Brigh · 39460


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on: October 30, 2006, 02:48:34 pm
Hello All

Hope you are all well?

Just posting here to see if anyone was going to start playing WoW again, I know myself and Cern are currently activate (both playing Horde again) but I was wondering if anyone else was going to come back. With the BG's being cross realm it is easier to avoid fighting the same premade groups and raids. Also if the rumours are true they are going to create BG's just for premade groups to join.

Brigh :D

p.s. Sax - Warlocks are now uber so you may now stand a chance of beating someone!! :P seriously though Warlocks are pain in the arses to fight against :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
Kilgour LVL 70 BE Warlock WOW
Brigheiss LVL 70 Orc Warrior WOW
Brigh BR23 CR2 NC Planetside Gemini
Brigh BR26 CR3 TR Planetside Werner


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Reply #1 on: October 30, 2006, 04:36:36 pm
Yeah, Warlocks need a serious nerfing and with Sax's luck it'll probably happen if he returns :D
RoD still exists as a guild, but Brigh and I joined our active characters into Legion Inc, who are new guild for casual (and preferably mature) players started up by Shiden and Kalkoen (ShiShi and Balbuta from DAOC). They seem a decent bunch though still recruiting so obviously personnel yet to fully settle down. Currently raiding UBRS and similar with a view to doing AQ20 and the new raid content in TBC expansion. But it's as casual as possible, with no forced specs or obligations to raid. Also raids tend to start about 8pm UK time which is good from my point of view.
Anyway, if any of you are clicking your heels and fancy a return to the game ... you'll find some things are better after all the patches (no BG queues, lots of new content, improved class balance, with the exception of OP'd warlocks!) and some things are worse (silly damage in endgame PvP now everyone running around in epix and a grind is a grind is a grind in any clothing).
Expansion looks set to shake things up a lot, but that's not until January now.


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Reply #2 on: October 30, 2006, 05:41:43 pm
I'm still playing WoW :). Still as Alliance on Thunderhorn though in Roses of Dawn.

We won the screenshot contest and got 25 beta keys, so I'm now mainly exploring tBC beta :D. tBC is really cool, the new zones (only 4 open so far) look really good and if rep stays as it is now (not sure as xp is accelerated, dunno about rep) then you can get to honoured with the new factions easy by just questing. Each zone has several new factions and there's also a (different) PvP objective in each zone. The most fun so far is the one in Nagrand where you can do bombing runs on the village on a gryph :). Can't say much about class balance yet as level cap is only lvl 67 so far, but a shadowpriest is a lot of fun.

There are also some UI improvements, no more LFG channel, but instead a LFG/LFM panel, sort off similar to the one from DAoC. ALT + a spell casts in on yourself without having to switch targets. There's also a much improved character stats screen where you can select to see your melee/ranged/spell/defense stats in detail (amount of +dmg, +hit, +crit, def, etc.).

The new races are nice as well, got a Draenei shaman to 21 and there's lots of fun quests in the new starter zones. Only played a Blood Elf to lvl 5, so can't say much about them except that they do look good, but male BE dance is so gay :p.

Also, gear that drops in tBC is insanely good: greens (even lvl 55 ones) are equal or better than tier 1, blues are equal or better than tier 2, didn't see tBC epics yet ;). At lvl 64 my priest has +350 spell damage, 6k hp (self-buffed) and over 7.2k mana :p.

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Reply #3 on: October 30, 2006, 06:26:05 pm
Hey Brigh,

Good to hear from you, I thought you were playing alliance nowadays or did your little gnome get eaten by Onyxia ? :) Glad you're doing good anyways.

Generally not been tempted by a return to WOW as it really hacked me off towards the end, mostly due to the endgame (both pvp and pve) and stupidly long grinds (both pvp and pve :) ). I read some pretty cool stuff about the expansion in the flying mounts and suchlike, but knowing WoW it will cost you about 200000 gold for one and take you 3 months to get :)

Perhaps if others are going to give it another go on a casual basis i could be tempted, but don't want to get hardcore sucked into any other MMO really (yeah ok, famous last words, but at least it worked for us in ddo - only 2/3 nights a week etc).

Currently playing BF2142 to get a 'planetside' (but with better gfx and new stuff) type-fix, but VERY disappointed that EA are putting adverts in the game. Must admit i should have read up before buying it as it seriously annoyed me, we don't need games turning into walking billboards thankyouverymuchEA.

Good to hear from ya Cern and eko also :) Eko, do you have a link to your winning screenie ?


p.s. Has anyone else seen South Parks take on WoW. Very very funny. Link i saw it on here  (Warning, have 20mins or so to watch it and obviously it is south park type humour and colourful language etc :))


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Reply #4 on: October 30, 2006, 07:46:33 pm
A link to the screenie here with the caption being: 'Bored of farming, let's go to Draenor.'. Goal was to take a screenshot of your guild near a famous npc and we chose Princess :).

We only had a few days to come up with something and Wimsy & Rhynn spent a lot of time farming mats to make everyone a farmer's outfit. I's not very special tbh, but was a lot of fun at the time and getting in beta was the icing on the cake :).

