Civ 4 Thread!

Saxif · 27310


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on: January 26, 2009, 08:49:17 pm
Hey Guys,

I am a little bored, got to tidy my flat for an inspection tomorrow :(  Though its not to gross, honest!!

Thought I'd start a Civ4 thread to see how we all play the game, and how good we are at it !!

Ok, so ...

1).  World Type?  I like Fractal.

2).  World Size?  I play Standard mostly, with the occasional large.

3).  Leader?  I random it.

4).  Water lvl?  I tend to go temperate and medium.

5).  Game speed?  I go normal, but might try Marathon soon.

6).  Difficulty?  I play Prince but haven't beaten the AI in the last 2 games and it looks like the AI might pip me to the post in this game for a Space Win as well :(

7).  Favourite finish type?  I like tech victory i.e space ship.

8).  Favourite mod?  I have only played FFH2 but not since they finsihed it, want to play Stone Age and Warhammer mods.

So, lets read it then  ;D


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Reply #1 on: January 26, 2009, 09:43:25 pm

1 ).Big & Small and Terra most of the time

2 ).Large for Big & Small, Standard for Terra

3 ).English Empire, Elizibeth. Or another one with Financial most of the time

4 ).Defult almost all the time

5 ).Normal almost all the time...

6 ).Noble atm

7 ).Well, when i beat Noble i'll update this :P but i'd love to get a Domination Victory

8 ).Haven't tried a moded game, just BtS

I have trouble getting to the end game all the time (where BtS is based mainly around too :P) AI's annoy me, if one tries anything funny (i.e-demands, forced religon) i wanna give 'em abit of payback, so the whole game swirls into a 500year war ruining my Civ :/ Will try more of a building/tech route sometime, and wipe some1 out later in the game like Sax suggested too me awhile back ;)


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Reply #2 on: January 26, 2009, 10:04:53 pm
Try going for a Spiritual Leader, the ability to swap Civics without any downtime is awesome and being the first to found a religion is very handy cos you can then spread it to your neighbours and convert them to your religion instead of the other way round. 

If you like Domination wins, go for an early Axeman rush, just don't pick the Leader with the Defensive ability ;p  You can either wipe them totally, or take a couple of cities.  Also Domination wins are easier on Marathon and Epic games.  I've only done a Domination on either Warlord or Noble not sure which now, problem for me is it take ages to move your troops around <yawn>


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Reply #3 on: January 27, 2009, 02:33:57 pm
hey :)

1).  World Type?  Usually Pangaea, to avoid having to build a large navy and concentrate on the land based fighting. Though if i fancy a game with some navies i use continents or inland sea

2).  World Size?  Standard pretty much always

3).  Leader?  I've played as most of them, i don't really have a favorite as i like to try to win with different traits. Playing as a creative civ is a very different style of game to an aggressive civ for example. I don't random it though, usually pick a leader for the type of victory I'm looking to achieve which i decide at the start of the game (doesn't always work out mind you)

4).  Water lvl?  temperate and medium

5).  Game speed?  normal, occasionally epic (especially if i am planning a highly militaristic/aggressive civ as you get more turns to move your units as sax says)

6).  Difficulty?  at the moment i play on noble but usually win. When i play on prince i tend to get beaten :)

7).  Favourite finish type? Cultural, because its the most difficult to achieve imo, especially hard to give up pursuing techs and whack the culture slider right up, you become very vulnerable as the AI starts to out-tech you. Domination and Diplomatic can be fun also. Space race sucks (too easy imo!) but allot of my games usually end up with me doing space race :(

I've tried allot of mods but never really found one that i got into, same goes for scenario's - they're kinda fun but i usually ditch them for starting an ordinary BTS game :D I think it's more fun to have built something yourself, the game starts to develop a real personality then.


