
Cernos · 20423


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on: March 01, 2011, 04:18:08 pm
So, I hit the endgame in WoW and got bored again by all the PVE grinds and the fact that the PvP is still terrible. Found myself once more standing around in Orgrimmar for long periods doing nothing and browsing the web for any new MMOs on the horizon. And so I stumbled into Rift and I'm glad I did. I managed to get into the last few days of the open beta and was blown away. Stunning graphics, great gameplay and *very* polished and stable. I've become so jaded by endless mediocre MMO releases that I was surprised to find it gave me a feeling I've not had since my first days exploring DAOC and vanilla WoW. So I went with my gut feeling and subscribed. Currently in the headstart and really enjoying it.

Rift doesn't do anything particularly innovative, apart from a very flexible new class system that allows for all sorts of combinations. But what it does do is take all the best features from other MMOs and refines them, removes many of the annoyances and then adds its own dollop of graphical style and lore. I love the fae atmosphere of the early Guardian zones. People will compare it with WoW, but actually its ancestry appears to have more in common with DAOC, EQ and Warhammer. It has the graphics, UI and features of a modern MMO but has an old school atmosphere.

The public quests are a central part of the game. On one end of the scale you can join anyones public group to complete a quest and actually get boosted xps (so no kill stealing or queueing for quest npcs). At the other end of the scale there's huge public quests to battle the biggest of the rifts, which despite the huge numbers of mobs and players involved doesn't cause any lag (in itself a huge achievement). When an invasion by one of the eight enemy factions happens, the PVE world becomes very dynamic with quest hubs and even towns getting overrun by mobs. Players need to band together to beat the invasion back and there's incentives to do so. The game naturally draws players together without feeling forced and rewards you for doing so, but you can hop in and out of public groups as you wish.

Instances I've seen so far are very impressive and the PvP is a lot of fun. If you're on a PVE server you can do warfronts which are like Warhammer scenarios. Perhaps the PvP will become more hardcore as it inevitably does, but while everyone is a noob it's been great fun.

The class system is impressive. You choose a base class (warrior, rogue, cleric, mage) and then select up to three souls (talent trees) from a list of eight. Some souls are tanky, some healer, some dps, some crowd control. So you put together the type of toon that suits. You can have tanking clerics, healing rogues (bards) and mages, warriors with ranged attacks and even tanking rogues (I've seen rogues main tanking instances). It means there's no true cookie cutter specs, which makes PvP much less rock paper scissor as you can imagine. You can gain access to all eight souls per class via questing and then create multiple combos (roles) which you can switch between easily while in the field. It's like WoW's second spec, but on steroids.

I can't vouch for how the endgame will be, but everything else is so polished it shows promise. They seem to have got the core game right, which should mean less firefighting and more adding new content and features. Of course, it's a MMO and so some form of endgame grind is inevitable.

If anyone is thinking of giving it a try, it lauches on Friday I think, but you might still be able to pre-order and get in the headstart. I'm on the Argent PVE-RP server (as RP servers tend to have a maturer community), Guardian side (cos they have the only midget race), playing a dwarf bard called Cern. There's also PvP servers, but these function the same as in WoW so probably best avoided. They are talking about adding some RvR zones to all server types if players want it (and there's a lot who do). Hope so.

Perhaps catch you there?


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Reply #1 on: March 01, 2011, 08:41:34 pm
Hiya Cern,

Sounds interesting, I'll have a read up on it. Though trouble is I don't really have allot of time for an MMO right now (I have games stacking up that I want to play as it is !! And Dues ex 3, DA2 coming soon as well !!).

From a brief look on youtube it really does look allot like wow, even the gfx. Was that a conscious choice do you think ? Like the idea of the class specs, sounds allot like the way guild wars did it (i.e. you can pick from different skills and essentially make your own archtype). Only trouble is this does eventually lead to cookie cutter builds all the same, as some just dominate over others. Frankly i'd be happy with just some real choices but seems to me that all the min/maxers just cant wait to prove one build is superior to another then everyone else follows suit etc !

Will be interested to see what you think in a couple of months also, normally that's the acid test. I think I even got excited by age of conan at the start before the realisation set in that it was a steaming pile of donkey pooh ;)

Update me on your travels :)



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Reply #2 on: March 01, 2011, 09:34:22 pm
If I repair my rig I'll prolly give it a shot, though updates would be nice as you play!


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Reply #3 on: March 01, 2011, 09:43:34 pm
When you see the graphics up close they are not really like WoW. Much more detail and the character models are more realistic, less cartoony. The art style is closer to Warhammer or Aion maybe.

You're probably right about cookie cutter builds emerging, the min/maxxers will always end up doing that. Never played Guild Wars, so this type of system is new to me. But its still nice to be able to make a character to suit. For example, my rogue is bard as main (heals via dps and buffs), has ranger as the second line (pet to keep aggro off me and some ranged damage) and Saboteur third line (so I have some way to do spike damage).

Agree about AoC. Rift feels different, it doesn't have the flaws from the start AoC did and apparently the content is already in place to get to endgame (unlike AoC where everyone ran out of quests and had to grind). There's endgame raids and instances already in place. But the real test will be the endgame, that's where most MMOs fall down, so will keep you posted.


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Reply #4 on: March 03, 2011, 11:04:31 am
Will have a look at the tonight - damn work internet filters not letting me look at gaming websites!

Be good to try something new :)

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
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Reply #5 on: March 03, 2011, 04:07:26 pm
Here's some screenies from Rift. I realised I don't have any screenies of an actual Rift, but this should give you a flavour.


