The Push to 50th

Saxif · 18035


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on: January 09, 2010, 05:24:18 pm
Just thought I'd start this thread to talk about getting to 50th lvl.  Generally this thread is designed to work out how much time we all have and if we all want to make our way to 50th lvl, the thread is inspired by the fact that NFD seem keen for us to hit 50th lvl and join in the 'grown up' RvR.  I am somewhat keen to push forwards, partially cos I want to be a part of the guild and because they seem keen to include us and because I like to see my toons develop. 

I do have time constraints and think I could prolly manage no more than 3 full evenings a week gaming, I am about 14% away from 40th lvl and the game tells me I get a free lvl as soon as I lvl.  So when I start out I'll be 41st lvl.  Do we want to move to 50th lvl together, seperately at our own pace or roughly together (as and when ppl are on but do the first few sessions grped up)?

I have also (with Cerns help last night) dinged my Ranger to 39th lvl and gimped him (most likely) with a melee spec and gear :)  So if Brigh you wanna stick with Molvik I think Cern and I will have toons at that lvl as I think Cern is keen to push some of his toons forwards.

I'd like to do the lvls between 41st and 50th grped but then I am little gimpy (compared to my Ranger or especially Cerns Animist) when soloing, I do however realise that Cern will be slowed down quite a bit if he lvls at my/our speed!

So what do you both reckon?


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Reply #1 on: January 09, 2010, 06:10:59 pm
I will definitely move my Hero on to 50. He's the sort of toon that only thrives in a balanced group situation and whilst I've been lucky enough to have had several good groups in Molvik, generally its a poor experience solo or small teams without any speed. So will be good to get to 50 and run with the guild. I dont mind trying to keep roughly in step with you both so we can try and level together. Main problem is I tend to get on post 9pm usually and now the holidays are over I won't be able to log on afternoons so much like I have been. Let's play it by ear and see what we can arrange.

The Animist I will push to 50 too in due course but mostly for farming purposes. I've not enjoyed RvR as much as I'd hoped with Animist, doesn't suit the way I like to play casters. I much prefer the more direct approach, so will bring an Eldritch up for Molvik.


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Reply #2 on: January 09, 2010, 08:28:58 pm
I think I am going to get annoyed with the Ranger, I want to call it a gimped class but it's prolly the way I play it.  I also don't know if I have the patience for the hunter killer solo play style, might be a wasted investment!  I'll have to duel you both and see how I do to get a feel for how good I am in melee compared to a melee class, then can duel again with you starting at bow range and see if I can kill you in the most favourable circumstances!


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Reply #3 on: January 09, 2010, 09:20:12 pm
Stealth classes are tough to play. They normally need a buffbot to be viable (though ranger stands a better chance than most thanks to having some self buffs).  Melee ranger spec will definitely gimp you in most RvR situations. Try full bow and decent stealth and see how you get on, should play out rather differently. But you will still have to carefully pick your targets and mostly rely on feeding off the periphery of fights. An archer in the thick of it is toast.

Stealth has always been a bit of a game within a game and nothing has changed. It can be very frustrating at times, which is why I've kept largely clear of the stealth war since rejoining.

If you want a ranged dps toon, make a caster. They level fast, they aren't gear reliant (though a good template helps of course) and aren't gimped if they don't have a buffbot.


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Reply #4 on: January 10, 2010, 02:20:29 pm
When I say I have a melee spec, I still have full bow (39 points invested), just low stealth.  I chose this spec so I could run with grps instead of poncing about on my own.  The problem is a bow takes so long to fire I always come out second best in competition with a caster so I have to get into melee range where I can cause continous interupts, then I use my 'Speed of the Forest' buff if it is ready to stay on top of them at all times.  I don't really feel I deal alot of dps with a bow or my sword though compared with most classes.  I feel the Ranger is a poor ranged nuker and poor melee as well, jack of all trades but master of none, which is why you have stated in the past that Rangers (Hunters/Scouts) do well when teamed up but badly solo.

By the way I should be about Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evening this week.  If we are gonna go post 39th we should prolly get together and lvl as much as possible inside the BG first :)


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Reply #5 on: January 10, 2010, 03:12:15 pm
I'm fine taking my vamp to level 50 - like Sax I have a free level as soon as I want to leave molvik.

