ESO has launched.

Saxif · 7981


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on: April 05, 2014, 06:47:20 pm
Anyone got involved?

Looks good but ...

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Reply #1 on: April 07, 2014, 10:56:22 pm
Nope, not me, will wait a while and see what's said :)


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Reply #2 on: April 09, 2014, 04:26:13 pm
depending on others/reviews I hope to be able to look at this in about 6-8 weeks

Wouldn't mind getting involved in a decent game apart from PS2!

Brigh :D

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Reply #3 on: April 16, 2014, 08:29:55 am
anyone playing?

Brigh :D

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Reply #4 on: April 16, 2014, 02:25:52 pm
I'm currently giving it a whirl. I didn't play the beta, so jumped in at launch.  Playing a Templar (think WoW Paladin meets DAOC Valkyrie) and got up to level 29 so far. It's a real mixed bag - there's some features which are absolutely fantastic and there's some design decisions which are jaw-droppingly terrible. Overall I'm enjoying it, but some of the negatives are wearing me down already. Here's a mini review:

+ Looks beautiful, lovely environments and attention to detail - although in that sort of drab style that all Elder Scrolls games seem to have (not previously a fan of it, but it's growing on me).
+ Game world is expansive and things aren't all crammed together theme-park style. The game rewards exploration and there's lots of it to explore.
+ Gear looks great. Proper medieval style armour and weapons. Sadly no dye, but I sort of understand why (see the drab thing above).
+ Quest progression is quite organic and the game world changes via phasing as you progress (but you still see others on same step as you).
+ Voice acting is mostly good, although a bit stilted at times. Too many recurring voices though.
+ It's not theme park, but it's not sandbox either. Certainly feels different to most other MMOs.
+ Combat system is fun for a twitch based system. It flows well and the combat animations are fluid.
+ Class system is flexible - any class can perform any role by specialising their skills and wearing appropriate gear. Within reason you can swap roles just by swapping some skills and bar, but I'm sure min-maxxing and cookie-cutter builds will eventually become prevalent.
+ Character customisation is good, it's possible to create quite a lot of variety, though there's no true tiny or giant races.
+ The crafting system is well handled and very interesting, but it's totally wrecked by the truly terrible inventory system (see below).
+ Public dungeons, PvP dungeons. Wonderful, good to see a game with those.
+ The PVP zone is excellent, has the Daoc Frontiers feel to it. But it's perhaps too big, with too much travel to reach the action. However, this does create more chance for skirmishes away from the zerg.
+ RvR is 3-way with keep seiges etc. It's better than GW2 and WAR, but nowhere near as tactical as DAOC because of the reduced ability set all classes have.
+ The game plays really smoothly, even on my ageing system. I was amazed that it even handled the huge PVP seiges and zergs without too much problem. A bit choppy, but far from the lagfest I was expecting.

- It's inventory juggling HELL. About the worst I've encountered in a subscription MMO and worse than most F2P titles. Bag space is limited and expensive. But most importantly you only have one bank account shared by ALL your characters. Even fully expanded it's nowhere near enough. There's a huge amount of crafting components and general collectibles to clog things up and they all get lumped and muddled together. Already at level 29 my bank is jammed full and I'm spending way too much time when out adventuring juggling crap and deleting. Totally tedious. This is a top price subscription MMO, not some F2P cash shop wannabe. It's nowhere near acceptable.
- It doesn't FEEL like a MMO. There's no nameplates, no chat bubbles, rudimentary chat channels and not much reason to team up other than in a very loose way. It's often really unclear who is a player, who is a vendor, who is a mob etc and the console style interface just makes interacting with other players clunky and cumbersome. I'm sure the roleplay purists will love the "immersion" but as a social MMO it fails to build any real sense of community.
- The starter zone and main story arc is shared by all classes and all factions. It's identical as far as I can tell regardless of what race, class and faction you join. It's scripted well enough with big name voice actors, but there's no decisions to make, no choices, it's on railroads.
- Whilst regular quests are well written for the most part, there's very little decisions or choices to make. There's usually no options, you are forced to do what is scripted. Any choices presented turn out to be illusory. Disappointing.
- Some huge gold sinks - skill respec and gear repair costs are huge and punative. Even just grinding mobs for a bit wrecks your gear. It doesn't really encourage risk taking or trying out skills and tactics you aren't sure will work. Seems devs never ever learn. End result, gold spammers (see below).
- There's no global Auction House. Only way to sell stuff is to join a trade guild or spam the trade channel. You can guess the rest.
- There's no language filtering on the EU megaserver. All languages thrown into the same limited functionality chat channels. You can guess the rest.
- There's too much travel time in PvP. Enemies not respawning staight back into the action is good, but they took things too far in the opposite direction. This may improve as players upgrade their mounts (but then there'll be people at different speeds - tricky for groups).
- No real way to control the zerg in PvP - no mass CC etc. You can guess the rest.
- Console style UI is too clunky on a PC. To be fair, you get used to it, but it still could be a lot better.
- Reduced ability set (similar to GW2) makes combat start to become very repetitive, even more so than normal in a MMO.
- Bots and gold spammers. OMG, never seen so many in a MMO. Quite crazy. They are banning them, but they still spring up rapidly again. The devs made a rod for their own backs here with how many huge gold sinks they added to the game.
- Bugs. All MMOs have launch issues, but there's some real showstoppers here. Broken story missions, crashes to desktop, some people are having their banks wiped and character skill points lost. On the plus side, they are fixing the bugs quite fast, on the minus side this means lots of downtime for maintenance.

