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Reply #30 on: March 16, 2011, 01:34:21 pm
Opps, didn't mean to post in this thread :)



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Reply #31 on: March 16, 2011, 06:55:28 pm
Such blatant post farming :)

Opps, didn't mean to post in this thread :)



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Reply #32 on: March 16, 2011, 07:56:27 pm
Cmon Cern, only 348 posts to go ! ;)


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Reply #33 on: March 25, 2011, 04:10:45 pm
So how goes the Rift'ing ? What I've read about it says it sounds like it's done everything WoW did at launch, took most of the good ideas from other games and implemented them well, also sounds like a pretty stable launch with lots of content etc (pretty strange for an MMO, which I gotta applaud!). I still don't really see allot new here though, just elements of EQ, WoW, GW, War etc etc. ?


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Reply #34 on: March 25, 2011, 05:14:33 pm
That pretty much sums it up Las. Nothing new and innovative really, lots of influences from other games all rolled together in a polished, stable, enjoyable and visually impressive package. It won't win any awards for breaking new ground but it's fun and the dynamic elements such as the rifts and invasion do add an extra random dimension which keeps things interesting. The soul system seems innovative at first glance, but it's becoming apparent that they want to push things towards warriors tanking, clerics healing, everyone else dps'ing, so the much touted flexibility of having rogue and cleric tanks, rogue healers etc isn't really what they claim.

The PvP is a mixed bag. Fun at lower levels. Crowd control and spike damage a problem at higher levels. Echos of Warhammer really. Speaking of which, a lot of people say it is a WoW clone, but actually I see a lot more influences from Warhammer than I do WoW particularly in the combat system (and of course the public quest system).

There is a heap of content at all level ranges, including endgame, and that's a very good sign. There's also talk of adding some RvR to the mix, but dunno how that will work out with only two factions (when will they ever learn you need 3).

One black cloud on the horizon is that the first round of class nerfs are already incoming and they appear to be pretty brutal for some classes (and yep, as usual I've picked a class getting nerfed, the Bard). Not sure this makes good sense for the game, the community or their business model at such an early stage. But it's still in testing so we'll see.


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Reply #35 on: March 26, 2011, 10:21:39 pm
I am enjoying it and I feel like I want to play BUT it feels like a WoW clone to me more than anything else; Cern and I obviously disagree on where it got most influence from.  I am an 18th lvl Rogue and have gone Assassin - Bladedancer - Riftstalker in that order, I do like the class system but obviously haven't gotten into the game enough to get a really good feel for it or the nuances of how it works.

The Rift invasions and what not are a really neat idea and I dig it, the PvP is very WoW to me with BG's and BG rewards.  As a rogue I still generate combo points like WoW, warriors charge like WoW but I don't think they generate Rage but use a yellow bar of energy instead.  There are 5 people to a group, instances istead of dungeons e.t.c.

The zones are really nice and feel like real landscapes but I feel the mob level range is a bit lame making the game easy mode, I think the zones are distinct areas but am not sure, I'd prefer a game like Asherons Call where you have one large play area instead of this zone crap that seems to be the norm.

The only instance I have done is Realm of the Fae and it was very good, I enjoyed it and thought it looked really good and had some nice back history that syncs with my own views on the Fae (yes I know they <prolly> don't exist).

I agree with Cern, savage nerfs are bad, best to buff weaker classes and slightly nerf stronger ones, I can only assume tweaking the toughness of all the mobs in the game is harder than nerfing classes and certain combo's.  Unfortunately, given the Soul system which I really like it was obvious even to me at the start that certain combo's were going to be king and then cooky cutter, however it really is a nice system.  I think they would have had more success starting it simpliar and then adding complexity later.

Will I stick it out?  I doubt I am going to make 50th lvl tbh, my gf is away atm for about another 10-12 days so I will be playing quite alot, I expect to get into my 30's but I have always hated lvling and doing it in a different game doesn't make it any more fun for me.

My ratings.

GFX - 9 /10
Sound - 8 /10
Class System - 9 / 10 (this is bound to drop as they swing the nerf bat)
Rift System - 8 / 10
Plagarism - 8 / 10 (to much has been copied)


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Reply #36 on: March 27, 2011, 11:46:14 pm
I'd say my Rift experience was short and sweet, i enjoyed the game... might even say i enjoyed it alot... but saw what was down the line and i don't think it would have kept me intrested beyond max level. Mabye they'll be new features released that would improve the game later on, but i thought i might aswell stop now, instead of leveling to 50th then stopping.


