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on: April 24, 2006, 11:13:11 pm
Dunno if any of you have come across this game, but the Open Beta starts tomorrow (yes I will still be there for our session).  I literally just applied to get into the beta, so may not.  It is a sci-fi type game, the big difference is there is no combat at all, I get the feeling it is going to be like 'A Tale in the Desert' (ATITD) but on another planet.  I never played ATITD but have heard alot of good things about it and will prolly dabble in this to see what t is like.

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Reply #1 on: April 25, 2006, 02:12:34 am
Looks like they've taken the politics and skills systems from EVE (the skill advancement system is very very similar), removed the combat and further upped the scope for politics.
They deserve credit for trying something different and I hope it's successful for them, but might be hard to attract a subscriber base with such an open-ended game concept and no combat. EVE already confuses people because it's so open-ended, but you can at least play that game like a giant version of Elite with real people as the pirates if you don't want to get too heavily involved with all the player corporations (guilds) and politics.
Seed could be very good for true roleplayers who want to get embroiled in all that politicking, planning and plotting without all the 'kiddy gankers' getting in the way.
However, while they might say there's no combat or PvP, it's sort of there by proxy in that politics = social PvP. They might encourage players to work together, but you can be sure there'll be plenty of friction injected to spice things up.
Sounds a bit too much like "Sims In Space" or "Real Life in Space" for my tastes. I don't deal very well with politics and popularity contests IRL or online (which is why guilds tend to do my head in).
Let us know how it plays though.


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Reply #2 on: April 25, 2006, 07:53:23 am
Yeah funny enough I was looking at this yesterday morning. As Cern says they deserve credit for trying something different to the norm, but how it'll work I'm not sure. Believable NPCs? I don't believe them ;p

Never did play Tale but heard good things. Not sure if the politics/popularity thing will be for me either, however, and if you can't wear shiny armour and hit things Grimly's definitely out ;) Having said that, might still give it a try seeing as it's free for a couple of weeks....


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Reply #3 on: April 25, 2006, 09:15:45 am
The politics inherent in these games and rl have never really interested me, I play the game as a game.  However the concept of Seed is interesting, when it comes to playing games like Civ4 I take the most enjoyment out of building a world spanning empire, and hate it when the pc comes along and blows chunks of it up!  Seed kinda offers the entire building scenrio, in what I assume is excrutiating detail without the chance of the pc or a player coming over and destroying what your trying to create.  Of course it could turn out not to be my cup of tea, but thats what a 14 day trial is for :)


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Reply #4 on: April 25, 2006, 02:04:02 pm
Yeah I love games like Civ too, always played those. Of course there's the threat of combat in Civ to keep you on your toes, but it is possible to play it reasonably peaceably using diplomacy (though you don't make as much progress as you do going on the warmongering rampage .... yeeeha :)

In the coming months I'll probably give anything with a free trial a whirl. I let my Daoc subs lapse again - was quite fun in a nostalgic way playing again, but because of work I was logging on too late to enjoy any RvR (the window for when this happens has shrunk to peak times only due to the reduced player base). I had a look at EVE with their free trial. I liked it a lot, but it needs an enormous time committment to get the most out of so will take another look when I have more time.
So will flit around a few trials I think. What else is out there?


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Reply #5 on: April 27, 2006, 08:14:09 pm
I have access to the Seed beta but haven't yet bothered to dl the client, the response on the Seed forums is far away from being positive.  It seems ppl r having issues with things as basic as creating characters, and when they do get in the lag is so terrible that they cant move about and get booted after only a few minutes.  Some guy made a post asking if anyone  had gotten into the game to play, and the most positive answers say that no one has managed more than a few minutes.

Think I'll let this one lie until the reports filtering back are more positive.  I guess DnL is releasing soon, maybe thats gonna look more hopefull ...


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Reply #6 on: May 04, 2006, 06:08:29 pm
Cern, ddo has a free 7 day trial announced today -


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Reply #7 on: May 05, 2006, 03:39:00 am
Aha! Nice one. Will definitely give that a whirl and see what the game is all about. Thanks for the pointer. Dunno if the trial will limit what servers you can join, but what server is everyone on? I'll drop in and you can give me some clueless noob abuse :D


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Reply #8 on: May 05, 2006, 09:16:45 am
Aeron is the server, mostly with the usual character names :) (mine are Lasiian and Cardannach, Saxif and Dyvim, Darkly, Helez (grimly) and eko with his 10000 alts ;) )

As it's quite a mature player base and you can't really solo so much i have a feeling the times you like to play will be dead I'm afraid - but still probably worth checking out.


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Reply #9 on: May 05, 2006, 01:57:11 pm
Me and grim just started our alts last night, too! (alts are Mechius - who needs a guild invite btw ;) and Vanadium the big warforged fighter maniac (guess who's playing that one ;) )

Hope to cya in game sometime Cern :)


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Reply #10 on: May 05, 2006, 06:47:26 pm
1.7 GB download ..... ouchies.
Will see how it goes, probably will take most of the weekend.


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Reply #11 on: May 05, 2006, 07:55:47 pm
You dl'd the entire game I assume?

Yeah just drop anyone a line who you see as online, any of us can bring you into the family :)


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Reply #12 on: May 05, 2006, 07:59:01 pm
Looks that way. It's a fileplanet download, so can at least pause the DL if needed.


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Reply #13 on: May 08, 2006, 02:17:59 pm
Ok, it's downloaded. Are you planning an evening playing with alts anytime soon? Could catch up with you for that perhaps.


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Reply #14 on: May 08, 2006, 02:26:49 pm

Yeah, we're going to play tomorrow (tuesday) around 20:30-21:00. I most likely won't be on tonight (monday), but maybe some others will be.

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