The South Park WoW episode was really funny ('How can you kill that which has no life?' :D). One WoW movie everyone has to see is Zinwrath imo, it's done very well and is also really funny.

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
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Reply #5 on: October 30, 2006, 08:19:46 pm
Glad to hear you folks are having fun in WoW, your still playing Skullcrusher then I take it?  It's kinda tempting to come back just casual doing a few sessions a week I must admit, will prolly depending on how good NWN2 and Mark of Chaos are now that CoSB has been pushed back.  

Worst thing about coming back would be learning how to play again and sorting out UI mods all over again but am tempted :)

Take it easy guys,


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Reply #6 on: October 30, 2006, 10:17:15 pm
Quote from: Saxif
Worst thing about coming back would be learning how to play again

Again? :D ;)
C'mon you gimp, come back so there's at least one Warlock I can beat in the game :p
Gratz on the beta keys eKo. The expansion does sound good, but if the gear is so much better than current tier 1 and 2 gear, it does make you wonder if it's worth putting much effort into raiding any gear before the expansion arrives. Or will the gear in the expansion need a strong raid to obtain?

Saw the South Park WoW episode, hilarious.


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Reply #7 on: October 31, 2006, 10:42:51 am
Nice screenie eko, though I never played alliance much so princess isn't too well known for me :) Good video link you gave also - very nicely done movie (though i think the guy that did the music went a bit mad on his bontempi organ!).

As Sax said, NWN2 is out on friday - hoping that will be good, but i suppose i could renew wow sometime just to see whats changed, class balance and pvp queues do sound like good things - I'm just shuddering at the number of grinds they had all over the place. Wouldn't promise that i'd stay though or anything :)

Sax would not own anything as a warlock anyway, he just charges in and melees (someone forgot to tell him he's not a tank........tree!)


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Reply #8 on: October 31, 2006, 03:55:18 pm
Fortuneatly I am so skilled I can make a melee toon out of any character!!!


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Reply #9 on: October 31, 2006, 05:13:23 pm
Rofl sax...  all I want to know is, when you play a fighter, do you sit at the back of the party gesturing and incanting? ;)

Hi Brigh... and hi all. We'd come back to wow if everyone else was, I reckon. Grim/Hel is currently bored and pining for a game to play at any rate ;)

Just installing BF 2142 now Las... in game adverts, wtf? Yack. Not sure how it'll run on my machine anyway.


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Reply #10 on: October 31, 2006, 05:33:53 pm
you know you all want to come back and play again, I can sense it.

I have got an alliance rogue but had enough of him so thought I would try my warrior again (currently trying to exalted in AV as I never did any PVP with him so his gear is kinda rubbish) although I could still kill Saxif in one hit :P

We are still playing on Skullcrusher and would be nice to see you all again. I think TBC should improve the game but I imagine all the nice stuff will be beyond my reach as usual :)

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
Kilgour LVL 70 BE Warlock WOW
Brigheiss LVL 70 Orc Warrior WOW
Brigh BR23 CR2 NC Planetside Gemini
Brigh BR26 CR3 TR Planetside Werner


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Reply #11 on: October 31, 2006, 06:59:52 pm
I'll prolly sort my subs out actually, I am kinda pining for a game atm also.  I do however need to beat Civ4 a few more times, I don't feel I am quite at ninja skilz yet :)

Also wanna check out NWN2, but will prolly check in to WoW at some point in a 2 or 3 weeks so watch this space !!!


edit:- I only sit back and waggle my fingers when playing a melee toon if I am fighting Brigh, need to give him a chance ya see  :D

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Reply #12 on: October 31, 2006, 07:21:49 pm
I know we would get you playing again - I won't be on tonight but I should be around the rest of the week. The guild me and Cern are in seems pretty cool as they accept very casual players , check out

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
Kilgour LVL 70 BE Warlock WOW
Brigheiss LVL 70 Orc Warrior WOW
Brigh BR23 CR2 NC Planetside Gemini
Brigh BR26 CR3 TR Planetside Werner


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Reply #13 on: October 31, 2006, 07:44:19 pm
d - /rant on: yeah ads are not in the game yet (at least they were not the other day) but you can see all the billboards etc they are going to plaster with mcdonalds ads and suchlike. Decent enough game (though actually not much improvement on BF2) but the ads thing really got to me for some reason.

I dont mind Tiger Woods Golf, or Nike Soccer or something like that. But if this is a trend that when we play warhammer (which is also going to be an EA game) we'll have 50000 coke and mcdonalds adverts placing spyware on our pc's and totally ruining the immersion. /rant off

re: WOW: Alrighty, sounds like we'll all reactivate wow then over the next week or two and have some fun together and see whats changed and take it from there.


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Reply #14 on: October 31, 2006, 08:57:33 pm
Yay \o/
Will be great to see you all back.
I can sort out RoD reinvites for those who migrated to PO and will probably find themselve guildless on logging back in. And once peeps find their feet can decide whether to join up with Legion Inc (who are pretty casual though going to have a bash at ZG raiding) or instead do some casual stuff as RoD.