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on: March 10, 2009, 06:31:30 pm
Seems to be getting some positive responses, anyone checked it yet?  I am thinking of getting it and giving it a try, though I don't have time.  Still Cving to the max!! ;p


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Reply #1 on: March 10, 2009, 07:30:30 pm
Well it's full on FFA PvP with corpse looting. I'm usually allergic to the FFA PvP model. People claim that because you can lose everything there's actually less ganking. Whilst this is probably true in the early stages of the game's evolution and in 1v1 encounters, but once the big clans get established a few weeks / months in the bully boy nonsense usually starts. It won't take long for the usual sad arse human beahaviour of "we outnumber you so we'll give you a kicking" to emerge. It's probably not a game to attempt to play solo. If enough of us were going to play it to form a clan and play together for safety, I might be tempted. But dunno, sounds like a can of grief really.

One thing I did like the sound of though was that you only get one character per server. No alts. If all MMOs were like that I might have more of a life :D


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Reply #2 on: March 10, 2009, 07:46:31 pm
I like some of the concepts but frankly I'm just too much of a carebear now.

Anyone up for Hello Kitty Island Adventures ? ;)


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Reply #3 on: March 10, 2009, 08:29:50 pm
Depends Las, how good is the character generator? ;D

Not interested in another mmo tbh, especially not if it's FFA PvP.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2009, 09:53:48 am by eKo »

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Reply #4 on: March 11, 2009, 09:10:43 am

Anyone up for Hello Kitty Island Adventures ? ;)

haha :D

Darkfall looks alright but kinda think along the same line as Cern

With increasing Uni Work I'm just going to dabble with WoW for the time being unless everyone decides to try a new game then I will join as well.

Brigh :D

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Reply #5 on: March 11, 2009, 11:49:35 pm
Anyone up for Hello Kitty Island Adventures ? ;)

Too hardcore for me sorry.


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Reply #6 on: March 12, 2009, 12:42:46 am
I figured none of you would be interested, I wanna try it but don't think it's going to happen.  Is a shame as I have always regretted not getting into the AC Darktide server, feel I missed something there.  I like the sound of the FFA PvP action in this game as it inspires a kind of politics and a totally different type of game play, dunno if I'd like the actuality though ;p


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Reply #7 on: March 12, 2009, 02:27:43 am
I'm not anti FFA PvP per se, as much as the way it is usually implemented in MMOs. The politics just don't really happen (if they did I agree it might be fun). Instead it's just mob mentality and the sociophobes just go round killing who they please and no-one gives a shit.

In MMO PvP there's very few fair fights. Other players will usually only engage if they know they can win. If in FFA PvP there's the risk of the assailant losing everything if you beat them, chances are they are even more likely to wait until they are sure they can win and that you're unlikely to be able to get revenge.

Before I gave up on AoC I gave their FFA PvP ruleset server a try up to the mid levels. I'll admit I got ganked less than playing WoW, which surprised me. However when I was killed by others it was usually even more brutal than WoW because it happened for no reason whatsoever and might be someone you were recently fighting alongside. Usually there was no spawn or loot rivalry, no argument, no attempt to roleplay a throwing down of the gauntlet, just a random drive by killing when the other person knew they could shaft you. For me this is tedious gameplay, there needs to be a reason to kill another player. Which is where DAOC was so good ... those dirty Albs deserved all they got!

One thing that Darkfall does have in its favour is that there's no levels as such. So unless another player watches you or gets to know you they probably don't know exactly how powerful you are. So 1v1 will probably be a cagey affair. But 1 vs Many won't be and there'll be the usual gank squads running amok everywhere.

If it's PvP with politics you're after, EVE might be the better bet, some of what goes on there between corporations is pretty epic I hear.