A good game, potentially very good. But there's some serious issues which if they don't address them I can see things going pretty rapidly to F2P, even quicker than SWTOR did. The bugs will get fixed, but some of the design flaws might not. The major downer for me is that there is a lot of potential fun to be had in the gameplay but I'm wasting WAY too much time pissing around with inventory juggling and repair bills. When will MMOs ever learn that this sort of crap is not fun. Perhaps the bank wipe bug is their way of helping people with their inventory issues :D


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Reply #5 on: April 18, 2014, 10:51:00 am
I got it, mainly to kill time while waiting on Wildstar to come out in June (pre-ordered it and played 1 beta-weekend).

I just got level 10 last night, so my experience with it is rather limited. It's a good game though, much better than I expected after reading some comments from others.

I like the combat system, but only having 5 active skills (+ an ultimate) makes combat repetitive, especially once you found a good combo to kill mobs with. On the plus side there are a ton of different skills and you're not class limited at all.

The game being fully voiced is great, but they recycled voice actors again (though it's nowhere as bad as Oblivion where it felt like they only had 4 different voice actors).

My main gripe though is that that tried to shoehorn a single player campaign into an MMO and didn't handle it well. (For example I had a quest to enter a portal and kill a mob. Someone else was there already & killed the mob completing the quest for me.) The 'chosen one to save the world' quest doesn't fit an MMO well, since the world is shared by others doing the same thing. Rift had the same issue iirc.

So far I've been enjoying myself though, even though I didn't like Oblivion.

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Reply #6 on: April 18, 2014, 08:19:57 pm
You can pick up Skyrim at bargain basement prices now, I'd recommend it if you like the universe (but agree Oblivion was overrated, Morrowind was good though!).

Thanks for the reviews though I think I will sit it out for now, will be interested in how the pvp is in a few months time. Interesting Cern that you think it will go F2P, seems like the new model these days to launch as subs but then go F2P......


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Reply #7 on: April 19, 2014, 05:36:35 pm
A few further thoughts:

The game world is really beautiful and immersive. It's a joy to travel around and explore. Some good storylines in the regular quests, although the high fantasy bollocks speak has me chuckling for all the wrong reasons - dunno how the voice actors kept a straight face :D

Gameplay experience is variable, depending on your class and chosen build. Some of it is extremely fun, some of it a nightmare. It's very twitchy, so you can be doing great one minute, dead a split second later from a WTF moment. This would be ok if it wasn't for the ludicrously high repair costs.

Only having 5 abilities + 1 ultimate (x2 once you get weapon swap) is a big gameplay restriction. There's a wide variety of skills you can train, but with so few able to be slotted only the very good ones will get put on your quickbar, the rest will rot on your character sheet never used. The massive repair bills from dying do not encourage experimentation and risk taking, so you stick with what works.

In typical MMO fashion, melee get the shaft yet again in both PVE and PvP - melee incur much larger repair bills, get insta-gibbed by boss mechanics more and suffer all the usual gap closing problems. Admitedly all classes can build themselves for either ranged or melee and later in the game swap between them as needed. But nevertheless, it's an issue and disappointing to see the same old game design mistakes being repeated.

Bugs bugs bugs. All MMO launches have them of course. This one is pretty bad. Bank wipes, duplication exploits, unhittable mobs, loading screen freezes, broken story quests and more. Game goes down for maintenance almost daily. Not good enough for a subscription title. Feels like it should still be in beta.

The game is permeated by a form of design arrogance. As if they knew they were making some bad choices but went ahead with them anyway to try and stand apart from other MMOs. But this has backfired. The ridiculous inventory management sub game is just one example, but there's others.

