IMPORTANT: Mythic Billing Problems

Cernos · 11843


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on: April 09, 2010, 02:12:48 pm
Seems Mythic have royally screwed up their billing system and have been billing customers multiple times. In some cases dozens and dozens of billing hits in a short space of time on peoples credit or debit cards, causing bills of hundreds of dollars, in some cases thousands where people have multiple accounts. People have been going overdrawn, getting whacked by bank charges and all sorts of credit card problems. It affects both DAOC and Warhammer customers and even seems to have hit people with closed accounts in some cases. Not sure of the numbers involved, but seems pretty widespead and not just isolated cases. What's worse is that despite assurances to the contrary it is still ongoing. So check your account management and check your credit card or bank statements.

See the official statement here:

And here's the fallout:

Seems that thousands of accounts got simultaneously hacked too, on Warhammer mostly, so it's possible there is some connection. Even GOA never managed to screw up in such a monumental fashion.


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Reply #1 on: April 10, 2010, 12:59:48 pm
Sounds like a fairly major screw up.  I don't see any problems on my billing page, will check my bank as well to make sure.


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Reply #2 on: April 10, 2010, 05:03:30 pm
ouch, maybe they employed some ex GOA guys to help out ? ;)

This is the kind of that makes people quit even if they like the game :/


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Reply #3 on: April 10, 2010, 05:52:10 pm
I think the problem stems from EA having sub-contracted the billing side of things to a 3rd party (as yet unnamed). Typical corporate behaviour to get everything done as cheaply as possible. Well I hope it bites them on the arse big time. Corporates need to learn that contracting everything out to the lowest bidder is a huge problem across many areas of business and I'm only surprised something like this hasn't happened sooner. Such gross mis-management of customers' financial details and trust is unforgiveable. It is also corporate suicide. Are those savings from contracting out really worth the enormous dent in reputation?

It's a real shame for the game communities hit by this. Even for those who still really like the game and want to play it's hard to feel confident about paying to play anymore. I haven't been affected so far as my accounts are closed (though that hasn't saved some people). I also pay by credit card which gives me some protection (I'd never let any online service near my debit card). But this has rocked my confidence in the whole MMO pay monthly model. I would never have imagined that any games billing system (or indeed banking system) would allow errors like this to happen on such a massive scale without some failsafe mechanism kicking in. Clearly there is no failsafe and I think it's been a big eye-opener for a lot of people.


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Reply #4 on: April 10, 2010, 06:51:49 pm
Maybe I missed something but why are CC a safer means of paying for stuff than CC's?  I have payed by CC but I can't claim I did so through an educated choice :)

It is my understanding that banks tend to safe guard a customers money should it be stolen or lost.  Or is it just because CC stop at the upper limit and debit cards tend to take people past overdrafts?

I agree with you Cern about whoring out services to the lowest bidder, very foolish.


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Reply #5 on: April 10, 2010, 09:28:08 pm
Or is it just because CC stop at the upper limit and debit cards tend to take people past overdrafts?

Mostly this and the fact that one is an immediate payment, the other a deferred payment.

Because a debit card is linked directly to your bank account, billing errors can put your account immediately into overdraft and incur penalty fees (which can quickly escalate because repeated billing errors will also incur repeated fees). Banks will not refund these fees until whoever caused the billing error has reversed their transaction(s). This leaves your bank account in an overdrawn (and often frozen) state until the situation is resolved, which could take days or even weeks, with obvious implications for things like mortgages, rent, bills etc. EA/Mythic have moved reasonably quickly and most people have seen reversals within about 2-3 days, but their legal obligation is 30 days, so a less scrupluous company could really drag their heels on putting things right and still not fall foul of the law.

A credit card on the other hand means you have a minimum 30-day buffer to get things sorted out before any charges start to be incurred. Also, there is a lot more legislation in place currently to protect credit card owners against fraud compared to debit cards (though if your debit card is Visa then you have a higher level of protection).

In short, using a credit card gives you a buffer zone against problems whereas a debit card exposes your bank account directly to any potential problems.


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Reply #6 on: April 11, 2010, 11:44:04 am
Cheers for the heads up Cern, Mythic have billed me multiple times, I got hit 15 times for over ?150.  It happened in March though, think I need to pay more attention to my finances!

Now to kick their ass  >:(


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Reply #7 on: April 11, 2010, 01:54:44 pm
Urgh, sorry to hear you've been hit by it Sax. As I understand it, the billing problems actually happened in March but didn't show up straight away, which is why it wasn't until early April that everything kicked off. I hope you can get it sorted out swiftly. I think you need to call them on the phone. Unless you have cheap calls to the USA on your phone plan the best way to do this for free is via Skype.


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Reply #8 on: April 14, 2010, 08:18:36 pm
Not really had alot of spare time to sort this out so just getting on it now.  They reversed my charges without me having to do anything and payed back the money lost in the variable ?-$, so it really hasn't affected me which is a rather good way for things to have turned out :)


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Reply #9 on: April 14, 2010, 09:09:10 pm
Glad to hear they've sorted it out without too much hassle Sax. It should never have happened in the first place of course, but at least they've put things right relatively quickly for most people.


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Reply #10 on: May 04, 2010, 08:36:04 am
Like what happened to Saxif I got billed 17 times in a day which was annoying but it was even harder to get my money back as I had to make an appeal and it took an eternity to get my cash back!

Really pissed off about what happened and I don't think I will be renewing my subs :(

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Reply #11 on: May 04, 2010, 04:06:05 pm
Urgh, sorry to hear that Brigh. I think a lot of people are going to be unwilling to renew after this. I was lucky and avoided any overbilling but I still dont have any confidence they won't screw up again. The only way I would consider resubbing for the time being is via a gamecard, and they only seem to sell these in 3 month blocks which isn't of interest as summer is almost here and I don't want to spend that much time glued to a MMO anyway.