How long to 50th in DAoC?

Saxif · 10937


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on: March 08, 2006, 03:00:32 pm
This is ripped off of a post from the Vnboards

In DAoC, my most recent 50 hit that level in about 2 days 10 hours /played, and that was with no PLing, no help from guildmates (just a friend to play with), no out-of-group buffbots and limited money or equipment. Oh, and starting from level 1 on a Classic server, too. I'm sure others have done it far faster.

The first time I did it, it took me 27days and 10 hrs (yes I still emember), I also know several ppl who took 35+ days!!


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Reply #1 on: March 08, 2006, 05:21:25 pm
hehe well i guess they had to do something about it, it was hardly newbie friendly anymore with all the stuff thats been added :)

I remember you dinging 50, I was in your group :) Cant remember what my /played was but well over 20 days. Those 20 days were good fun though :)


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Reply #2 on: March 08, 2006, 05:31:13 pm
My first character, a Ranger, was 16 days /played when I stopped at level 41 and switched to Hero as I wanted a more group friendly character. When my Hero dinged 50 my /played was between 30 and 35 days :eek:
When Catacombs was first launched I tried the US servers and got a Warlock and Shaman (played actively, was manic but fun) from 1 to 50 in about 3 or 4 days /played, starting from scratch with no money. Since then they've tweaked the xp curve and improved the xps from task dungeons so that I'm sure its easily possible to get to 50 in under 3 days if you know what you're doing.


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Reply #3 on: March 08, 2006, 09:12:36 pm
Almost tempting to go back and play again if its that fast ... though I'd need to buy all the disc's again as I have no idea where mine are!!

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Reply #4 on: March 08, 2006, 09:51:28 pm
Well, I can probably supply the disks if you need, what was the latest expansion you have activated? ToA?
To level the fastest you need Catacombs ideally, the task dungeons and huge xps from Catacombs quests make the xp fly by. You can download Catacombs direct from GOA these days. Don't think the latest expansion Darkness Rising is that essential, although the personal mounts are nice and the champion quests are apparently fun.
I'm not sure what the current state of RvR is on the Prydwen-Excalibur cluster. Since I reactivated I've been very busy with work so haven't been able to log on for long enough to go do some RvR. I'm also still relearning all the buttons and wondering why all my WoW tricks don't work :) Hopefully will get a chance to play a bit more this weekend.
Hib Prydwen-Excalibur currently has a population bonus applied to it, which means that every two days you get a free level if you managed to ding a level normally in that period. Really speeds things along too.


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Reply #5 on: March 09, 2006, 12:05:44 pm
Sounds kinda groovy, but tbh I prolly wont reactivate again, and if I did I reckon I'd go for a classic server, TOA doesn't inspire me, I never did it the first time around.  

I also have serveral games atm that I have hardly touched so once I get bored of those then I'll look for something else, and of course this summer sees the release of Savage 2, which I am looking forwards to :)

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Reply #6 on: March 09, 2006, 01:03:12 pm
Yeah if your toons aren't fully ToA'd it's still a long journey to get back into the action on Pryd/Excal. With the next patch everything about ToA gets a lot easier, but it's still time consuming. Classic server might be fun, but it means starting afresh. And there's lots of other games out there now worth starting afresh on.


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Reply #7 on: March 28, 2006, 06:36:06 pm
i tryed to reactive my old EU account but cant remeber account password and i tryed the link on webbie with wot i know is correct address did'nt get email so i email them with all details ect over 2 days send info tell them stuff ect and say they cant see why it is'nt working for me and to try it again ect they confirmed that the email was correct that i used and that was about it so cant get bk to my lovely Druid or Enchanter at mo :(

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Reply #8 on: March 28, 2006, 09:08:18 pm
Hi Evander, good to hear from you. Bad news about the password. Are you definitely getting other emails to the address that GOA have? If so it's a problem at GOA's end (so no surpises there) :(


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Reply #9 on: March 28, 2006, 11:02:29 pm
Quote from: Cernos
Hi Evander, good to hear from you. Bad news about the password. Are you definitely getting other emails to the address that GOA have? If so it's a problem at GOA's end (so no surpises there) :(

Aye i get other emails through it inclueding GOA's responces to my emails which is dame stupid :(

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Reply #10 on: March 29, 2006, 12:35:32 am
Well seems i might of got somewhere with GOA now finaly understanding wot the issues is so in a email i got they saying that they will have the passwords sent to me in the post by a computer generated letter that no GOA staff will see they see :D so might well get to play DAoC again though aint played in 1year5months and i was doing so well staying away :(

even though ill prob have no money house prob gone now and prob have no items from cluster ect :(

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Reply #11 on: March 29, 2006, 02:16:05 am
Ah, strange they send it via the post rather than in email, but perhaps that's their way to ensure it's secure so fair enough.
Your house will definitely be gone, I recently restarted after 1 year away and my house was occupied by someone else :eek: I expected to lose it when I took a break, so had put all the contents into personal vaults, so it didn't turn out too bad.
If you're concerned about the possibility of having lost gear due to GOA's database crash that happened last year, you can email RightNow with your character names and they can tell if you were affected by cross-checking their list. I was told all my characters were fine before rescubscribing and indeed they were.
As for the state of the game. Well, it's a mixed bag. The fun things are still fun and really nice to experience them again (was really nice getting back into RvR after the debacle that is WoW PvP). But the less fun issues are still there, though they made a lot of things better. I think I'd describe it like putting on a pair of comfortable old shoes which feel great, then you realise those old shoes have holes in the soles that let the rain in, and you remember the reason you stopped wearing them :)
I've mainly been playing Thidranki toons as don't have enough spare time for big boy RvR (too much standing around choosing the perfect classes and buffs etc, that nonsense still persists). Been fun levelling up some Catacombs toons from level 1 (without powerlevelling!) and I've actually met some people who are playing DAOC for the first time, some of them it's their first MMORPG.
The Prydwen-Excalibur cluster seems rather quiet. It's not too bad at peak time, but offpeak it's dead (trouble is for me, I can mainly only play offpeak). But everyone expecting an influx back from the classic server once 1.82 is patched tomorrow, with all the ToA changes and stuff, so I'm going to give it another month's subs and see if things pick up.
If you do decide to resubscribe and need help with anything, give me a shout.


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Reply #12 on: April 07, 2006, 10:40:15 am
Hehe my house was'nt gone and all my characters fine on both accounts though only reopen my main one 2day :D and having a look around at mo :D

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Reply #13 on: June 22, 2006, 08:31:00 am


(doesn't bode well for warhammer either really!)


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Reply #14 on: June 22, 2006, 09:09:18 am
Yeah I saw this, or at least I think I did as our work e-mail system is blocking the link.  Basically EA bought out Mythic to create EA Mythic right?  I just hope they dont get in there and start changing things round tbh, I just dont think EA could make a decent mmorpg, to me EA is synonomous with sprorts titles from the Super Nes days.

I would imagine GW would have a say in any changes, but I reckon the buy out could delay the product by 6 months at least.


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