Savage 2

Saxif · 7566


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on: January 27, 2008, 06:39:15 pm
Well, they finally released it, I am gonna dl it after I get payed, dunno if it is gonna come out in the shops ...


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Reply #1 on: January 28, 2008, 11:56:12 am

Seems you can play for 5 hours free before having to buy, will download it sometime to see if it's any good :)
« Last Edit: January 28, 2008, 11:58:28 am by Lasiien »


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Reply #2 on: January 29, 2008, 01:54:56 pm
Theres also a new turn based hexagonal Strat game come out, can't remember the name exactly atm but would like to give that a go also ...

... WTB more hours in the day!


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Reply #3 on: January 29, 2008, 04:45:49 pm
I downloaded the trial and did the tutorial and messed around in practice mode. I'm hopeless at FPS so combat was a very brief affair :) If I can get beyond being a total noop I'll give the online play trial a whirl. It reminded me of Planetside a bit (I was crap at that too, though had some fun).

The turn based game sounds interesting, what's the name of it Sax?


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Reply #4 on: January 29, 2008, 10:20:08 pm
Hey Cern,

Its called "Armagedon Empires", its set in a post apocalyptic world, apparently according to PC-Gamer its a mix of Civ-style TBS and collectable card games.  It got a 84% but being right up my alley I'll try it, the general RTS you get bores me senseless now.  Its apparently not predictable, and not like anything we have ever played, though the GUI is supposed to be a little shoddy.  Think its a download only game from


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Reply #5 on: January 30, 2008, 02:49:29 pm
I also recently got The Witcher as well, haven't played it much yet but good first impressions. Eko already had it and rates it too i think. It's in the same vein as Morrowind/Oblivion but more story driven and less 'open world' kinda thing, got some bad reviews cos of tech problems and long load times but the recent patch has made it much much better. You'll need a chunky PC to run it tho, it's the same engine as Bioshock. Runs absolutely fine for me, there is a demo you can download on the above link

Also COD4 is allot of fun, xan posted a review about it here, I agree with him it's very realistic
« Last Edit: January 30, 2008, 03:01:30 pm by Lasiien »


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Reply #6 on: February 05, 2008, 11:44:50 am
I have been playing savage 2 and I am starting to come round to enjoying it.  I had a game last night and noticed I am geting alot better, its a very twitche based game, more melee than FPS, even though thats how it is advertised.  Most of the ranged weapons don't do huge amounts of damage, they are more for softening up your targets, its the melee that does the damage but the system isn't easy to get ahold of to start with.  There are 3 mechanisms that go into it, the attack, the block and the intercept.

The block beats the attack and stuns the attacker, the intercept beats the block and stuns the blocker and the attack beats the intercept and stuns the attacker.  Its hard to beart multiple ppl at once due to this but possible, especially if you have a harder unit.  There are 5 unit types per side and 2 Hellborne units that can be accessed as well as 12 different items and some persistant items that you can use.  Each unit has different weapons and abilities that need to be researched by the commander ... well lets say there is alot more to it than the standard FPS type game and that you should buy it to see what can be done with some ingenuity :)


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Reply #7 on: February 05, 2008, 01:59:14 pm
Cern, or anyone.  have you tired Armeggedon Empires yet?  I would be interested in your thoughts if you have.


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Reply #8 on: February 05, 2008, 05:26:23 pm
Cern, or anyone.  have you tired Armeggedon Empires yet?  I would be interested in your thoughts if you have.


I was quite interested in Armageddon Empires until I saw it was only 1 player. Disappointing. Hex-based strategy games are at their best when 2+ player (have many fond memories of board games such as Squad Leader etc). So to see that there's no 2 player online/LAN option (not even a play by mail one) was a real letdown. Playing those sorts of games against the AI just doesn't float my boat, never did, as no matter how good the AI is it won't play like a human opponent.


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Reply #9 on: February 09, 2008, 03:33:27 pm
I am like you, I think human opponents are the way forwards but with games like this I make an exception typically.  For example I really enjoyed Civ4 and I will eventually get around toi playing this, though atm I am splitting my time between S2 and WoW.  BTW hows things on Skullcrusher?  whats new?


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Reply #10 on: February 09, 2008, 06:33:04 pm
I am like you, I think human opponents are the way forwards but with games like this I make an exception typically.  For example I really enjoyed Civ4 and I will eventually get around toi playing this, though atm I am splitting my time between S2 and WoW.  BTW hows things on Skullcrusher?  whats new?


Yeah the Civ games were great, though could usually work out what the AI was going to do.

Skullcrusher is great at the moment, Legion Inc are going strong. We've got Kara on farm with 2 or even 3 groups going there per week and a few times we've cleared the place in one run. Gruul went down on the 2nd raid to his lair (going to try Mag next week) we've killed the first two bosses in ZA (need some more runs to learn the other bosses). Probably not that impressive compared to Awakening's portfolio of conquests, but for Legion it's a lot of progress. I'm back in love with my Shammy again, he's spec'd for mad dual wield dps and running around in a full set of epics .... never thought I'd be able to say that :)


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Reply #11 on: February 10, 2008, 12:39:35 pm
Well you're not that far behind us tbh, we're hardly uber or anything :) Nice to see legion doing well and that you're enjoying raiding :D

Grats on the epics ;)


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Reply #12 on: February 11, 2008, 02:13:38 pm
Hey Cern,

Glad yo hear your doing well and Legion are raiding :)  As to our progress things halted for some time due to internal guild problems but we are back on track now, we managed to get a 1st kill on Solarian the other day but then couldn't manage to take down Gruul due to to many new ppl not know our system!! C'est la vie!

Hows the PvP on your server, do you get many problems from it, or due to flying mounts and the fact I doubt you quest much anymore is world PvP infrequent, except possibly ganking on your way to Kara? :)


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Reply #13 on: February 11, 2008, 06:44:55 pm
Ganking isn't much of an issue on SC anymore. When levelling lowbies the odd high level idiot might do a drive-by ganking but it's infrequent. Not many problems levelling 60-70 either and you can usually quest in peace at 70 (flyer helps ofc). There's often a bit of nonsense outside Kara and similar places during peak raiding times and STV is of course the exception to the rule - always a gank fest there. But on the whole it's quiet. Perhaps this will all change when the expansion comes out and everyone is thrown into the new zones together as they were for TBC. I'm going to level my shaman first in the expansion, definitely my most 'scary' character :D

Sorry to hear Awakening has been through some tough times, hopefully things are getting back on track.