The game is totally over-run with gold spammers, gold farmers, bots, exploiters, scammers etc. They have a pretty nasty grip on the game already. The tools in game for reporting and ignoring these are inadequate. The devs seem wholly unprepared for the onslaught, as if these things are a brand new phenomenon in MMOs. Very very poor.

I can't recommend the game at this time, if for no other reason than the last one above. Yet another title that has promise but was rushed out and is effectively a paid beta. Subscription feels like it's a cash grab before it goes F2P (I still stand by this prediction).


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Reply #8 on: May 07, 2014, 01:07:16 pm
hey folks :)
was almsot tempted till I read the last Cern's update :D
I wait.
Will have a look at Wildstar though, never heard off :)

Was playing around in D3, WoW lately - awaiting the xpack, and feeling like to try sth new, or even retunr to sth old
DAOC mechanics still put me off, hehe, and I just discovered Warhammer Online shut down in December ouch!

take care :)

ps. Cern you bugger, now I know where you been hiding; )


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Reply #9 on: May 08, 2014, 06:05:56 pm
Got ESO while waiting for Wildstar to come out, but discovered some other games to play in the meantime: Shadowrun Returns (cyberpunk meets fantasy RPG) & Child of Light (platformer meets JRPG with gorgeous handpainted graphics & animations). Was thinking to give D3 another whirl since they removed the AH & changed item drops to suit your character more, but cba somehow (and still have a huge backlog of games to play anyway).

Cancelled my ESO subscription today as the game is not for me. I haven't encountered many bugs, but some things seem poorly thought out: what amounts to a SP quest system in an MMO with hilarious results like waiting with 10 other people for a boss to (re)spawn and trying to get a hit in so you can advance the quest or doing one of those chain events and realize at the end that there's no reward whatsoever for doing it (and thus not bothering anymore). And the number of gold spammers is simply horrible ,never have I encountered so many of them (the report function sucks & the fact that they had to disable the PM/whisper system at some point says a lot). And having a simple to execute dupe bug in the game doesn't inspire much confidence either :).

Wildstar has bugs as well and does have some performance issues (but it gets better with every patch), but I'm having more fun there than in ESO. I love the cartoony graphics, goofy over the top animations and the humour throughout. The quests are much more typical fare and there are tons of them (though you don't have to do them all, tasks for example can be easely dropped) and the path system isn't as imaginative as they make it out to be (it's not bad, but rather repetitive). Character customization is decent, but you can also customize your mount (I have no experience with it though) and the housing options are expansive (and expensive). Some people have done incredible things with the housing editor (someone built a piano with about 700 objects and others have created a second story in their house).

It is aimed at the more hardcore crowd with the 20/40 man dungeons and challenging content, but they're planning on having more than enough content for all sorts of players (solo, raid, pvp). Not sure how it will pan out in the long run, but I'm still having fun playing it so far :).

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Reply #10 on: May 08, 2014, 08:50:27 pm
If people are looking for something totally different, come play Blood Bowl Chaos League with Xan and I.  We only just started and have done our first 6 games, on various teams.  Turn based tactical luck game you might call it ;p

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Reply #11 on: May 09, 2014, 08:07:44 am
Shame about ESO, but I kinda expected it :( I think they should have just stuck to producing single player games, nothing was wrong with Morrowind or Skyrim imo.

Urgh just read you said Wildstar aimed at hardcore eko which put me off even more :D

Sax: So what's the score after 6 games ? The game itself got mixed reviews, presumably you both rate it or do you have more affection because of the old tabletop game?


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Reply #12 on: May 09, 2014, 01:55:09 pm
Cancelled my ESO sub too. If they fix some of the major issues then I'll take another look later.

But I can't justify a subscription for a game totally over-run by bots, gold sellers and cheats who brazenly exploit game-breaking bugs and openly sell the proceeds in general chat. Meanwhile genuine players are forced to struggle against huge and punitive gold sinks (not unrelated to the bot problem of course), frustrating inventory management issues and a general lack of community. It's just not worth a sub. Even as B2P or F2P it's questionable if it's worth sinking time into at present because of all the issues.

They just announced that the console version launch is being pushed back by 6 months in order to "deliver the experience our fans expect and deserve". Yet they expect the PC players to keep on subbing for this paid beta. ROFL.


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Reply #13 on: May 10, 2014, 07:53:01 pm
Xan is having bad luck, think I have won 6, drawn 1 and lost 2.

I killed half his team in our last match up, I'd like to say I have l33t skillzor but even I wonder at how good the number generator is tbh!

We play the table top game allot, we started a new league down our local club, played my first two games of that, so thought we'd get some online games in.

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