oh no....zombies !!?!

Lasiien · 38075


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on: February 20, 2009, 10:14:09 am
Hey peeps,

Still not really feeling the urge to return to wow or play any other kind of MMO's, but I'm still gaming a bit and was wondering if there was perhaps something else we could do on a more casual basis. I came across Left 4 Dead and wonder if 2 or 3 of you would want to play it together ?

Essentially its a 4 player co-op FPS game, with lots of zombies (:D) and seems like it can get quite frantic. It's got tons of awards for it's simple co-op gameplay and ideal for short gaming sessions from the sounds of it. It from Valve (HL2, CS etc) and here's the URL for the game http://www.l4d.com/home.php - also check out the youtube link also for gameplay movies n stuff, looks kinda fun and http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=left+4+dead+gameplay&aq=f

You can buy it from steam or in a store, though note you do need to have steam installed to run it. Whilst i don't really care for steam I've had it ever since i bought HL2, but i understand if some people don't like it - just note that you need it to play. On the plus side Steam has built in voice chat (though i dunno how good the quality is) and you can also host private games for your friends which should make finding each other easy. Seems the price is about ?26 everywhere, not seen it cheaper.

If a few of ya are up for it then maybe we can get the game and meet up on an agreed night for a session or two of zombie keeeling :) Let me know what you think


p.s. I am also trying to use MSN as much as i can for those that want to stay in touch (though Im not on terribly often atm due to work keeping me busy), anyways use my email address to add me if you also use MSN (if you don't have it then PM me, though i think most do).


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Reply #1 on: February 20, 2009, 11:59:23 am
I was interested in this game but when it got released it got alot of bad press was very buggy so haven't looked since, I guess they sorted that now though.  I'd like to but don't think I have the time, I only really play Civ4 atm and haven't even touched Dead Space for ages :(

I guess I am a maybe in the next month or so, kinda hoping Aion is gonna be good though, not sure if I'll go back to WoW now, Xan keeps telling me that PvP is kinda borked with far to much damage and such, thats kinda keeping me away from it atm tbh.

Also, I don't currently have MSN on this machine, never got round to re-installing it.  Will let you know if I do though :)


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Reply #2 on: February 20, 2009, 12:24:56 pm
Yeah bugs were only a temporary thing when they patched it i think by doing a quick google. Really no rush or anything just trying to think of something fairly simple we could do as we're all pretty busy atm, so was thinking a non time intensive game could be fun for a couple of hours a week kinda thing. If waiting a month or so helps i don't mind either - also no biggie if peeps don't fancy it, was just thinking about something eko said to me the other day that we couldn't think of some decent non-MMO multiplayer games that we could all play (which also won't take an age to get into or require a large time commitment)

btw, you are really considering Aion ? You don't have much time yet want to play a Korean MMO ? You're a braver man than me mate :)


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Reply #3 on: February 20, 2009, 01:14:44 pm
Left 4 Dead looked like a fun game, especially co-op (dunno if there even is single player available), but like most multiplayer games it's much more fun to play with people you know. I sure am interested to play sometime, especially something which isn't time-intensive (new job and have to get up early, so unfortunately have to go to bed early (well ... early being around midnight my time)).

Can't you bloody foreigners move to my timezone or even to one hour ahead since I'm home relatively early ;D.

Korean MMO, ugh, means grindfest, have fun Sax :). And pfft, you said you were going back to WoW, I even sent some nice blue leather pants to your drood. If you ever decide to go back you'll probably catch me up anyway, levelling goes slooooow when only playing 30m to an hour a day.

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Reply #4 on: February 20, 2009, 01:24:23 pm
Hmm, well Aion seemed like a X-breed Korean/Western.  I don't have time, and if it did take and age I prolly would walk away, kinda wish I had stuck out L2 but got to lvl 20 twice (gave it 2 attempts, over a year apart) once with a Dark Elf and once with an Orc but just didn't get hooked.  The PvP sounds amazing in it though if you can get up to max lvl (>9months heavy play I think, prolly more like >12 months with current expacs).

I'll try and find some time for WoW but I am almost scared of getting stuck in again, it always starts with a couple hours here and there, then suddenly I need ALL PURPLE GEAR ZOMG!!!!!!!! >30hours a day! ;p

Btw Eko, I dunno how you cope, if I dont goto bed at 11pm, then when I wake up at 07:30 I am always tired, even going to bed at midnight and getting up at 07:30 breaks me :(


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Reply #5 on: February 20, 2009, 02:23:41 pm
Pfft, youth of today, no stamina ;D.

