EU Character transfer confirmed

Saxif · 20492


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on: January 16, 2010, 03:36:57 pm
Mythic have confirmed that we will be able to transfer our EU toons to US servers!!  Now there is no reason for you current non-DAoC players (Las, Eko) to play!  ;D



edit - After having checked I don't think my account exists anymore, so a little less awesome for me  :-[

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Reply #1 on: January 16, 2010, 04:39:22 pm
I cant seem to login to my accounts or get the password changed. Besides I kinda knew this already by not getting the bonus goodies in warhammer that all other ex-daoc'ers got, seems GOA decided I was of no use to them anymore !

Besides that i guess leveling a new one wouldn't take too long anyways, you guys seem to have done it quite quickly. I just have a lack of motivation to play daoc again tbh (sorry!), maybe I'll change my mind in the future though - never say never!


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Reply #2 on: January 16, 2010, 05:05:28 pm
GOA changed everyones account passwords on 27th August 2003 due to being hacked. They changed both the game and the subscription passwords. There were emails sent out at this time. I know the exact date because I saved my email with the new details. So, check back through your old emails if you still have them. If you haven't tried to log in since then this is probably the reason you can't now.

I managed to log on to my EU account and all my characters are still there. Made me realise they aren't as good as I seem to remember. Toons I thought were fully TOA'd are only ML8, toons I thought were high realm rank are only RR3 or 4 (highest is my old Hero at 6L6). I have more plats on Ywain, even after buying a house and doing templates, than all my toons put together on Prydwen. So if you can't get access to your old toons I wouldn't worry, you arent missing much other than a bit of nostalgia.

If Mythic offer some form of free transfer I will migrate a few of my toons over. But nothing is ever free is it, greedy games companies always want to grab money for moving toons between accounts (its one of the biggest ripoffs in the MMO industry, charging up to a months subs for a simple database transfer that is automated and takes a few seconds). So unless it is free or the charge is a nominal one, I probably won't bother, or at very most I will pile all my plats and useful items onto one single toon and transfer that.


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Reply #3 on: January 17, 2010, 01:43:28 am
Guess we will have to wait and see - I forgot I had created so many characters on my account but like you Cern I thought by Warden had done more ML's!

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Reply #4 on: February 12, 2010, 01:45:11 pm
Mythic have announced how the EU merger will work. Here's the FAQ:

Looks like players from Prydwen and Excalibur will be given the option to transfer to either Ywain or one of the new French and German servers. So we'll be able to have our EU toons on Ywain, but of course they'll be on a separate account so that poses some issues. I don't intend to pay for a third account and since transferring a toon between accounts is a paid service I will only do this for perhaps 1 Prydwen and 1 Excalibur character maximum. My old Hero is RR7 and ML8 with 45k BPs. But I like my new Luri. Decisions decisions :)


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Reply #5 on: February 12, 2010, 02:42:17 pm
So we can either have a 2nd account for our new toons for free or pay to have a toon moved onto the same account?  Any idea how much that costs?  I can't spend to much time browsing the web at lunch :)

This is good news, got my password sorted for my Champ, so just need to get things set up for a transfer :)


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Reply #6 on: February 12, 2010, 03:16:50 pm
Hmm, just logged into account management and the character transfer section only works for Warhammer. Looked at the Herald and only thing I can find is account splitting, but that is only for moving toons to a new blank account, not to an existing account. It costs $40 anyway, so sod that (though for up to four toons). Perhaps there's not a way to do this as I'd hoped (I assumed the link inside account management worked for Daoc, but its only for Warhammer).

I have emailed Mythic support to ask about account mergers and character transfers, will see what they say.


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Reply #7 on: February 13, 2010, 03:55:08 pm
pfft, you know there's no choice now Cern, once you've tasted the awesomness of a tiny little luri bashing things much bigger than him the other races just seem..... meh :)


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Reply #8 on: February 13, 2010, 04:02:38 pm
pfft, you know there's no choice now Cern, once you've tasted the awesomness of a tiny little luri bashing things much bigger than him the other races just seem..... meh :)

Heh too true, Luri powah! I'll probably end up asset stripping my poor old Celt to boost the evul Lurikeen Empire.


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Reply #9 on: February 13, 2010, 08:46:00 pm
Can't believe you'd do that ... Celt all the way!!!


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Reply #10 on: February 13, 2010, 11:59:04 pm
luri's forever !!!

(as a side note i remember this video from around the time i was doing mine, made me laugh allot ! :) Amusing song to do the video to)


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Reply #11 on: February 17, 2010, 07:46:45 pm
When they start the transfer of the data base will they have trouble with character names before or after you activate old toons?

If you don't get my meaning, then I haven't deleted my Thane yet which is called Saxif because until I can actually log my Champion in I won't fully believe it!  So will not having deleted the Thane mean that I am going to have to rename the Champion, or will I only have to rename him if I reactivate him?  I assumed the latter, anyone know or suppose differently?


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Reply #12 on: February 17, 2010, 08:20:26 pm
Your EU toons will initially be available on a special archive server that Mythic will be setting up (details yet to be announced). You will need to log on to that archive server and then use the  /freexfer command to initiate a transfer to your choice of allowable destinations. For ex-Prydwen and ex-Excalibur toons the choice will be between Ywain and the new French/German server they are setting up.

It is only when you actually trigger the transfer via /freexfer that any name conflicts are checked. So it would be safe to log on to the archive server and check all is well with your Champ before you decide what to do with your Thane. If all is well with your Champ then you should delete your Thane before you do the /freexfer command. If you don't delete your Thane called Saxif then your Champ will get assigned a temporary name something like Saxif-12345 and you will be prompted at next login to change it to something new.

More details on how the process works here:
This applies to the old US server transfers when they merged into Ywain, but the method will be the same for the EU transfers.


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Reply #13 on: February 17, 2010, 09:38:05 pm

At least the name is saved then :)


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Reply #14 on: February 18, 2010, 09:37:48 am
Is anyone going to transfer their characters across? and is it a character you move or the account?

Also is there going to be a cost involved? I'm at work at the moment so I can't access any gaming websites (curse you internet filter)!

Brigh :D

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