EU Character transfer confirmed

Saxif · 20493


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Reply #15 on: February 18, 2010, 09:57:28 am
Hey Brigh,

From what I understand you start by a free transfer of the account and then you have the option of paying to have your toon moved from one account to another.  Yes if Saxif is truly there I am getting him back, my Druid can't do anything without a grp until the next patch comes in.  With a Champion I will at least be able to earn some cash or have more options to fill up grp spaces!


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Reply #16 on: February 18, 2010, 02:17:16 pm
Cool - I would deactivated my account with the BuffBot on and open the account with my Warden on it as I know I have a level 48 Druid and level 42 bard I could use for bots :)

Brigh :D

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Reply #17 on: February 18, 2010, 02:46:08 pm
There's a misconception, which I seem to have helped start, that we will be able to transfer toons between accounts. There's nothing Mythic have said and nothing currently in the account management pages that would facilitate this. So it looks highly unlikely.

The deal is this. Mythic have moved all old EU accounts under their control. There will be new "EU" servers operated by Mythic for French and German customers. However UK players with Prydwen and Excalibur characters will have the option to transfer their toons to Ywain. BUT ... we will only be able to play them on Ywain if our old EU account is paid for and active. So for example, if you want to have both Brighy your Vamp and Brigheiss your old Warden both active, you'd have to pay for both accounts.

There's no news on any account mergers, Mythic deflected my questions on this so it looks unlikely to happen.

Apparently the new EU servers have been up and running and now down again for maintenance. But I've not seen any details on how to access them. They don't appear in the server list via the US client, so I can only assume you have to run the EU client to see them, but the patcher for that seems down.


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Reply #18 on: February 18, 2010, 02:50:42 pm
Not a problem if it ends up like that as I'm paying for 2 accounts at the moment anyway so would stop the subs on my BB account and use my old EU account as my 2nd account

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
Kilgour LVL 70 BE Warlock WOW
Brigheiss LVL 70 Orc Warrior WOW
Brigh BR23 CR2 NC Planetside Gemini
Brigh BR26 CR3 TR Planetside Werner


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Reply #19 on: February 18, 2010, 02:58:09 pm
Not a problem if it ends up like that as I'm paying for 2 accounts at the moment anyway so would stop the subs on my BB account and use my old EU account as my 2nd account

Yep this looks like my best option too. I can close my current BB account and make my old EU account my 2nd account. This would mean I would initially have no buffbot but shouldn't be too hard to level new ones, though would need to level a 50 BB on both accounts. Messy but at least would give me access to all my old toons.

But looks like some Luri imposter has stolen the name Cernos .... dunno what my old Celt is gonna do about that :)


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Reply #20 on: February 18, 2010, 03:07:05 pm
I think I've got a character called Brigheiss somewhere which will probably just get deleted :)

Any date on this happening btw roughly?

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
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Reply #21 on: February 18, 2010, 03:23:56 pm
Currently the only players who can transfer are those who had an active EU account when the hand-over happened (so that's almost no-one). Currently there's no way to re-activate an old EU account as there's no payment options in the account management pages. I've seen a 'red' post on VN boards which says there is no ETA on fixing this but likely to be several days. There's no rush because they have yet to activate the transfers from archived Prydwen/Excalibur to Ywain and again ETA on this is several days.


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Reply #22 on: February 18, 2010, 03:32:15 pm
ahh ok - will carry on with my BB account for now then but just not renew it when the time comes :)

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
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Reply #23 on: February 18, 2010, 06:31:31 pm
Damn you Cern for starting rumours!!

psuedo gives me a ready made BB for Saxif though ;p  I will keep Djem as a playable toon however :)


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Reply #24 on: March 11, 2010, 03:52:56 pm
The subs on both my US accounts have expired and I don't have plans to renew for the time being, at least not until the whole EU transfer thing resolves. Everything seems up in the air at the moment and I'll not subscribe until it sorts out. I believe all EU accounts are free to play until the 28th so I might pop onto Prydwen to say hi on my old toons, but I've no interest in farming anything on there like a lot of people seem to be doing.

Whether this means I will drift from the game I'm not sure. I'm rather busy with work anyway and have some other games to keep me occupied (NTW and DA:O xpack soon to be out). Plus I'm about to start another artwork piece with an accompanying short story, so this will impact on the time I have available for gaming anyway.

My houses on Hib and Mid are paid up for the next 3 or 4 payments. I have set permissions so that anyone with current access can withdraw money from the merchant and also pay the rent (which you do by dropping 20g at a time onto the house). Take any gold of mine which might be on the merchants and use it to pay the rent. I think the house gets respossessed after 120 days of non subscription, but it probably won't come to that because I had been enjoying playing the game again until the whole EU transfer thing derailed everything.


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Reply #25 on: March 12, 2010, 01:23:42 pm
I have been busy and not playing alot and additionally a couple times when I had time to play I wasn't able to find a grp for my Druid, so I have been afg (away from game) for awhile also.  I intend to keep lvling up my Druid though so I can take care of the house issue; "how much" do you have to pay every "how many days"?

