Eve Online

Brigh · 13579


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on: March 03, 2009, 03:08:28 pm
Hey Guys

Anyone played or is playing Eve Online at the moment? I noticed they have a free 14 day trial so was going to download and have a look at it.

Is it any good as I fancy getting into a online game but would prefer to try something else apart from Warcraft (although its tough to beat!)

Brigh :D

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Reply #1 on: March 03, 2009, 04:52:25 pm
I've played the 14 day trial on about 3 different occasions. But I never converted to a full subscription. Not because I didn't like the game but because the monthly fee was more expensive than most and because it seemed to carry the risk of being an even bigger time sink than WoW. To really succeed in the game you need to join a corporation and build your reputation. This isn't like joining a guild in WoW and being an active member, you really have to work at it in EVE. It is fun to dabble with the trial, but you soon realise that to make any progress you need to decide what you want to achieve in the game and then work towards it. It's not one of those games where you can just pootle along picking up quests (the mission system soon becomes repetitve in EVE).

The skills system is time based, you start learning a skill and after X amount of time you gain it. Training continues even when logged out. You can also learn any skill in the game, given enough time. What this means is that veteran players have enormous amounts of skills which you as a new player can never catch up with. However, the way the game is structured you don't really need to *IF* you specialise into a certain role. That's the cruncher, you need to know what you want to specialise in and how to go about it. The advantage veteran players have is they have enough skills to switch roles as they choose, noobs need to focus on one role and master it.

There's a lot of depth to EVE, almost too much depth. It's a very challenging game both in terms of learning how to fly your craft and in terms of learning how to stay alive in the game world. You really can lose everything to pirates if you stray into un-policed space. The game is 100% safe if you stick to the high security systems, but the real rewards of course are to be found in less secure areas. There is insurance you can buy in-game which protects you to some degree, including replacement ships and body clones. But it is possible to mess up and lose everything. Last time I played I got very rich thanks to a lucky find on a dangerous mission, then blew it all on a posh ship I didn't understand how to use, took out the wrong level of insurance (due to being a noob) and then lost it all in a gunfight because I couldn't handle all the new weaponry I'd just slapped onto every available gunport. I had too many weapons, all my power drained and I couldn't fight or run ... a rather humiliating end (luckily it was to NPC pirates so hopefully no-one saw). Such is the harsh lessons of EVE.

The character generation system is a fun one, it's one of those games you can spend an age just designing how your avatar looks - well you can if you are me or eKo :)

It's one of those games I've always been interested in playing but never did for fear of becoming too immersed. It doesn't seem to be one of those games it is easy to dip in and out of. Anyway, it's certainly worth trying the trial and see what you think.


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Reply #2 on: March 03, 2009, 05:09:51 pm
Cheers for the info Cern

Will download the trial and see what it is like - wouldn't mind playing some type of sci-fi game again. I've recently been playing Aliens vs Predator 2 and a load of Star Wars games so into space and stuff now! :D

Brigh :D

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Reply #3 on: March 03, 2009, 08:39:11 pm
heya Brigh :D Got bored of PS ??  ;)

What Cern said really. I played EVE for about a month quite a while back and it became apparent that the time you'd need to dedicate to it would just be enormous and since i was playing wow at the time also i really didn't want to take it any further. It really has some awesome concepts though and is very original, it's almost entirely player driven as well which is very unique.


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Reply #4 on: March 03, 2009, 09:53:28 pm
Still dabble with PS but player base is so low now its tough to find fights. The only good thing is that as no new players are coming, the people you fight against are normally a high standard!

Will try EVE and see how it goes.

I've not kept track of online gaming for a while - is there anything on the horizon that might be worth checking out together?

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
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Reply #5 on: March 03, 2009, 10:06:42 pm
Not really, wow killed all the competition ;)

Sax is looking forward to Aion i think still ? though i don't think it will be for me. Darkfall is finally getting released though again I'm not really fussed :/ Only one im even slightly hyped about is the Bioware star wars MMO based on KOTR, but thats prolly years away. Oh and blizzard seem to have a new in development MMO as it was announced that Jeff Kaplan (sp?) lead designer of wow is going to go work on another MMO in development..... though I'm not sure i can see blizzard messing with the wow formula too much in whatever they come up with.


