Fable 2, Fallout 3 and others?

Saxif · 12983


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on: November 04, 2008, 11:58:13 am
Hey guys,

Wondered if any of you have tried these two games and if so what you think, afaik they are getting some pretty good reviews but I am getting suspicious of games reviews as I get older (Spore got about 90% but it wasn't that great).

Also Chronicles of Spellborn is due out this month, so I'll prolly disapear to see what its like, apparently its quite twitch based, which is new for a mmorpg and good imo.


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Reply #1 on: November 04, 2008, 12:26:42 pm
I have fallout 3 but only really played it a little so far. Essentially it's oblivion, in a futuristic/post apocalypse setting. GFX won't blow you away (it's okay but not great, i know you are looking for something to tax your new pc ;) ), gameplay is much more ranged combat than oblivion though you can still play as melee it doesn't seem to work so well.

Like oblivion I'll continue to play it bubbling along in the background and for rainy days. It plays allot like it though i do actually quite like the sci fi setting, the only negative i can see is the difficulty settings remain the same (i.e. they scale, and that worm that you faced and killed at level 1 is actually a pretty damn tough fight at higher level etc).

Fable 2 is xbox only for the moment i believe, but i might be wrong as not really following it.

Not really following other MMO's and pretty much have no interest atm. Age of Conan (which was arguably a more twitch based MMO btw) and WAR have been disappointing really - though the former moreso than the latter i must say, just starting to get tired and burnt out of these games getting released unfinished or not meeting my expectations, either way feeling pretty sour about MMO's in general right now. Only one that sparked my interest was The Old Republic (star wars one being developed by bioware, who did some stunning star wars RPGs (KOTR) and that might well be promising (http://www.swtor.com/) - we're talking years for that to come though as it's only just been announced.


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Reply #2 on: November 04, 2008, 02:18:53 pm
I know what you need Las!!

4 hour raids 3 times a week in WoW, all new content, all new bosses ALL NEW l00t!!

Explore the new zones, battle for control of objectives using WoWs inovative new war machine based PvP system!!  Find out if you have what it takes to come top of the Arena Ladders and battle for supremacy in the Battlegrounds!

Or alternatively you can spend your time mastering a craft skill and selling your wares to all and sundry making your fortune in the progress!!

WoW, live life on the edge!!

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Sax  ;D

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Reply #3 on: November 04, 2008, 02:29:53 pm
you convinced me ! where do i sign up ! ;)


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Reply #4 on: November 04, 2008, 03:52:48 pm
we do propaganda today?:)

i was itching last time when i was down my local games shop and saw Fallout 3 on the shelf.... but i guess it will w8 till it gets classic or 2nd hand (thinking xbox 360 here)... but tbh i rly dislike Oblivion type of controll so dunno, might be Fallout setting makes up for it tho..

I got the beta of Chronicles of Spellborn, last time i checked it was like 3-4 months ago, honestly if AoC, WAR didnt get a grip on you Sax, CoS wont either, i didnt see anyhting back then in this game that would make me go ' WOW! '  or even close
we gotta admit, we are burnt out oldies n our needs cultivated on DAOC memories wont be ever fed! :P hihi


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Reply #5 on: November 04, 2008, 04:34:58 pm
I kinda agree Shi, they don't make games for the likes of us, when there is so much more new blood flooding into the game market.  Maybe innovative single player titles will be the way to go?


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Reply #6 on: November 04, 2008, 05:11:15 pm
I feel the same, rather let down by WAR. It's not that it's a bad game, it's just not what I hoped it would be, not by a long way. And I don't think it'll become that in the long run either. I just want a RvR-centric game that doesn't pander to either the elitist min-maxers nor dumbs down to the unwashed masses. A game where strategy matters, where the endgame has purpose and which you can enjoy in a group, in a duo and solo. So that would be Daoc2 then ... guess it's not going to happen.

I think I'm almost done with MMOs now. Guess I'll potter around in WAR a bit and see what 1.1 brings, I might even give WoTLK a look (didn't think I would but long winter nights are here). But I've kind of lost hope that any truly gripping new MMO is going to come along, sadly I think WoW came to define the genre and in doing so killed it.

Shame to hear Fallout3 is essentially Oblivion. I didn't like Oblivion's control method either, nor the way the difficulty scaled.