I haven't bothered farming stuff on Dyvet either, I figure I'll do it on Ywain when everything has settled down again, also the fact I'll be able to supply pots and buffs will help alot.  I hope it does go through because alot of old EU ppl have spent alot of time on Dyvet recently gearing up old toons they'll be pretty pissed off it if it was for nothing.  Though I am 95% sure it'll go through within 4 weeks of now.

I might however finish off DA:O so I can play the expac on release, I am only about 12 hrs in so far.  Couldn't finish the Dalish content, the Hermit kept beating me as did that Revanent by the Grave stone and the other one by the suspicious camp.  Will go back after the mages tower and try again.


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Reply #26 on: March 12, 2010, 02:43:14 pm
House rent is 20g a week. You can prepay up to four weeks. Chances are I'll be back before the prepaid rent runs out. But just in case I'm not, would be grateful if you can drop some rent onto my Hib and Mid houses in a couple of weeks time (assuming you still have an active account yourself).

Hib: Ywain2, lot 3356
Mid: Ywain1, lot 1785

I agree it's likely the EU-ENG -> Ywain transfers will eventually go ahead it's the uncertainty over when which is derailing everything. They just need to get it over with and settle everything down. Current situation is silly.

As for DA:O, there's around 100 hours gameplay if you explore every area thoroughly and do all the side quests. If you skipped side quests and just did the main storyline you could perhaps halve that. At 12 hours in you're probably a bit early for Brecilian Forest. On both my run throughs I left that until much later (after Orzammar) as there's some tough fights. I would go to Mage Tower first and then Redcliffe.


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Reply #27 on: March 24, 2010, 07:08:43 pm
Dunnof if you guys are still keen, I get the feeling DAoC lost Brigh to WoW :)

There has been a xfer update, they are going to try and get it sorted out early April, would be nice if it was in time for Easter but not the end of the world if it isn't.

Update - EU Free Character Transfers
We?re pleased to announce free character transfers for our European Dark Age of Camelot Players!

Since moving the game to Mythic, we have been working hard on our goal of moving all players onto one account center, keeping EU players updated to the most recent version of the game and ensuring everyone can join in on Realm Pride. With all those moving parts, our current plan is to allow free transfers in early April, however please note that this timeframe is subject to change. Once the transfers are enabled, we will continue to monitor populations as things progress and adjust the source and destination servers as needed.

Below is the list of servers and where they will be able to transfer to:

Transfer to Ywain, Kattraeth, or Glamorgan

Transfer to Ywain, Kattraeth, or Glamorgan

Transfer to Ywain, Kattraeth, or Glamorgan

Transfer to Ywain, Kattraeth, or Glamorgan

Transfer to Mordred

Transfer to Kattraeth, or Glamorgan

We will consider transfers from other servers as we move forward.

For the last month the DAoC EU Community has been enjoying a free month on their new servers. As you may have heard by now, we will be turning on billing beginning March 25th. If you haven?t already, please visit the EU Account Center to update your account and purchase game time codes.

Please be sure to watch the Camelot Herald for updates regarding a finalized plan of the free character transfers.

Thank you for your continued support and we?ll see you in the Frontier!
Andy Belford
Community Coordinator
Mythic Entertainment

The rest of the thread is ppl saying how great it is and general enthusiam about the entire process, which amused me as all these ppl have been bitch slapping Mythic for the last 2 or 3 weeks :)


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Reply #28 on: March 25, 2010, 01:17:29 pm
Would have preferred the transfer to be enabled during the free month, then I could have at least got my EU toons transferred before deciding what to do with opening and closing accounts, deleting toons (to preserve names), recreating buffbots, possibly transfering house ownership and so on. This now means that to sort out my situation I'm going to have subscribe three accounts for a month. Dunno if I can justify that, will think about it.

Asking EU customers to start paying on the 25th with the transfer still 2-3 weeks away is a bit off.  Anyone using that free month to see how the game was doing will have logged into largely empty servers and been unaware of all the action happening on Ywain (or if they are aware, they can't join it). To expect people to pay to still log into the same dead server situation is laughable. I think they had a nice window to get lots of EU people playing again and they've dropped the ball.

I'm going to watch the situation and decide what to do once the actual transfer date arrives.


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Reply #29 on: March 25, 2010, 01:30:22 pm
No ones gonna resub their EU accounts until the xfer actually happens and I would expect Mythic to transfer subs across to Ywain, so thats not really an issue.  I doubt they have been dragging their feet its more likely they had alot of issues to sort out with a small work force and did the best they could.  I thought it was a bit off they didn't comunicate with the community but I suspect all they would have to say is "We are working on it and will get it sorted asap" which is hardly worth commicating.

It would have been nice to have had it happen already, Ywain is sucky atm cos the guild is empty and I am getting bored with PUGs.  I also doubt it it'll improve much once the xfer does happen cos their is a hard core in NFD and they'll all want a piece of the action and I don't think they'll wanna run 1+FG's (slightly elitist imo).  Will see, if my fears are realised and I wanna play more I'll find a guild that needs a Druid and swap across, would be a shame but I get the feeling there are going to be EU guilds created for returning players.  Also I'll be able to be active on 2 out of 3 realms with my Skald, though being 49th it would take months to get him to an equivalent state compared to my Druid but might be worth it for a regular grp.


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