioware tell a story but does that really suit a MMO? Might sit on the fence this time and see how it unfolds. Or I might get bored over Xmas and jump in. But I'm certainly not going to be at the front of the queue.

Guild Wars 2 and The Secret World look to have more promise but they are still some way off. Also keeping an eye on Dominus which is shaping up to be a 3 faction RvR-based MMO with a space setting. Trouble is, the lore isn't very engaging.


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Reply #10 on: November 23, 2011, 06:40:57 pm
heeey guys :)
hmm i watched a few gameplay videos on YT, looked nice, but I never was a fan of those FPS type rpgs, though this one seems offering an ok 3rd person look if im correct.
Even found an online shop with cheap russian cdkeys (hehe :)) so budgetwise more than acceptable, but nah
I went lately on a shopping spree (talented in finding weird bargains) and atm busy with BF 3, CoD 3 and what not else hehe...
Got an invite for the SW event this weekend, prolly gonna have a peak , curious how it looks.
But MMOs wear nowadays for me a big 'No trespassing" sign heheheh.... :)
Got still Deus Rex to start with and Dungeon Siege 3 to finish :)
Also waiting for GW 2, but most for Diablo 3, might be my game for next few years in case it's as much fun as Diablo 2 was (farming, trading, etc)


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Reply #11 on: November 24, 2011, 06:05:00 pm
started loads of alts....

As per Xan playing rogues, some things don't change do they ? ;)

Nope they don't ;D. Even played some City of Heroes again since it went f2p and while the character creator is still the best of any MMO I've tried, the game changed too much for me (there's a *lot* more content now for every level range).

Not really interested in GW2, even though Guild Wars wasn't bad at all. The Secret World on the other hand looks interesting, the 3 factions & the world/lore look cool, but we'll have to see whether it makes for a good game. Bioware is good at telling stories, so I got high hopes for SW, but dunno how well they can integrate the MMO part into it all, will see this weekend during the beta I guess.

Diablo 3 out next year will be fun as well, though I don't like the way Blizzard is going (too much moneygrabbing imo, but at least they still deliver great games).

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Reply #12 on: November 24, 2011, 07:47:33 pm
I'm still steering clear of MMO's for the time being - like Shi I have also put up a big 'do not enter' sign :) (but never say never I guess) SWTOR does indeed look interesting but as you point out Cern it seems to be using the wow forulma (not a shock i suppose but I did think Bioware might have a different take on the genre). The gfx doesn't look very good either, are they doing wow-eske low graphics to ensure they get a wide ranging audience or have i just been looking at some wrong videos?

Enjoying Skyrim right now but it's still early days, I don't get the time to play as much as I'd like so it'll probably keep me entertained for a while if it works out like fallout 3 did (rather than Oblivion as I think we all agree was a huge polished turd!). Have gone a sneaky route too Xan but more archer based, currently wondering if illusion might be good to combine with it.

I didn't know COH was f2p now - I agree with you it was a pretty awesome character creator and I liked the silly outfits !, and I presume DC universe is kinda similar ? (not really read much about it).

Slightly left field but anyone got Anno 2070 ? Getting some good reviews, not sure it's the kinda game I'd play but it's something different.


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Reply #13 on: November 27, 2011, 09:46:11 pm
Wouldn't have thought something like Anno would be your cup of tea Las.  It looks dull from the descritpion and I haven't played any of the Anno series, the write up makes it sound generic but maybe it is a full of suprises.

I am a staggering lvl 8 in Skyrim atm, went for a Summoner and fighting with a Bound Sword, playing as an Elf.  Its a little wierd I feel, I'd like a more generic inventory and lots more stats please!  With options at character creation ... Some things I feel shouldn't be changed imo!

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Reply #14 on: November 29, 2011, 11:01:12 am
Yeah, they are some complaints that people think it's dumbed down for console users. I am kinda with you in that I like some points to allocate and choices to make at the start, I guess though you sort of do that by picking your race though I'd still rather personalise it and put some points in areas that I'd like to have. I do quite like the idea that you can combine anything with anything, even if you want to be a sneaking wizard who also uses 2h weapons it should be possible in theory though I kinda struggle with how practical it is (I've found even trying to combine spells with a weapon user can be kinda challenging).

Still not sick of it yet though, feels allot like fallout 3 to me rather than oblivion (which is a good thing).