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Reply #6 on: March 03, 2009, 10:33:42 pm
There's not a lot on the MMO horizon at the moment. It's basically WoW dominating and killing the genre + lots of titles struggling for the scraps, most of which have been released too early or weren't properly thought out.

Darkfall sounds like the launch from hell to end all launches from hell, even worse than AoC. It's a hardcore PvP game anyway, so no thanks. Aion hasn't grabbed my interest so unless Sax reports back that it's a stonker I doubt I'll bother.

Knights Of The Old Republic looks interesting, so let's hope Bioware don't drop the ball.

Blizzard's next MMO will very likely be World Of Starcraft if all the rumours have substance (it's the most logical next MMO for them). I'm sure it'll be good but I doubt it'll veer to far from WoW's formula (though ironically if any company have the financial stability to take a few risks, then surely it's Blizzard).

Warhammer's patch 1.2 is out today on US servers. There's two new classes, including the Choppa which was the class I wanted to play all along, plus a huge amount of changes. I might just reactivate my US account and see what has changed in the four months since I last played. I suspect that not enough of the fundamental game design problems have been addressed, but after almost zero gaming since Xmas I fancy having a look at something or other and I'm loathe to get back on the WoW treadmill.


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Reply #7 on: March 03, 2009, 10:50:02 pm
Anything Star Wars related is going to get brought by me tbh - I just wish Galaxies was a better game!

I'm mainly just mucking round on old games - just completed Unreal Tournement 2003 (offline) and also Freelancer (love that game) so looking for something else to.

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
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Reply #8 on: March 04, 2009, 06:45:15 pm
Aion sounds good to me.  I am starting to get the mmorpg feel again now but not enough to start up WoW or anything, I am totally intending to beat Civ4 on Prince and move up to Monarch, though I find it disapointing I don't have time/ability to spot the strats I read about on the forums. 

Aion's lvl progression has been toned down to match Western games apparently, there are 50 lvls and most of the content will be around PvP, though PvP is consensual.  There are 3 factions, 1 is a NPC faction trying to kill everyone the other 2 are Angelic and Demonic and they can't communicate or group.  There are lots of Castles and Sieges and Raids both PvE and PvP, there seem to be concepts from WoW, DAoC and Lineage series, the gfx are gonna be pretty high quality I imagine (at last something more challenging than Civ4 for my super machine!).  Release is prolly between 1-3 months, its open beta in Korea, though I'd bet that the lvl curve is slower there than here.


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Reply #9 on: March 04, 2009, 06:53:15 pm
If you're looking for a good (single player) sci-fi RPG Brigh and you liked both KOTR's then pick up Mass Effect, can see it on amazon for ?15 atm and you'd prolly find it cheaper than that somewhere I'm sure. Well worth it imo


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Reply #10 on: March 04, 2009, 07:17:34 pm
Looks good Las - can see it for ?18 on play.com but will have a look in game and gamestation tomorrow and see if its cheaper, can sometimes find some good pre-owned games in there!

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
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Reply #11 on: March 06, 2009, 09:44:43 am
Well dabbled a bit in Eve last night and it seemed ok but don't think I will subscribe.

For the meantime I will play some WoW but this time on Alliance - got some toons on Thunderhorn which I will play until something else comes along :)

Brigh :D

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Reply #12 on: March 06, 2009, 10:33:27 am
gnome deathknight ftw? ;)


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Reply #13 on: March 06, 2009, 10:42:58 am
nope got a gnome rogue at level 60 so going to take him into TBC and have a look around at the Alliance quests

Brigh :D

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Reply #14 on: March 06, 2009, 12:06:35 pm
gnome deathknight ftw? ;)
I agree! Just need more (non-working) hours in a day so I can level her ;).

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