The Old Republic looks like a SWG re-hash. Until there's a Star Wars MMO that lets you fly a Tie Fighter or X-Wing, well it's not a Star Wars MMO :)


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Reply #7 on: November 04, 2008, 05:39:35 pm
sadly I think WoW came to define the genre and in doing so killed it.

amen to that, i remember when we played DDO the forum was full of feature requests for stuff wow had or 'your game sucks cos its not like wow', Turbine immediately starting changing the game in many respects and by the time they got LOTRO out it was basically wow in the LOTR universe. Since then it seems everyone just tried to make MMO's friendly to wow players so they wouldn't feel lost n stuff :)

About the old republic, I'm less bothered about it being in the Star Wars universe or anything, what excites me is the developer is Bioware (who can do no wrong in my eyes anyway). Look at the CV of games they've done:

# Baldur's Gate (1998)

    * Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast (1999)

# MDK2 (2000)
# Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (2000)

    * Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal (2001)

# Neverwinter Nights (2002)

    * Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide (2003)
    * Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark (2003)
    * Neverwinter Nights: Kingmaker (2005)

# Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic ("KotOR") (2003)
# Jade Empire (2005)
# Mass Effect (2007)

I've played almost all of these and they were brilliant games, really excited to see them enter the MMO space, maybe theyll actually do something different....


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Reply #8 on: November 04, 2008, 05:54:28 pm
Got Fallout 3 Sunday evening and finding it's fun, it's very different from the old fallout games, yet it seems to have the same atmosphere (not got very far yet). While it is based on the Oblivion engine it's not just Oblivion with guns and according to some things I've read it doesn't have the scaling enemies and it seems to be more focussed on its main quest even though there are plenty of side quests.

Loved the fallout games and it looks like it has the same atmosphere and the transition to 3D is very well done imo. They've also used more than 5 voice actors (hated that in Oblivion) and the radio stations are a nice addition. The combat system is cool as well, you can just fight FPS-style, but the VATS system makes fights a little more strategic (you can target body parts, but it uses up action points which regenerate over time, but you can still shoot in real time as well which doesn't use action points).

All in all I'm having a lot of fun in Fallout 3, but I loved the previous 2 games. The whole post-nuclear holocaust with 1950's technology is nice change from the usual fantasy setting and they've always included a lot of humor and pop culture references (kinda like Blizzard in WoW). So between playing some WoW again and Fallout 3 I don't have much time for WAR :).

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Reply #9 on: November 04, 2008, 06:26:43 pm
oh right, my bad had thought it scales just like oblivion, not really played it enough yet to know. It plays allot like oblivion though imo and it is more ranged, seems stupid to play a melee character though am sure it's possible. The atmos is good yeah and I'm not saying its a bad game or anything, i just think if you disliked oblivion you prolly wont like fallout 3.


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Reply #10 on: November 05, 2008, 10:38:09 am
Maybe innovative single player titles will be the way to go?

somehow i seem not to finish games ... and end playing games that dont have an actual end, hehe
rly, if i look back i will have trouble to name 10 games i actually finished, and then you should look at my shelves.... im a magpie & collector, so i end up playing games with no end, filling vaults with items and siting on them like this dragon from Hobbit, hihi :P

referring to competitive pvp play you mention Cern, i think still best experience I ever had was when i used to play in the local LAN cafe Counterstrike - no balance issue (ye ofc well, lotsa whining about AK47 or others...) , no fotmclass-racism mentality, pure skill , but thats ofc FPS, still thinking, maybe thats they way to go to seek back this adrenaline rush? :)


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Reply #11 on: November 05, 2008, 10:57:06 am
but thats ofc FPS, still thinking, maybe thats they way to go to seek back this adrenaline rush? :)

cue brigh !! it's your chance to recruit some more PS players !! ;)


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Reply #12 on: November 05, 2008, 11:24:53 am
i played PS at release, think quite many of us did, recall Cern , Maleg at least
it was fun when the interest was high among players
but then it sorta died, and u always ended looking for fights so much, or simply locked outta a continent due to numbers..
and this scisor-paper-rock design, hate it tbh


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Reply #13 on: November 05, 2008, 04:53:21 pm
I wish I could play FPS games as I'm sure I'd enjoy stuff like Counterstrike etc. But the majority of them give me motion sickness. Planetside does too, it's why I had to stop playing (I took another look at it recently in case newer hardware helped, but it didn't). From what I've read, it is linked to the visual aspect ratio of a game and how this doesn't correlate to what your eyes are used to seeing IRL - I get no motion sickness from anything IRL, in fact I love speed :) I'm fine with driving games, I'm fine with most MMOs (as the camera follows the character) but the majority of first person view games rapidly make me feel very sick indeed. So I guess for an adrenaline rush, if WAR can't offer it I'm going to have to rely on ganking midget Death Knights with my Rogue :)


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Reply #14 on: November 05, 2008, 09:34:22 pm
but thats ofc FPS, still thinking, maybe thats they way to go to seek back this adrenaline rush? :)

cue brigh !! it's your chance to recruit some more PS players !! ;)

hehe - well I'm still playing it and having some of the best fun since DAoC - bring on Planetside 2 :)

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