World of Warcraft:Cataclysm

xann · 53944


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Reply #60 on: November 08, 2009, 06:04:28 pm
Since you wanted my Valk to be spear I rerolled (don't laugh Las) and now my Valk is Katsui & my SB is Zhora, both on Ywain1. Valk is level 12 now and has horsie, full set of chain armor + valk helm and glowie weapon, weee :). Where to go now? Quested a bit in the catacombs, but it feels weird. And how do I join a BG again? ;D

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
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Reply #61 on: November 08, 2009, 06:36:33 pm
Heh, you get a free respec at 20, but nvm - rerolling ftw :)

I've not found anywhere better than Catacombs for lowbie levelling, at around 12 theres those antechambers full of various wailing spirits and things, and after that you can progress onto the big boat thing. You get a single target DD in Odins Will line as Valk which you can use to pull mobs out of the pack.

There may be better places to level sub 20, it's a long time since I did it myself. Brigh and I just pbae farmed the boat, but that's OP Spiritmasters for you :)


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Reply #62 on: November 08, 2009, 07:58:47 pm
I got AoE as well, like that cone AoE thing that draws aggro like mad! :)

Walked around in the Mid capital and got a free respec stone as well, dunno if I can get more or not, didn't try ;).

Saw that boat yeah, but only ran underneath it, though got a quest to go up there I think. And yeah the single target DD is handy to pull,  though I'm dissapointed that warping mobs still exist after all those years (had it with the escort quest, mob warped all over the place with the escort guy in tow aggroing everything) & lagghosts as well (mainly pets it seems). Ok they're probably a limitation of the gfx engine/path prediction, but it's stupid to come back and still finding such bugs/quirks in game. And the UI is a total mess, thought they'd have streamlined it by now, but it looks like UI design stopped after ToA (Hell, even AO which exists even longer has had an UI overhaul).

PvP prolly is still fun, but solo PvE isn't really, though at least levels come relatively quick.

Of course I'm also playing DA:O which is really great, so the faults in DAoC seem even bigger.

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
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Reply #63 on: November 08, 2009, 08:34:35 pm
Since you wanted my Valk to be spear I rerolled (don't laugh Las) and now my Valk is Katsui & my SB is Zhora, both on Ywain1

lmao :)

To be fair in the last couple of games we played i was the reroller ! Making you wait whilst I changed to engi in WAR felt very odd, normally it was me doing the waiting :)

I am really enjoying DA Origins also, first impressions are very good. Looking like a sweet game so far.


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Reply #64 on: November 08, 2009, 08:38:48 pm
The mob warping and lag ghost stuff is something that got a lot worse with 1.99f patch. It was never this bad before. I've no idea how they apply a relatively minor patch and somehow break mob pathing throughout the entire game. But that's MMOs for you, stuff gets broken in patches that don't seem to have any connection to the things 'fixed' in the patch. For a day or so after 1.99f it was far worse, then they did a maintenane shutdown and it's been better, but it's still not right and seems to be getting worse again.

Agreed on the UI, its far from great. It doesn't bother me so much because I mostly only play MMOs and to be frank the UIs suck in pretty much all of them with WoW being the only notable exception.

Daoc's UI get's marginally nicer if you install one of the better mods out there. I like Derida's Mod which has been kept up to date.

Might take a peak at DA:O, is it multiplayer?


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Reply #65 on: November 08, 2009, 10:51:02 pm
Might take a peak at DA:O, is it multiplayer?

No, single player. Plays allot like Mass Effect actually (except in a more fantasy surrounding rather than sci fi and without the fps elements) or KOTR - unsurprising though as it's bioware, perhaps crossed a little with NWN (again bioware) as you control a party (though it isn't d&d rules). I'm pretty sure the engine is the same as they'll use in Mass Effect II coming out in the new year.

Essentially if you've enjoyed any of those bioware games in the past I think you'll like it, am not disappointed so far but admitedly haven't got very far yet !


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Reply #66 on: November 09, 2009, 12:35:51 am
No, single player. Plays allot like Mass Effect actually (except in a more fantasy surrounding rather than sci fi and without the fps elements) or KOTR - unsurprising though as it's bioware, perhaps crossed a little with NWN (again bioware) as you control a party (though it isn't d&d rules). I'm pretty sure the engine is the same as they'll use in Mass Effect II coming out in the new year.

Essentially if you've enjoyed any of those bioware games in the past I think you'll like it, am not disappointed so far but admitedly haven't got very far yet !

Sounds good, long time since i played a game like that, whats the reccomended comp specs like?

The adverts for Flashpoint and COD:Modern Warfare 2 really worked on me :P soooo want to play them but i think they'll melt my computer :/


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Reply #67 on: November 09, 2009, 09:17:25 am
Have a look here -, on the right hand side of the page spec's for xp/vista.

Not seen the flashpoint ad, COD looks really awesome though yeah


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Reply #68 on: November 10, 2009, 12:45:10 pm
Have to say that DA:O is simply awesome, have played for almost 20h now and only just completed the first of 3 quests you get after completing the tutorial/introduction :). It's a great mix between KotoR/Mass Effect and their D&D games (Baldur's Gate/NWN series). I'm mainly playing in the over-the-shoulder view and just switching to the isometric view for large battles. I find the difficulty fairly high (stupid mages can do some extremely high AoE damage), but it makes the game challenging and more strategic, you really need to prioritize targets and flanking is rather important as well.

Character interaction is also improved from KotoR/ME and does wonders for replayability. The origin stories are well done (those few I've played) though they are relatively short, but I can see how some tie in with the main story.

All in all it really deserves all the praise it gets imo, ok the gfx aren't next-gen, and some textures are flat, but it's still a good-looking game and gameplay > gfx :).

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
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Reply #69 on: November 10, 2009, 06:54:07 pm
Yeah i agree eko, but haven't played as much yet. Have only done a couple of origins stories and trying to pick a class to play proper, think it will be mage as looks like you can have some intersting specs (toying with a lich type spec, though i know you aren't undead and can't actually be a lich, looks like you can do a proper frost/necromancer type spec, think I'll maybe go elf/blood mage to make everyone really hate me too ! :))

I imagine the fact there's no 'nohelm' option is annoying you ? I suppose you're just not wearing headgear?


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Reply #70 on: November 10, 2009, 11:45:55 pm
Hehe yeah, no 'no-helm' option is irritating, especially since it gets removed automagically during cutscenes already :P. I'm wearing a helm anyway even though I hate it, but being melee dps (DW Warrior) means I need the protection unfortunately.

Mal asked about DA:O yesterday evening and think I convinced him to get it ;).

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
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Reply #71 on: November 12, 2009, 01:17:59 am
Made a Norse Thane, will get to grips with it a little tomorrow.  Also gonna make a Ranger on Hibernia to go visit all my old haunts :)

It does look dated now but am still looking forwards to it, only logged in so haven't done anything yet.  Called myself Saxif.


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Reply #72 on: November 12, 2009, 01:45:10 am
Nice one Sax. Brigh and I have been making some Thidranki toons. I have a Warrior and Brigh is levelling up a Skald. So now we'll have your Thane to break Brigh's mezz with your aoe hammers :D How's your Valk coming along eKo? A Valk would complete the gang nicely.


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Reply #73 on: November 12, 2009, 07:53:45 pm
Level 15 now (got a free level), but haven't played much lately, solo PvE is zzz ;).

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
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Reply #74 on: November 12, 2009, 07:58:18 pm
Brigh and I should be on this evening and have toons around level 15. We can level them together in a normal manner or there's also the option of a spot of powerlevelling to boost up to Thidranki level.