Don't mind if we do it as a group or solo as I can easily grind task dungeons with my vamp with little or no downtime.

I can normally be on in the evening but its probably going to be about 8pm/9pm before I get chance to log on.

FYI - I've been busy these last few days that is why I've not been on much but hopefully that should be sorted soon.

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
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Reply #6 on: January 10, 2010, 03:30:58 pm
The trouble with all stealthers is that people don't group em in regular groups. Partly because people percieve them as solo toons and partly because a lot of stealthers don't help their own cause when grouped and seem to disappear a lot and not stick up when the group moves off. So as a stealther you're largely stuck playing the solo stealth sub game, which is very competitive with most players using buffbots, pots and twinked gear to give them the edge.

Archer bow dps does seem rather lame. I don't think I've ever been killed by a solo archer from full health, I can usually run out of range before they kill me (this includes playing clothies). Which is why archers tend to hunt in packs or hang around the periphery of a fight picking off the wounded.

I think low stealth doesn't make much sense, it's your primary tool for getting the jump on your opponent and escaping after you sprint away. But with low stealth movement speed is painfully slow and assassins will see you a mile off.


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Reply #7 on: January 10, 2010, 05:47:14 pm
Yeah, I hope to be able to outfight assasins soon :)

Though if an assasin gets the drop on me the opening 400-500 points of damage means they r always gonna win out.

Wanna play Molvik tomorrow and take the 'xp off' option off? lvl out of Molvik and then goto Corus or somewhere after and maybe do the same again Tuesday?


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Reply #8 on: January 11, 2010, 09:50:33 am
Wanna play Molvik tomorrow and take the 'xp off' option off? lvl out of Molvik and then goto Corus or somewhere after and maybe do the same again Tuesday?

Should be able to log on tonight, if not make a start on leveling without me - the hours that I log on for the next couple of weeks will be a bit erratic so make a start.

It maybe worth posting here after each leveling session what level you reach as I might find myself with some spare time in the day and if I know you are both level 42 or something I could easily do some task dungeons and catch up.

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
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Reply #9 on: January 12, 2010, 09:20:33 am
Had great fun last night, enjoyed both the CK defense and the roaming.

I capped out of Molvik last night so all set to do some leveling, I'm undecided if I'm going to respec - any idea how much repsec stones are going for?

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
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Reply #10 on: January 12, 2010, 03:41:21 pm
Don't forget you can get two free respec stones from the Royal Accountant in TNN (where the entrance to the throne room is). If you've already spent these, then look for Luminescent Exerpise Stone on the merchants. Used to be around 1p each but maybe more now that they made the dragons harder to stop the farmers.

If you plan to return to the same sort of spec you currently have at 50 I wouldn't bother respec'ing twice for 10 levels of PVE. The levels will fly by easy enough and I doubt your spec will make a huge difference as all the three vamp spec lines dish decent dps don't they? Besides, we got Sax to do the uber dps don't we? ;)

EDIT: just checked and the Exerpise stones are 140g on merchants, so looks like there's still a glut.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 04:02:46 pm by Cernos »


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Reply #11 on: January 12, 2010, 08:45:46 pm
If respec stones are only 140g, might be worth stock piling for future use or future cash making!


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Reply #12 on: January 12, 2010, 09:37:59 pm
They might go lower though. Not sure how farmable they are anymore. Mythic seem to have chased off the Chinese farmers with recent changes, but not sure what this means for the game economy. Probably worth buying one or two for putting in the vault, but wouldn't think it's a good investment for making gold.


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Reply #13 on: January 13, 2010, 12:56:58 pm
Not a bad session last night (apart from that BD spoiling things), need to find some higher level mobs which we can chain kill 1 by 1.

I will be on for a little while tonight but want to watch slumdog millionaire on TV so will have to log by 9pm.

Should be on tomorrow though, depending what time Avatar finishes at the cinema (what an amazing film - you best go see it cern :P )

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
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Reply #14 on: January 18, 2010, 11:31:03 am
Hey Guys,

I will be online on Wednesday and prolly alot at the weekend, I might be able to make Tuesday or Thursday depending on if your both gonna be about.


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