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Reply #6 on: March 03, 2011, 04:21:04 pm
some stunning screenies there cern :)

does the game require a really powerful PC or if you can run WoW smoothly would Rift be ok?

I can't look at the tech specs from work!

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
Kilgour LVL 70 BE Warlock WOW
Brigheiss LVL 70 Orc Warrior WOW
Brigh BR23 CR2 NC Planetside Gemini
Brigh BR26 CR3 TR Planetside Werner


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Reply #7 on: March 03, 2011, 04:37:55 pm
Just got my retail box this morning. Minimum specs are:

Processor: Dual core 2Ghz.
Memory: 2GB
Video GeForce FX5900 or Radeon x300.
DirectX 9.0c

Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.2 Ghz or better
Memory: 4GB
Video: GeForce GTS250
DirectX 9.0c

So requirements look pretty modest. By all reports, if you can run WoW you can run Rift. Barely seen anyone whinging about framerates in chat (unlike with Age Of Conan where that's all anyone did).

I'm running with Core 2 Quad 2.4 Ghz (which is probably only running as dual core when gaming), 8GB (but only 4GB visible to 32-bit games), Nvidia GTX 260 and can run on High settings without any problems (probably also Ultra but I haven't tried yet).


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Reply #8 on: March 03, 2011, 04:46:48 pm
Cheers Cern - I have some memory to install into my PC so I should be alright :)

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
Kilgour LVL 70 BE Warlock WOW
Brigheiss LVL 70 Orc Warrior WOW
Brigh BR23 CR2 NC Planetside Gemini
Brigh BR26 CR3 TR Planetside Werner


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Reply #9 on: March 04, 2011, 09:04:17 am
hey guys :)

Wow Cern, stunning indeed!! :), maybe post it also under our Rift thread on Legion boards, good incentive if ppl are undecided ;)
I got the game as well, urge to try new mmos is really strong always, Cern helped in the process a bit :)
Enjoying the game so far. It's nice to be a total noob again  :)
Got an old machine, almost 4 years old, tweaked recently with 4GB ram and new gfx (gforce 260) and the game runs perfectly smooth

cya ingame maybe guys :)


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Reply #10 on: March 05, 2011, 02:24:33 pm
Couple more screenies. And look, even dwarves can be angelic! :)


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Reply #11 on: March 05, 2011, 06:03:44 pm
sweet :)

p.s. hey shi ! :)


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Reply #12 on: March 07, 2011, 10:23:46 pm
It does look like a graphically improved version of WoW. 

How is it playing?  How important is gear, are there raids.   Is there real co-operation between people and is PvP or PvM the flavour of the day with Rift?  I cannot figure out if (as in I haven't read back history) if the Rifts are a way into the enemies domains or if they are a way for undead (or other monsters) to attack your home territory there by forcing co-operation to defend the lands, towns and villages.


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Reply #13 on: March 07, 2011, 11:23:01 pm
It doesn't play at all like WoW, and when you see the graphics in game they aren't anything like WoW either.

Rifts are a way for spawns of NPC enemies to swarm into the game world from other dimensions. So imagine you've got zones with mobs and quests in like any normal MMO. Then these rifts start appearing spawning lots of extra mobs of an enemy faction (it might be fire, water, life, undead, earth etc, I think there's 8+ types). The players have to close these rifts. The rifts appear in random locations but don't move. However, this isn't all that happens. Linked to the rifts are Invasions, which are much larger influxes of mobs which are mobile and aim for the towns, quest hubs and other usually safe places. For a while players can lose control of these spots unless they fight the invasion back. The invasion usually has an end boss which needs everyone to join together to take down. Invasions happen every few hours in the noob zones because they are full of players, less frequently in other zones as its based on population.

This whole mechanic causes utter chaos at times. It's fantastic, though the WoW fanboys don't like that their little questing bubble gets burst.

There is real co-operation between players. Dunno if its just the server we're on is friendly, but everyone is so helpful. But I think it's more that the game is designed to encourage people to group and co-operate, but not in a way that requires meticulous planning. You group with the people around you and do your bit.

As for gear, it's a MMO so gear is part of it. But you can get gear in a number of ways, instances, raids, doing rifts, pvp, epic quests and of course crafting. The PvP gear does have a mechanic called valor which looks similar to Resillience in WoW, but this is only on the endgame gear. The PvP gear you can earn while levelling is equal to or better than what you can get via PVE.


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Reply #14 on: March 08, 2011, 10:39:56 am
i'm rly glad Cern hinted me on this game, for me it comes outta nowhere absolutely, and for the lil hype it had it's a true hit
of course it's also 'another mmo'so you will get it all, gear grind , faction grind, dailies, raids etc... but it really feels different, and since it's a totally fresh immersion in a new world it doesnt feel old like getting a new xpack in wow, and most of all, ppl are not in their own corner doing there stuff, since there is so much happening that impacts all in the zone it's kinda hard to walk by and not react hehe
what Cern described above, invasion and rift concept makes it original and unique :)
last night i told Cern & Brigh that im up for a dungeon run, but 1st need to get to the city to fetch myself a drink, since out in the field, you dont want really go afk
I arrived front of an Inn, and few seconds later a huge tree elite giant from life invasion rolled over me :) haha
personally i find the game too intense sometimes hehe, it's not a criticism, but more a statement, it's real madness in the zones where lots of players level
server seems friendly, the RP tags scares of a considerable % of muppets we got in WoW