World of Warcraft:Cataclysm

xann · 53825


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Reply #15 on: October 22, 2009, 11:18:41 am
gotta choose betweem Warrior+Rogue...
Some things never change eh ? :)

Thats exactly what i was thinking when i posted that.. :)


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Reply #16 on: October 22, 2009, 06:29:10 pm
Well i'm back on Skullcrusher, can already tell its a MUCH better server than Wildhammer, that place is dead.


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Reply #17 on: October 28, 2009, 07:26:47 pm
So, fed up yet then Xan ? :)


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Reply #18 on: October 29, 2009, 01:44:06 am
 :D Not quite, give it another week or so ;)

Honestly tho i've always enjoyed logging on and doing 2 or 3 BGs, mabye with a couple of characters, then logging off. The problem is thats not worth the subs

Gonna try Fallen Earth, got a 15 day trial


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Reply #19 on: October 29, 2009, 10:45:31 pm
I have internet again!!  But dunno if I cba starting Aion, or even getting back into WoW, will see how I feel.  I made the mistake of starting a game of Civ 4 the other day o.O

I wanna finish Dead Space as well and play Doom 3 again, got to scared last time ><

I also like the look of Dragon Age and wanna try Majesty 2, given that I only get about 7-12 hours a week to game, I am a bit busy for a mmorpg ... meh ...


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Reply #20 on: October 30, 2009, 04:36:32 pm
Well my inclusive month of time expires this weekend in Aion and I don't think I have the stomach to renew. It's not a bad game, it is very polished and has some interesting features. But it is a real old school grinder and I just cba with sinking that much time into a MMO anymore.

The grind permeates every corner of the game. You grind to level (very slow levelling curve especially post 30), you grind to craft (huge mats requirements and success is a total lottery so all your hard gathered mats often amount to nothing), you grind the currency because everything in the game is designed to be a huge money sink, you grind the PVE gear (bosses in instances very often drop no loot at all, nada, so you need to run the same instance over and over, in some cases dozens of times), you grind the PvP points needed to buy PvP gear (and PvP is 90% ganking, 10% zerging), you grind until your fingers bleed.

If you have limited time for gaming Sax I don't think Aion will suit, it's designed to be a massive time sink and because of how linear progress is, you can't decide to focus on one aspect of the game at the expense of another. But if you do decide to take a look, roll a ranged class and save yourself a lot of grief. Currently melee classes are badly gimped in PvP especially in aerial combat which is a major aspect of the game. Roll a ranged dps or a healer.


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Reply #21 on: October 30, 2009, 09:46:43 pm
Prolly give it a miss, might give WoW another going over in time for the new expac though, if I do will prolly move back to Skullcrusher with the 'lock.  I like the idea of carrying on with it a I spent so much time on it previously, despite my other vents!  Any idea of when the expac will be out?


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Reply #22 on: October 31, 2009, 02:14:33 am
Prolly give it a miss, might give WoW another going over in time for the new expac though, if I do will prolly move back to Skullcrusher with the 'lock.  I like the idea of carrying on with it a I spent so much time on it previously, despite my other vents!  Any idea of when the expac will be out?


General concensus on the various rumourmills is that Cataclysm xpac will be out about this time next next year.


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Reply #23 on: November 02, 2009, 03:47:51 pm
According to they have the date down as 24/09/2010 and I've always found them accurate in the past

Brigh :D

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Reply #24 on: November 03, 2009, 02:49:25 pm
I expected it alot sooner than that tbh, more like 1st 1/4 2010.


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Reply #25 on: November 03, 2009, 07:48:30 pm
Yeah I thought the same, hasn't it already been a year since WOTLK ? Wonder what happened to the idea of releasing 1 expac a year which I remember them stating a long time back?

Oh well, thats along time to collect epics until they get reset again ! :)

Aion seems like its had some reasonable success, I mostly was hearing about the PvPvE concept which sounded interesting - these are the portals you spoke about cern? Sounds like a cool concept but I do hear its the most abysmal grind. Apparently some people like it that way !?!

What the most casual friendly MMO anyone thinks they've played then ? I'd prolly have to say City of Heroes, although after a while it got repetitive (but not necessarily a 'grind'). WoW has to be up there also tbh, compared to daoc WoW was a cakewalk really.


