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Reply #15 on: May 11, 2007, 12:00:38 am
Aye, champ gets heavy armour, but to dps has to basically sacrifice all block/parry etc which means can get ripped up a bit esp by elites and such. There's some flexibility in switching in a shield and dps mode off, no doubt, will have to try it all out. Many alts ftw ;p

Didn't know Xan had the game, cool. Thought burg was a bit different in that it's more tactical, CC/debuff and conjunctions, which is what appealed to me, a tactical rogue. Though they do have a lot of the same abilities like cb/vanish etc it would seem.


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Reply #16 on: May 11, 2007, 08:42:17 am
Xan is just using a buddy/trial that came with carco's box is all i think.


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Reply #17 on: May 11, 2007, 11:29:38 am
oh btw try Lasiien also (i am planning to try a couple of classes whilst getting a feel for things etc). Am mostly out this weekend though anyway, might be around sat evening/sunday if you have the game by then


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Reply #18 on: May 11, 2007, 12:27:02 pm
Ahh ok, cool. We'll all try out a few then :)

Not got it this morning, bah, so dunno if it will turn up tomorrow. Did get my new hard drive though, so will give me time to fit that. Only a matter of time before this one goes bust and doesn't recover via the magic of chkdsk /r...


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Reply #19 on: May 11, 2007, 02:50:32 pm
I take it this is another monthly subscription game and if so how much is it?

(I think I need to start playing non-subscripton games more :D )

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
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Brigheiss LVL 70 Orc Warrior WOW
Brigh BR23 CR2 NC Planetside Gemini
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Reply #20 on: May 11, 2007, 04:07:57 pm
lord of the rings online brigh, subs ?7/month before tax or so

And yes i know what you mean, but i already told you that you dont have to pay subs to play planetside just buy BF2142 ;)

p.s. off topic, sax said you had been invited to a really cool outfit or something and you're having fun ? How's it going over there? ;)


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Reply #21 on: May 11, 2007, 04:52:29 pm
I've been looking at the price of battlefield 2142 earlier on play.com but I think I still prefer the bigger battles in planetside, as a lot of people have left you end up with all 3 factions on the same planet so you get some amazing fights without having to travel to another planet.

I'm currently on trial in their academy outfit, once you have proven yourself (to stop faction hopping) they then let you into the full blown outfit.

Having great fun with it at the moment and they just had a major patch which improved one of the people carrier transport and there is another coming in 2 weeks now so for once Sony is trying to inject some life back into it.

Might keep my eyes open on ebay for a cheap copy of battlefield though :D

I doubt I will play LOTR for now though, I might change my mind if it gets the thumbs up.

I'm in the process of downloading the free 14 day trial for SWG atm just to have a look about :D - did anyone play it for long?

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
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Brigheiss LVL 70 Orc Warrior WOW
Brigh BR23 CR2 NC Planetside Gemini
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Reply #22 on: May 11, 2007, 05:05:32 pm
Cool brigh, glad you're having fun and that the outfit trial is going well (hope you get in!)

I played SWG for a couple of months and it wasnt too bad, had some nice ideas. The problem at the time was you ran out of content very quickly, but I'm sure that has changed now after patches and expansions. There was talk that SOE completely murdered and killed it, or at least thats what lots of ppl i know say :) For 14 days though I'm pretty sure it'll be a bit of fun


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Reply #23 on: May 15, 2007, 08:21:59 am
Well I got in last night and had a storming session - nice to be doing special ops rather than the zerggggg.

Played SWG and got to level10 after a day so my free trial is now over, it seemed ok but as I don't have an instruction manual and I can't find any scanned ones on the net it is difficult. The chat interface looked annoying as all I could see was people spamming selling credits for cash etc.

I think I will stick to PS for the time being :)

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
Kilgour LVL 70 BE Warlock WOW
Brigheiss LVL 70 Orc Warrior WOW
Brigh BR23 CR2 NC Planetside Gemini
Brigh BR26 CR3 TR Planetside Werner


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Reply #24 on: May 21, 2007, 05:32:53 pm
How's everyone finding LOTRO?
I received the game as a birthday prez this week, so giving it a try. Made a dwarf guardian called Cernli on Snowbourn and a hobbit burglar called Cern on Laurelin as I wanted to see what a RP server is like (never tried one).
Really enjoying it so far, stunning graphics and the gameplay is fun (I'm normally rather allergic to quests but have enjoyed the quest driven gameplay so far, they've handled it pretty well).
Bit short of time to play much and off on hols soon, so it's very much a casual thing for me, but will look out for you all. What are your character names (other than Cardannach)?


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Reply #25 on: May 21, 2007, 06:18:14 pm
Heya Cern,

Found that Turbine had a good look at current MMO's on the market and incorporated some of their features (just like Blizzard did for WoW really). Things like EQ2's group combo's, CoH/CoV badges (deeds/traits) & the blatant WoW ui ripoff :).

The story quests are nice and it's really cool how it's woven into the main LotR story. All in all it's a nice game, though I'm unsure it'll keep me busy for long, but you never know.

My main is Katsui (still trying lots of different classes/races as well), Las has Cardannach & Lasiien (what a surprise :p) and D&H are ... well ... Darkly & Helez.

Think quite a few from Prydwen are playing on Laurelin also, though none of the people I really know. We're all still on Snowbourn and will look out for you :).

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
Spookks :: Huldra :: Pistols/Elementalism


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Reply #26 on: May 21, 2007, 06:47:47 pm
heya cern,

what eko said really :D They have done what i think blizzard did with wow really,  and have stolen from lots of other MMOs and combined it in the lotr universe. Story is very strong so far and i've enjoyed some of the quests as it really makes you feel that the whole lotr story is being played out whilst you are leveling up.

Having some fun playing anyway, even though there is nothing original here really. I guess partially because I can actually relate to the lore (in wow's case i cant much as i hated RTS games ;)

Anyway, happy (belated) birthday :D


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Reply #27 on: May 21, 2007, 08:12:14 pm
Happy birthday Cern :)

Actually the more I play Lotro the more I'm reminded of various bits of DDO, it really is a hybrid of all sorts of games. But seems to work well thus far. As everyone else says, what it will be like at higher levels remains to be seen. Monsterplay sounds like a larf though... we shall see....