So far it's going fine, usually go to bed between 0:00 and 0:30 and get up at 6:20 since I want to leave at around 7:00 so traffic is ok. Thought I'd feel much worse, but not really feeling (that) tired strangely.

As for WoW, purple gear is overrated anyway ;). I kinda feel like raiding again, but don't want to go through all the preparations again (grind for gear, food, rep, ...) so instead taking it real easy and so far it's working.

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Reply #6 on: February 20, 2009, 03:22:58 pm
Don't need to grind to prep for raiding eko, i jumped right in with out touching a normal instance and wearing crapy crafted blues :) and who needs food buffs rly :D

Always enjoyed fps multi-player, so if ur all thinking about it, i'd tag along for a few games. Will look into Left 4 Dead, not heard of it, tho am worried that the Zombies will scare Sax away...

As for WoW, yes i've been raiding, and Xanic has many purple pixels, but PvP is a sorry state atm and doesn't seem to be a solutions to resolve it on the horizon. Something must happen with it soon tho, think alot of ppl are complaining about it, even the OP classes, Insta-gibbing gets boring too


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Reply #7 on: February 20, 2009, 09:24:07 pm
Xan, Shep sent a e-mail round a couple of months ago looking for people to play Left for Dead, I assume he borked all your e-mail addressess though, just like he did about going out ...


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Reply #8 on: February 27, 2009, 11:35:26 am
Have to say that after 3 weeks of getting up early + having had to get up even earlier (5:30 am) to go to The Hague for 2 days this week I'm feeling knackered ;D. It's also fairly quiet at work right now, but that will change in 2 weeks when the Dutch helpdesk will be closed down and we get all the Dutch calls.

Guess it's just Las and me to play L4D then :P. Or maybe we can try some TF2? Though Left 4 Dead seems more fun, drops 4 people into a zombie movie basically, means you have to look after each other as at times you get overwhelmed and there are also some special zombie types which are hard to kill on your own. There's also a Survivors vs Infected mode in which players can also play as zombies.  Normal co-op sounds the most fun though imo.

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Reply #9 on: February 27, 2009, 12:03:20 pm
I get payed soon, so might go and get it, will see how I feel, buying that and DoWII, is a bit costly for me atm :(

TF2 has a number of very very good players in it, went back to it a couple of months ago and I couldn't do anything :(

Bring back Savage 1  ;D


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Reply #10 on: February 27, 2009, 01:49:16 pm
would consider buying this via steam if you guys are still interested in giving it a go and have space for an extra.


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Reply #11 on: February 27, 2009, 04:44:55 pm
I'm still up for it (but didn't buy it yet), Life is pretty busy atm so happy enough to wait a week or two. Was also considering this a a pretty casual thing just for some multiplayer fun, but would be ideal with 4 of us i think :) Better than stupid RTS (bleh ;) )


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Reply #12 on: February 28, 2009, 02:11:16 pm
Just say when you're feeling up to trying out a game, I'm always up for it :).

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
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Reply #13 on: March 01, 2009, 12:32:50 am
I'm still up for it (but didn't buy it yet), Life is pretty busy atm so happy enough to wait a week or two. Was also considering this a a pretty casual thing just for some multiplayer fun, but would be ideal with 4 of us i think :) Better than stupid RTS (bleh ;) )

Would be up for it (on a casual basis).  Let me know if / when and I'll purchase via steam.


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Reply #14 on: March 02, 2009, 11:35:07 am
How about we try sometime this week, say tomorrow or wed? Around 8:30pm? Or is that too early for you? I don't really mind what time, as long as you know I'll quit at midnight at the latest.

Got enough other games to occupy myself, so don't worry if you can't do this week. Playing No More Heroes on the Wii and despite the sometimes immature humour it proves to be a lot of fun. Story isn't very interesting, go from rank 11th assassin to rank 1, but the characters are cool and the action is just over the top and varied enough to stay interesting. Inbetween the ranked matches you have to earn money via sidejobs that range from assassinations to mowing lawns and collecting coconuts. Money comes easy though, so it's not like you have to do 456543 jobs inbetween.

Waiting on Madworld for the Wii which should come out this month and which seems to be a mix between the movies Escape from New York and Running Man and the game Manhunt. It's also very much like a comic with gfx in black and white, ott violence and story. What I've seen from it looks and sounds great ;D.

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
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