World of Warcraft:Cataclysm

xann · 53824


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on: September 30, 2009, 06:51:59 pm

They sure can squeeze a game for all its worth :) Tho the vid does look pretty cool :P


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Reply #1 on: October 01, 2009, 04:56:43 pm
zomg playable goblins ! ;) ...tempting! Interesting to see deathwing too. But ultimately this looks like a makeover for the original content?

As for milking for all it's worth i think they have a while to go yet, the original everquest game has had 15+ expansions and is still going :)


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Reply #2 on: October 01, 2009, 11:57:23 pm
As for milking for all it's worth i think they have a while to go yet, the original everquest game has had 15+ expansions and is still going :)

wow 15 xpacs :o i didn't know that. Blizz prolly have xpacs planned till 2030 :P


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Reply #3 on: October 12, 2009, 03:28:15 pm
Part of it seems interesting (playable goblins!, a rework of Azeroth!), but other parts (guild levelling, some other way than talents to progress your char + underwater level) make it feel like ToA. But unless they can really add more story-driven quests (phasing does provide an option for it, it's used pretty well in Icecrown) we'll do the same quests yet again. Hardly playing WoW as it is and there's not a whole lot tempting me to play more in the x-pac. Just back from 2 weeks of vacation in Turkey and haven't even logged on to WoW yet :P.

Played the Brutal Legend demo and it was a lot of fun, it's so silly and over the top it's actually funny (and besides it's being worked on by Tim Schaeffer (Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle & other games), so it has to be fun). There's a huge preview up atGamespot showing off single player and multiplayer. Kinda looking forward to that & Dragon Age: Origins.

Put off Champions Online by the apparently massive nerfs on the first day :P.

Aion is out I saw, you playing it Sax? Though I think the next MMO for me will be SW:KOTOR, at least Bioware is looking to do something special & not just a WoW rehash.

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Reply #4 on: October 12, 2009, 08:07:00 pm
Hope you had a great hols eko. Thanks for the tip about Brutal Legend - I'll check out the demo (ps3 yep?)

I'm playing Risen atm, recently released but a bit of an old school type RPG. Kinda refreshing to see an RPG that doesn't treat you with kid gloves, Risen chucks you right in at the deep end and is very challenging combat wise (though gets easier as you progress). not every puzzle or quest is handed to you on a platter and things like secret doors are actually secret (they don't show up on the HUD you have to go actively looking for them). Ignore the terrible xbox360 reviews it got as that must be a horrible port, the PC version seems pretty stable to me and looks nice enough with everything turned up to full. Nothing immensley special btw but managing to hold my interest well (and doesn't have stupid level scaling like oblivion did!). Download the demo for a looksie if interested -

Also looking forward to Dragon Age - i hear it's massive and will take a ton of hours to complete!


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Reply #5 on: October 13, 2009, 12:06:31 pm
Yup, on the PS3.

Combat in Risen realy isn't easy, I get killed by stupid birds :P. Seems like a nice game though, will play the demo some more to see if I think it's good enough to go buy. The PC version gets good reviews, so must be an horrible xbox360 port (it's usually the other way around, heh).

Looks like quite a few good games will come out this year & early next year (Brutal Legend, Dragon Age, Mass Effect 2, Starcraft 2, Assassin's Creed 2 (hopefully less repetitive than the first one), Dante's Inferno could be good, certainly looks great, but might also get repetitive).

Hols were great, good weather the whole time & 2 weeks is ideal imo. Saw lots of Turkey the first week & then had another week to rest &  just be lazy :).

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
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Reply #6 on: October 13, 2009, 01:45:09 pm
Good list you made there, am especially looking forward to Mass Effect 2...can't wait for that one. Only other one you missed that I've been watching is Alpha Protocol by Obsiden (KOTR II and NWN 2) - single player secret agent type RPG on all formats (though for RPG's i still much prefer PC to PS3, depends if its a port from console to PC though as you say!). Release date is confusing as i think it was scheduled for about now(ish) but seems to have been put back to early next year.


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Reply #7 on: October 16, 2009, 05:15:58 pm
I moved again, so don't have internet at home and am breaking work regs by looking at this stuff o.O

I have Aion but obviously can't play it atm.  Borrowed DoW2 but need an internet connection for Steam, almost bought Majesty 2 but need an internet connection :(

I like the look of WoW Catalysm from a PCGamer mag I read, but I am only about 70th and 72nd lvl ... meh ... Think I might port one of my toons back to Skullcrusher if I did start playing again, prolly the Warlock.


