U.K Riots

xann · 3796


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on: August 09, 2011, 10:48:38 am
London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Leeds, Bristol, Nottingham... so far


The race side of the argument is creeping into the mainstream news. Far rights gonna jump all over this.

Funny random Tweet:

"The Youth of the Middle East rise up for basic freedoms.The Youth of London rise up for a HD ready 42" Plasma TV."

This sorta thing must be so difficult to Police because theres no real purposeful protest behind it(imo), just lotsa small groups randomly looting and burning for the "lulz".
« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 11:03:41 am by xann »


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Reply #1 on: August 09, 2011, 11:08:08 am
Makes me wonder sometimes how much the 24 hour news culture is also adding to this. People wouldn't have got the sense that they could loot and get away with it otherwise. I'm not one for censorship and glad we have a relatively free press, but they should also think before they broadcast this stuff 24/7. Its just like when they say people should not go out to panic buy....then you see peope raiding the supermarkets to get everything they can !

If this continues on for a couple more nights wonder if any premiership games will get cancelled, that will upset people ;)

I actually think whats a bit more worrying is the stock markets having panic attacks and crashing over recent months. That'll have a far bigger effect on all of us if it continues and maybe end up in riots for actual reasons !


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Reply #2 on: August 09, 2011, 12:44:14 pm
If the riots were a genuine protest against the cuts, bankers, unemployment, fuel and food prices, inequality etc you could understand it, at least to some degree. But they're not. It's just a bunch of mindless morons wrecking and looting because they think they can get away with it. There's lots to be disgusted about the mess this country is in and the way most ordinary people are being shafted. You would hope this would manifest itself as mass *peaceful* protests (or at least peaceful in intent, extremists usually try and hijack things). But no, crap Britain gets a crap revolt with selfish twats looting shops. One thing we do still have in this country (for now at least) is freedom of speech and a right to peaceful protest. The looters should be utterly and completely ashamed of themselves for putting this under threat. Morons.

And yep, 24/7 media isn't helping. It is just fanning the fire. There's a difference between the media being censored and the media showing some restraint so as not to inflame the situation or cause panic.


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Reply #3 on: August 09, 2011, 08:21:39 pm
2 things to add, imo the police have been handicaped by the nanny state and so cannot deal effectively with this kind of stuff; the student protests (G8?) when they accused the cops of brutality seem to have effectively de-fanged the cops (and all the other times) by making them too afraid for their jobs and lively hoods to actually get stuck in.

The other thing, I was told today that they had riots in northern ireland and deployed water cannons and proper riot police who actually beat people with there sticks, when put to a minister the difference in tactics and asked why in one part of the UK the police get stuck in with battons and water cannons and in the capital they are all nicey nicey despite the fact its a bunch of cunts, he/she didn't have much to say ...

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Reply #4 on: August 09, 2011, 08:56:53 pm
The Iranians are asking our police to calm the situation down and stop killing people  :o


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