WoW piss take site.

Saxif · 14963


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on: August 01, 2006, 08:37:37 pm
I found a site that rips into WoW and Blizzard, buts its semi-porno in nature, so I dunno i about putting a link to it, I will however put this quote in here as it amused the hell out of me :)

Many request that doctors put a warning, much like the surgeon general's warning on a pack of cigarettes that goes something along the lines of this: General Manager's Warning: Prolonged exposure to the Barrens chat may result in, hemmorhaging and other forms of internal bleeding, premature ejaculation, ebola, smiting by God, and general loss of all signs of intelligence. As well it should be noted that only one out of every fifty players who partake in the Barrens chat actually has some form of a "friend" though this is hotly disputed to be a significantly lower percentage. In conclusion, the Barrens chat is a hellhole which consists mainly of Chuck Norris jokes, retarded brain diarrhea, self-proclaimed n00bs, and everything else that God has plagued the earth with as a punishment for the sins of mankind.


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Reply #1 on: August 02, 2006, 12:14:20 am
Heh, all true. Thing is, does Alliance have an equivalent of Barrens chat? Must be a zone where all the Alliance braindeads gather to insult each others mothers, abuse other nationalities and proclaim everyone and their hamster is a ninja.
Post the link btw, I'm sure we can all cope and delicate souls like Brigh can cover their eyes if needed :D


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Reply #2 on: August 02, 2006, 08:53:17 am
Damn you've twisted me arm!!

I'll post the link when I get back home this evening, the humour on the site is hit and miss, but some of it is lol funny :)


Edit:-  This link is not for minors, it contains pornographic reference material and seriously slates WoW/Blizzard/Diablo.  If your easily offended please go elsewhere e.t.c ...
« Last Edit: August 02, 2006, 07:47:20 pm by Saxif »

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Reply #3 on: August 03, 2006, 08:31:43 pm
Quote from: Cernos
Heh, all true. Thing is, does Alliance have an equivalent of Barrens chat? Must be a zone where all the Alliance braindeads gather to insult each others mothers, abuse other nationalities and proclaim everyone and their hamster is a ninja.

It does - Westfall - not as bad as Barrens but its getting there - instead of Chuck Norris we get David Hasslehoff instead :)

Brigh :D

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