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Reply #8 on: October 19, 2009, 03:31:39 pm
meh, moving sucks, hope you get settled soon.

Let us know how you get on with Aion?

Cern/Brigh what are you guys up to atm?


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Reply #9 on: October 20, 2009, 12:03:35 pm
Fifa on the Xbox and Planetside on the PC - since the merge activity levels have risen - there is talk about making Planetside 2 but doubt that will happen.

Been installing some old games like Unreal Tournement and Star Wars Battleground so just mucking about with them.

Will keep my eyes open on other online games as they get released though so keep us all informed if you start playing something which is good :)

Brigh :D

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Reply #10 on: October 20, 2009, 02:46:24 pm
I'd love to see Planetside 2, would be really interesting. Though I'm still not really convinced theres an appetite in the FPS community for subscription based persistent worlds, they seem to be happy enough just playing maps on Battlefield which is a semi similar experience.

I've played fifa 10 also, still a pretty good game.


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Reply #11 on: October 20, 2009, 05:39:03 pm
Cern/Brigh what are you guys up to atm?
I gave up on Warhammer US after playing Destruction over there for a while. Greenskins are fun, as is T1 and T2 but in T3 and T4 the same problems rear their head as we found playing WAR EU. Problems too fundamental to ever be fixed, so time to let go.

So back to WoW. For the first time ever I've focused on one toon and one toon only. I moved my hunter back to Skullcrusher and did a rename in the process (now named Cernok). Currently raiding Ulduar 10 and Trial Of The Crusader 10 (next step up from Ulduar) with Legion Inc who are still going strong. If any of you decide you want to come back to WoW and Skullcrusher, Legion Inc would love to have you back I'm sure.

Also having a look at Aion EU. Early days, but it looks interesting. It is very polished indeed, but then I guess it was out in Asia for a year or more now. PVE is much harder than WoW, with harsh death penalties, heaps of mob aggro, a need to grind as well as quest. It reminds me a lot of Daoc's PVE. PvP doesn't start until 25 but there's no instanced PvP (a major plus). Instead there's temporary rifts (portals) that take you into the enemies homeworld (imagine a portal from Hibernia into Albion's PVE zones). These are level limited (to prevent lowbie gank squads) and have a set number of uses which makes for some interesting forays. There's also a full on PVE and RvR zone called the Abyss which you can access at level 25 (think Darkness Falls without the control mechanism). There's fortress fights at the endgame too, though no idea how these compare to Daoc or War. Aerial combat is a big part of PvP, but you can only fly for a limited period (a few minutes) and then can't fly again for a period, which makes for a fair bit of strategy.

Aion feels rather old school. But that's not actually a bad thing, it's a refreshing change from the ezmode everyone has gotten used to with WoW. Whether players (myself included) can cope with an old school MMO with all its time and money sinks remains to be seen. It'll be a huge culture shock for anyone who had WoW as their first MMO but Daoc'ers would feel more at home.


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Reply #12 on: October 20, 2009, 09:42:33 pm
So back to WoW. For the first time ever I've focused on one toon and one toon only. I moved my hunter back to Skullcrusher and did a rename in the process (now named Cernok). Currently raiding Ulduar 10 and Trial Of The Crusader 10 (next step up from Ulduar) with Legion Inc who are still going strong. If any of you decide you want to come back to WoW and Skullcrusher, Legion Inc would love to have you back I'm sure.

Think i am Cern, but only gonna take 1 back to Skullcrusher gotta choose betweem Warrior+Rogue...

How are the BG queues on SC?


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Reply #13 on: October 21, 2009, 01:13:29 am
How are the BG queues on SC?

I don't do much PvP in WoW these days, I can't afford to keep throwing keyboards out of windows :) But I think the queues are quite healthy as whenever I have queued for any BGs I usually get straight in. Wintergrasp is always well populated every time it pops too. And of course there's always Arena and the option for some ganking if that's your thing. So I think PvP on SC is as healthy as any other server, if not better than most.


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Reply #14 on: October 22, 2009, 10:10:46 am
gotta choose betweem Warrior+Rogue...

Some things never change eh ? :)