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Reply #8 on: March 12, 2009, 08:54:55 am
I agree with Cern that EVE probably has the best pvp ideas out there, the game is almost entirely player driven and the devs do not intefere which leaves for some amazing pvp. I may have posted this before but I'll do so again because I'm in awe of it (as a piece of open pvp, though morally i find it kinda questionable), but this is the most famous deception i read about which took 1 year of actual time to implement... http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=180867&site=pcg

As stated before though i'd really like to try EVE for more than a month or so but don't think i have the time or patience to get that in depth and build up to where it seems to get good. It really is an example though of what's possible in a PvP universe and also the consequences (think of how all the other corporations now view what was a fairly unknown corporation).

About darkfall, whilst i like some of the concepts as i said before (as cern points out not immediately knowing how powerful a player is for example) though I see the mellowed from some of their original concepts (didn't they endorse permadeath a few years back ?). generally how these servers work is guilds start to take over the most valuable resource areas (be it merchants, dungeons etc) and the game gradually develops a few large guilds - either you're in one or you're killed by just about everyone on the server :) Not my cup of tea I'm afraid I just start to find it a bit mindless and never like joining large zergy guilds. If they have somehow got around that by doing something innovative then let me know, but from what i can see from the blurb they haven't.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2009, 09:17:56 am by Lasiien »


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Reply #9 on: March 12, 2009, 12:15:57 pm
I ahven't clicked your link but I think I know what it pertains to, I saw an article in New Scientist about Eve and the espionage someone was hired to put in place to bring down a large 'guild'.  Impressive but nasty for the ppl that lost all that work time and devotion, kinda like someone stamping on your favourite toy I;d imagine.  Tbh Eve doesn't interest me, even though I like Elite e.t.c. and my house mate wants to try Eve on my pc to see if he likes it, I have no intention of trying that.  The warnings about the time sink and the fact it in no way fires my imagination keeps me away ...

Atm the mmorpg I want to play most is WAR, not sure why but I feel the strongest desire for that, I guess starting from scratch in Darkfall is what really demontivates me from playing, I hate lvling.  However I still lub Civ 4 it's da bomb!


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Reply #10 on: March 12, 2009, 03:12:33 pm
However I still lub Civ 4 it's da bomb!


you junkie.

atm i'm playing Civ4, Left4Dead and Masters of Orion2. I might have a look at EVE, intrested in that sorta genre, bored of the generic fantasy mmo rly... A World of Starcraft sounds cool imo, wonder if thats a real posibility?


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Reply #11 on: March 12, 2009, 04:56:18 pm
World Of Starcraft is very much a possibility. Blizz have said they are working on their new MMO but haven't announced what it is. It won't be WoW2 as they won't kill off WoW for a long time yet, it won't be Diablo as Diablo III is out soon. I doubt they will build a MMO on a brand new franchise, so World Of Starcraft looks the best bet. Looking forward to it myself, always preferred the Starcraft theme.

I've always fancied a proper look at EVE instead of dabbling with the trial. These days I'm less prone to time sinks, I just can't be arsed with them, so I wonder if I can find a way to play it without getting totally drawn in. Trouble is the Pound-Euro conversion is horrible at the moment, so the monthly fee is expensive. However, there's a new boxed version coming out for ?24.99 which includes all 9 expansions and 60 days play time. Good value and saves on a huge download, so I might give that a whirl. One good thing about EVE is if a few of us do decide to play there's only the one server (which is another nice concept) and the starting race you choose doesn't prevent you teaming with anyone else.

WAR has piqued my interest again with the new patch and the introduction of the Choppa and Slayer, though I don't think anything truly fundamental has changed (that game is crying out for a third realm, which it'll never get of course). I tried to reactivate my US account to take a look, goofed it up and reactivated my US Daoc account by mistake (they are listed one under the other in Mythic's global account management). Doh. EA won't transfer my subs unless I phone them and that'll cost as much as the subs probably. So I'm currently enjoying a month of Midgard nostalgia. Shame it is my buffbot account I accidentally opened, so most of my alts aren't on it. Oh well.