RF Online

eKo · 4945


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on: March 03, 2006, 07:41:49 pm

Talked to Las and he said some ppl were/were interested in playing RF Online. I just got it today and was wondering if some ppl play it, which server/faction they're playing and under what name.

Only played the tutorial so far (which is rather irritating), but the game itself looks good and the mobs to kill are sliiiiiightly bigger than the usual rats :p.

I started on the first server (Spirit?) as a gnome (Bellato Union) ranger. Will prolly play there a bit longer to familiarize myself with the game, untill I get an answer here ;).

PS: I didn't get in DnL beta after all, username/password didn't work and wasn't too bothered as I was still playing WoW (And somehow I must've deleted the mail with the username & password :-/). I'm actually still playing WoW, but getting a bit bored, so thought to give RF Online a try.

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Reply #1 on: March 05, 2006, 04:54:55 pm
Bought RF Online but as I told eko I'm already about ready to throw it in the bin :) So dunno if i'll play it much, hasn't impressed me so far but we'll see. Started in the same place as eko by fluke actually, but not got very far. Most likely won't play this much as it seems too much friustration/effort to get to the good stuff !

Trying d&d stormreach also, quite good from the first couple of hours playing so far. If anyone else is trying it im on Aureon server, Lasiien Annion character (trying a sorc but who knows if i've already gimped myself!). Sax said hes playing on this server too.


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Reply #2 on: March 06, 2006, 01:21:26 pm
I tried RF in the beta and got up to lvl 16 as a warrior of the Magical race (Cora?).  Was fun, but didn't suck me in.

As Lasiien said I am playing DnD, I actually like it, very different than other mmo's, but fun, and I think I'll play casually for some time.  I am playing a Elven Fighter/Cleric on Aureon called Dyvim Tvar, anyone else who is playing the game should drop in.  Carco and Xanith, and a few others are gonna try it also, see how they get along with it.


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Reply #3 on: March 06, 2006, 03:12:56 pm
My WoW subs run out this week and I won't be renewing (I've said that before, but mean it this time). PvP has got really silly now with the gulf between the epic equipped raiding folks and everyone else being pretty massive. Also I just can't hack the ladder system - seeing a character fall back to rank 1 because I wanted a break or to play an alt is just too much. Might play again when the expansion comes out, dunno. So much I really love about the game, but the fundamental grind involved to do anything significant endgame is a killer.
I had a peek at DAOC again thanks to the US 'come back to Camelot' free trial. So much has changed and time sinks reduced. I decided to reopen my EU accounts. Haven't bought the latest expansion, will see how it goes.
I had a look at the reviews for RF Online - sounded like the Grinder to end all Grinders. Will give a miss.
D&D Online looks interesting. Might give it a try. Looks impressive graphically. What's the gameplay like? How does it compare to WoW, DAOC etc?


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Reply #4 on: March 06, 2006, 04:22:53 pm
Felt similar about WoW once work got on top of me and I couldn't keep raiding.

Shame on you for renewing daoc subs ! ;)

Too early to tell with either RF or d&d. Though as i said above i had great difficulty with RF and just not inspired to play it at the moment.

D&D looks polished and well thought through, downside is not much solo content and pickup groups 'rushing' dungeons and not taking their time to fully take it all in. But hoping to hook up with some peeps like Sax and anyone else who plays to take it a bit easier. Quite different in that it's all instance quest based (i.e. no more kill 100000 rats for 12 item drops), you get the exp at the end of each completed quest which is pretty nice.



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Reply #5 on: March 06, 2006, 07:46:13 pm
Quote from: Lasiien
Shame on you for renewing daoc subs ! ;)

Yeah yeah I know :o. I managed to keep away for over a year but my dirty addiction bit back :(  It's just for fun really, got a lot of work on at the moment (for once) so wanted something I was familiar with I can pick up when I have spare time (that was the killer with WoW - 30 minute server login queues and 2-3 hour AV queues, it's hardly great if you want a quick PvP fix).