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Reply #26 on: November 03, 2009, 10:46:13 pm
The rifts (portals) in Aion work as temporary access points into normally safe enemy homelands. These rifts spawn on a timer and appear at a location chosen randomly from a list of about 14. There's between 2 and 6 up at any given time, they are one-way and remain for around 30 minutes. There's a limit on the level range that can go through and there's a cap on the number of uses the rift has, to prevent zerging through it. On the other side you arrive in one of the enemy's PVE zones, where you are sometimes greeted by a welcoming party, sometimes not, it depends how quickly word spread about the location. From there you can fan out and maraud around the enemy's homeland until you are killed. It's quite fun, but generally the PvP style is ganking players who are engaged in PVE so it's not much of a challenge. Sometimes though some interesting hit and run and chase fights can develop.

The other PvP zone is the Abyss. Which is like Darkness Falls but without any control mechanism. Because it's a PvPvE zone, its full of mobs and so most of the PvP action that goes on there also involves ganking players engaged in PVE. And because there's no level restrictions and the mobs are grouped onto different floating islands with tight level ranges (which you can fly to without engaging any mobs) it is all too easy for high level players to know exactly where to go to kill lowbies. And they do, 24/7.

And that's Aion PvP in a nutshell, a gankers paradise. If you didn't much like the ganking on WoW's PvP servers, Aion is much much worse. There's no sandboxed PvP (along the lines of DAOC or WAR) of any kind. And because players can easily and quickly look your character up on the web via the Aion Armoury, you can be sure that when someone does gank you they already decided they can beat you. Zzzzz.

Add to that the huge grind and the fact that the game is currently totally dominated by bots and gold sellers who are killing the economy and I would say Aion is a game to currently wait and see how it pans out before jumping in. If they fix the grind, ban the bots and widen the appeal of the PvP then the game could have potential. But there's seems no committment from NCsoft to do any of these things.

As for casual friendly MMOs, CoH and WoW are the two that spring to mind. As for Daoc, these days levelling is a breeze, they've made it much much faster (probably faster than WoW even). I've just re-opened my US DAoc account because they've made all expansions free for download and merged all the servers into one single mega server which currently has 4k users prime time. I started at the weekend and it was a real blast, lots and lots of RvR action everywhere, feels like everyone is having one last hurrah because of disappointment with WAR, Aion, WoW etc. And actually with all the expansion packs installed the graphics aren't half bad either. The UI is showing its age though. I've got a 10-days 'come back for free' period. I'll let you know how it goes and if I decide to subscribe at the end of it.


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Reply #27 on: November 04, 2009, 03:44:47 pm
ahh thats the problem really, these concepts sound cool on the marketing blurb but then the reality is very different and it's just high level players kicking your ass all day.. zzz. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that I simply don't like open pvp concepts, they do sound cool at first but that reality always sinks in - and i get no enjoyment from going around and killing other players who are obviously just trying to level n stuff - still don't understand how people get 'fun' from that, it's just legitimised griefing tbh. I think sandboxed pvp is far cooler really, but each to their own - some people love getting ganked and doing the ganking (eh xan? :)).

I didn't know they'd done that for daoc, I never even experienced frontiers so I suppose there's allot of stuff that has changed since I've played. But frankly I just can't forgive TOA.... still I wonder what on earth they were thinking with that one!


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Reply #28 on: November 04, 2009, 04:28:32 pm
Yeah I don't get the ganking thinking either, never have. I think it says a lot about human nature that sufficient people do seem to enjoy ganking and griefling that games designers keep building it into MMOs as a feature. Sad really.

Sanboxed PvP is far superior, it means everyone involved is up for a fight and broadly on the same playing field. Such a shame that WAR had so many problems and Daoc went off the rails because no other games seem to offer this format, which is puzzling really. Probably just goes to show that people would prefer to give defenceless players a kicking than step up to the challenge of a fair fight, though even in sandboxed PvP players will do all they can to avoid a fair fight. Sad really.

When I played US Daoc previously it was on a TOA-free Classic server. So now being merged onto a single server which has TOA enabled is a bit of a culture shock. Plus there's also Champion Levels which come from the Darkness Rising and Labyrinth expansions, both of which are new to me. I hear that Champ Level abilities aren't very powerful and they've dumbed TOA down a lot and also lessened the power and importance of all the abilities you gain from it. But will have to see if my TOA allergy flares up again :)


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Reply #29 on: November 04, 2009, 07:13:17 pm
some people love getting ganked and doing the ganking (eh xan? :)).

I never killed lowbies, or "ganked" players at 50% engaged in pve. I mainly killed players that didn't WANT to pvp, just trying to run the guantlet of BRM ;) And fair fights are fun, but i always preffered the odds stacked against me, more rewarding if i win, and got an excuse if i lose :)

ps. I've downloaded DAOC, patching up now, 14 day free trial might aswell have a look... Whats TOA? :)