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Reply #4 on: January 27, 2009, 05:58:04 pm
I've not played Civ 4 but I played Civ 2 a huge amount way back when. However, just noticed that Civ 4 Complete, which includes both expansion packs, was going for ?9.99 on, which seemed a good deal so I've ordered a copy. Will let you know how I get on. When I get it, should I play it through without the expansions a few times first, or go straight for the expansions?


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Reply #5 on: January 27, 2009, 06:06:44 pm
Just go straight for the beyond the sword expansion (don't forget to patch up though). Whilst there is allot to take in it has many bugfixes and some really neat features, I wouldn't really consider going back to a previous version of civ myself. If you played civ II then you're already more than familiar with the concepts so the learning curve shouldn't be difficult, there's also a fair bit of automation by default though as with all civ games as you play more you'll discover more about the micro management aspects (I'm still learning stuff).

I have regularly gone back to civ IV more than probably any other game over the past few years, well worth ?9.99 imo


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Reply #6 on: January 27, 2009, 08:21:46 pm
What Las said in the above post tbh.  Also Cern check out this site It is everything Civ based, has a massive hardcore following and here is an un-official patch for Civ4 BTS, I haven't dl'd it yet but am thinking about it, you'll need to patch up first though.


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Reply #7 on: January 28, 2009, 02:16:07 am
Damn but if I didn't just get taught a lesson in humilty I don't know what happened :)

Theres a girl at work who plays Civ4, she's abit of a geek and self confessed brain but she only plays it on Warlord.  Obviously we argue about who's the best and being a semi-Prince player (not beaten it for awhile) I reckoned I could top anything she did :)

So her favourite method of winning is Cultural, and she did a 1785 or 1795 Cultural win, I reckoned I could easily beat it and prolly take 100 years off it  :o  How wrong was I, at 1804 and I am prolly 20-30 turns off winning.  Man humble pie don't taste as good as vicotry pie  ;D


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Reply #8 on: January 28, 2009, 02:22:33 am
i'm surprised you can remeber what victory pie tastes like Sax


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Reply #9 on: January 28, 2009, 03:32:15 am
Doesn't it come with Gimp Crumble for a dessert? :)


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Reply #10 on: January 28, 2009, 01:20:54 pm
Haha, I seem to remember the sweet taste from the last time we played Warhammer Fantasy Battle Xan, man you sucked  ;D

Seriously though, try it for yourself and see if you can beat it  :)


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Reply #11 on: January 28, 2009, 04:41:59 pm
Sax was beaten by a girl. Naa na na naa na! ;D

I suck at Civilization, even when playing on Chieftain though. I like developing my cities too much and building World Wonders and so I'm always way behind on military power.

I recently discovered Mount&Blade and having a lot of fun with it. It's sort of a mix of RPG, Pirates & Civilization but in a Medieval setting and with real time combat which is actually great fun. You start as a single mercenary in Caldaria which consists of 5 kingdoms that each have a king and lords under them. You can hire mercenaries, companions or peasants and level those up in combat and join any kingdom either as mercenary (get paid weekly) or as vassal to a king (means you get a village and can own castles + it's associated villages you conquer). I'm still discovering a lot about the game, but all in all it's great fun and there's a demo available. There's also loads of mods available, from making the game look (way) better to new era's (there's even Battlestar Galactica and Star Wars mods :)).

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
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Reply #12 on: January 28, 2009, 05:30:39 pm
Cool eko, I played about with Mount and Blade a couple of years ago, sounds like it has come on alot.  It always had alot of promise but some bits of it where way out of spec, its nice to have a game that mixes twitch with stats.


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Reply #13 on: January 29, 2009, 07:58:26 pm
Yeah i played the beta a looong time ago, think it was Sax who recommeded it actually. It was very unfinished but looked promising, I'll have to take a lookie at it now when i get time.


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Reply #14 on: January 30, 2009, 08:19:30 am
If you decide to try it out, get the Graphical Enhancement mod as well, transforms the graphics from being 5 years old to a modern looking game. I'm actually using most of the mods from this thread.

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
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