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Reply #37 on: March 28, 2011, 01:53:59 am
Sorry to hear you've stopped Xan, we all wondered what had happened to you. But I understand if you don't think it's the game for you in the long run, not worth sticking it out.

I think I approach from a different angle to yourself and Sax, for me it's about the journey not the endgame. I enjoy levelling, exploring the landscape, getting into scrapes, pushing the PVE content as much as I can and generally sticking my nose into all the nooks and crannys. The PVE content does get more challenging as you progress and that ezmode feeling Sax mentions will definitely change.

It sounds like there is quite a lot of endgame content already in place, so I think this is a positive sign. So many games don't launch with any semblance of endgame content (Warhammer, Aion, AoC. LOTRO to name just a few) so I think it's a good sign if there's already stuff to do. There's a major patch and world event coming in the next few days, that will be an indicator of what we can expect.

I understand the WoW clone thing when it comes to the mechanics of some of the classes (combo points for rogues is the obvious one), but in many cases it differs. Warriors have no rage mechanic (thankfully) and use a chargeup and energy system for abilities which is more Warhammer. Mages use a combination of mana and charge, which makes them different to WoW mages, but again maybe there's some similarities with mages in Warhammer. Healing clerics do seem similar to Holy Priests in WoW, but the melee clerics are closer to Disciples of Khaine in Warhammer.

I think the thing is, they've borrowed from all over not just WoW.  And WoW in turn has never been shy of borrowing from other games and genres. I find the PVE in Rift pretty engaging. I don't think the PvP will hold my attention, I'm no fan of instanced PvP. However, they've suggested that adding RvR is on the table.

I think the whole MMO genre does need something new and someone willing to break free of the choking influence WoW has on MMO design. SWTOR might offer it with its storytelling. Guild Wars 2 might offer it with its dynamic world content (taking the rifts and invasions style of things one step further). But will anyone offer something new for PvP? If only someone could make a DAOC 2, although probably better if it isn't Mythic!


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Reply #38 on: May 09, 2011, 10:32:15 pm
people still Rifting? hows it going? any major patches yet? whats max like?


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Reply #39 on: May 10, 2011, 01:49:03 pm
Not many people still playing. Most gave up when free month ended, guild went from 20 online at same to time to 2 or 3 at end of free month. Just a handful of us still playing. I have a 3 month sub so will play until that ends in July, after that will see but unlikely unless the endgame changes direction. I think the problem for most is the endgame. There's plenty of content and its well done, but fundamentally it's all a WoW style gear grind and everyone has been there done that. The biggest mistake for me though is that they made PvP an instanced gear and favour grind, again WoW-style. Sad.

I feel a bit deflated because when I played the beta the game showed a lot of promise and levelling up was fun too with all the rifts and invasions. But it seems once you hit 50 all those rifts and invasions don't really matter anymore and the game switches identity and just flips into WoW-clone endgame mode. Grinding expert dungeons (heroics) for gear to allow you to raid, faction grinds, daily grinds, PvP grinds etc. No wonder they didn't show any of the endgame in beta. If the PvP was more fun I wouldn't care that PVE endgame was like WoW. But the PvP is like WoW too, but inferior.

Major 1.2 patch is incoming tomorrow but I don't think it will change much. It is mostly just a balancing patch plus a Looking For Dungeon tool (same server for now, but how long before it goes cross-server and destroys what's left of the community like it did in WoW?) and some cosmetics such as an outfits wardrobe (a welcome feature).

There's still time for the devs to take the game in a good direction, but I think they have set up their stall to try and capture some of the WoW market by offering a similar product. That's not going to cut it for me, if I want the WoW model I'll play WoW. I'm after something different.


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Reply #40 on: May 14, 2011, 08:14:18 pm
Yarp, I made it to about 26th level then got a little side tracked, back on Civ IV!  I tried Civ V but it still isn't as good as # IV imo.  The new BAT mod is very good and there is a really nice realism mod out for it, though it is very realistic and adds alot.


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Reply #41 on: May 18, 2011, 06:45:56 pm
Yeah i gotta agree, despite trying Civ V just hasn't really done it for me :(