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on: November 21, 2009, 06:26:20 pm
Whos got DA:O, how you finding it, what class/race are you playing(if you've settled on one yet...i haven't :P)?

So far i've tried a Human mage and Human Rogue properly, but played the background of a few more. Barely started rly, 7th lvl.


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Reply #1 on: November 21, 2009, 11:20:07 pm
Just dinged 20 with my city elf warrior/berserker/reaver (chose reaver to get rid of the level up icon).

I simply love the game and will surely play through it again, problem is that while I want to see what effect different choices have, I don't really want to make those choices :-\. Still haven't finished the game yet though I must be close now (I'm off to fight the Blight ... again). The game is very long (Can't someone just give me what I want for once instead of giving me yet another bloody long quest to finish first!) and the character interaction is brilliant. I mostly ran with the same party, but it would be interesting to see how a different party would react.

The DLC content while not bad at all wouldn't be worth the full price imo (got it included with the steam version for only 5? more) and I kinda fear they'll release plenty more DLC with little content, though I hope they'll prove me wrong.

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Reply #2 on: November 22, 2009, 03:10:15 pm
I'm playing as a Dalish Elf Blood Mage, i wanted to tick all the boxes to make people like me ;) not sure how far through I am, but only about 10 hours in or so, then I'm guessing I have quite a bit more to go. Enjoying it allot still, finding some of the fights quite fun and challenging.

I'll prolly try a warrior or rogue like eko's if i play through again, sword and board tank doesn't seem to work so well in this game so might as well go for deeeppeeeessss! I'm finding on challenigng fights though I have to really mico manage the group, the tactics seem ok for usual/random encouters but as soon as it gets a little tough the AI seems to do some really stupid things :)


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Reply #3 on: November 23, 2009, 08:12:30 pm
Its deffinetly not the usual hack' slash rpg game, charged head long into the 1st bunch of "orcs" i met and promptly got shot to pieces by archers on a ridge :P Think i'm gonna play it thru as a rogue, get some good dps from flanking+dual wielding... we'll see


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Reply #4 on: November 27, 2009, 02:03:17 am
So what group did you mainly run with? I prolly haven't met all the avalibe allies yet, but just done the redcliffe/urn of ashes with Sten, Alistair and Leliana. I'm playing a human mage, buffing type, got healing, crowd control and stuff. Thought i'd preffer dmg dealer but this is pretty fun, plus gives a good view to manage the rest of the group.

ps. I'm a good guy ;D


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Reply #5 on: November 27, 2009, 03:41:22 pm
good guys suck, stop hunting down those poor ol' blood mages !

I change my party about a bit, but mostly i ran with a tank (was alistair but now I'm using shale from the free DLC thingie i got with my pack), sten (once he has some consitiution and can take a few hits, before then he sawks) or morrigan or war dog (who I named 'dogface') for dps, then wynne as healbot (though sometimes as per above i have to take over when the fights get intense). And yes, that means i sometimes run with 3 mages, which can be pretty cool but also can die v fast :-)

Everybody hates me though as I keep making the nasty choices, Wynne especially seems to have a bit of a problem with me...


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Reply #6 on: November 27, 2009, 09:02:43 pm
Evul Las!

Whats all this free dcl stuff?

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Reply #7 on: November 28, 2009, 09:47:51 am
i got some codes for the downloadable content with the game, dunno if it always comes with them or if it was something special i did tbh. The only one i don't have is wardens keep, will have to pay for that (anyone got it? any good?)


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Reply #8 on: November 28, 2009, 10:26:02 am
Yeah, got Warden's Keep with the deluxe edition from Steam and it's pretty good. The quest related to it is reasonably long and the keep adds a storage box + blacksmith. It's good, but dunno if it's really worth the full price tbh.

I kinda always ran with the 'standard' party: Alistair, Leliana & Morrigan. Alistair as tank and since he swallowed so many potions I had to set up Morrigan as healer and Leliana got killed all the time in melee so switched her to ranged. Works out fine for the most part, the one who dies most is my own character :P. Morrigan & Leliana + Alistair are opposites though, so it's not an ideal comination, but their banter is great. Should have gotten Wynne earlier to have a 'good' party, but yeah, might try to go with Shale, Shen/Zhevwhatever & Morrigan if I ever replay it (probably as mage, maybe rogue).

Wow, 3 mages could do some serious AoE damage, just gotta keep your melee from running into it then :).

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Reply #9 on: December 01, 2009, 09:23:57 pm
I love shales banter the best, he reminds me of the mad psycho robot in KOTR - think the same guy must have wrote his dialogue. His dislike of birds/pigeons is also hilarious

Stuff like - "I watch all the party at night, counting your breaths and resisting the urge to slaughter you all", or ""Let's go find something squishy to throw off a cliff before it thinks I've gone soft.", or ": "We squished their heads. It was fun."..... (you get the idea! :) )


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Reply #10 on: December 01, 2009, 11:58:02 pm
Hehe yeah, his "bird thing" is indeed hilarious, like when you leave the village you found him in :).

Aah yeah, he does sound a lot like the assassin droid from Kotor, with Shale insisting on calling you "it" while the robot called you "meatbag" (iirc). Having 2 negative inclined people while making mostly positive choices didn't do so well, so ditched Shale eventually (got Wynne way too far in the game, so grew to like Morrigan and kept using her).

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
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Reply #11 on: December 02, 2009, 05:59:41 pm
I'm DLing that shale content now, had a code thing too.

As for banter, Lelina vs sten is pretty funny, she catches him picking flowers in Haven and calls him a "big softie" for the rest of the game, he insists they were for medicinal purposes :) Also he can't grasp the idea of a female warrior, thinks children need to be "put back" until they are finished, and loves cookies.


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Reply #12 on: December 05, 2009, 12:17:12 am
Can I dl this stuff form origninal web site?  You already said it is hardly worth it, any other opinions?  Is some dlable content better than others?  If so what should I go for and what should I leave?


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Reply #13 on: December 05, 2009, 10:34:49 am
You get it from within the game on the main menu, if you don't have a code you have to purchase bioware points from the link it sends you to. The two modules worth downloading are The Stone Prisoner and Warden's Keep, don't bother with any of the others as they aren't items I used much.

Debate ranges on if they are worth it or not. Both modules are 1-2 hours play of good quality and add quite a bit to the backstory, plus give you some stuff you wouldn't otherwise get. The problem is it's quite expensive given the overall cost of the game, ?4 or so for only 1-2 hours play extra is not sitting kindly with many peeps, and they have more DLC like this planned in the future so i guess it could get quite expensive. I did pay for warden's keep though and personally don't regret it, only you can really make the decision if the price is justified though.


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Reply #14 on: December 05, 2009, 11:10:13 am
When I pull myself away from DAoC and try DA I'll let you know my opinion :)



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