SW:TOR Screenies Thread

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Reply #15 on: February 19, 2012, 06:09:12 pm
Here's a better screenshot of my Smuggler. Do you feel lucky, punk!

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
Spookks :: Huldra :: Pistols/Elementalism


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Reply #16 on: February 20, 2012, 09:55:47 pm
Cool picture Eko!

Now you guys are maxed out, or at least finished the level grind, whats the end game like?  How's PvP?  Is it raids, or something else?  Do they have those silly money quests like WoW?  E.T.C. :)

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Reply #17 on: February 21, 2012, 02:34:33 pm
Yeah, that is a cool pic eko :)

I'm still level 43 so not really at endgame. Don't really think I'll spend much time at endgame either as it looks like a copy of wow to me (pve and pvp gear grinds, including raids yes). One of the things that kinda shocks me is how much they based SWTOR on wow, specifically the burning crusade model (which i guess was wow's design at the time they were designing SWTOR). There really is little difference from what I can see but less content and the star wars theme. Even some of the abilities are very similar (it's uncanny how my Jedi Sage reminded me of playing my priest in wow!). I also don't know all the classes and specs but at the very least the sage and gunslinger both seem to have trees that deal more with pvp and pve abilities, just also like in wow TBC (I understand wow even binned this model but perhaps those that played on could be more specific - is SWTOR perhaps a backward step from Blizzards current model?).

PVP wise I've only dabbled. Hutball is fun and kinda different to what you'd see in wow I think, the rest just seem like standard fare. No real organised pvp arenas or rating yet but I bet they'll be coming soon.

Leveling so far though has been a blast, even if you recognise the wow mechanics beneath it doesn't really put me off as the stories are really excellent and involving (and funny in the case of the smuggler). It does feel allot like a KOTR game and Bioware did well on this. If I continue to play once I reach level 50 then I'm pretty sure it will be an alt rather than start on the hamster treadmill that is a wow endgame :) If I have any complaints about leveling it's that it feels a little on rails, and especially about how I feel Bioware always handle choices in conversations (whilst it feels like you have options and are interfacing in the conversation, actually you pretty much always get the same stuff no matter what choice you make) - but that's not limited to this game but pretty much all of them.

So, tbh original advice stands. If you like Star Wars/KOTR/Mass Effect etc then it's well worth playing. If not but you're just interested in if it's the next generation of MMO - it's not :)


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Reply #18 on: February 21, 2012, 04:33:10 pm
neither maxed, only lvl 32,  no time to push and no rush either :)
just wanna add 1 more thing to what Lass mentioned, space missions, im rly addicted, having little time to quest and explore lately I still log to do some flying missions, fantastic feel :)


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Reply #19 on: February 21, 2012, 05:07:47 pm
I hit 50 on my Sorceror. Levelling was a total blast, loved it. But then you slam into the wall of the endgame, just like so many other MMOs. Endgame is the usual unimaginative combination of grinding pve & pvp dailes, grinding heroics to gear up and then climbing the raiding gear treadmill. Bugs aside TOR's endgame is no better and no worse than WoW. But personally I'm done with the gear treadmill in any game.

Seems to me that 1-49, the game plays like KOTOR with some multiplayer flavourings. Wonderful.

At 50 it turns into a pure WoW clone. Just like Rift did, just like so many others did.

I'm hoping they'll evolve the endgame into something more all-embracing, but I won't hold my breath. I'm not disappointed, I went into this with open eyes and knew what was in store at endgame. There's enough fun to be had, for now, exploring the levelling process with some other alts. Currently levelling a Powertech and a Vanguard Republic side (look out for me).

As for the PvP, I've dabbled and it's largely a train wreck, for all the same reasons it's a train wreck in WoW and Rift etc - gear > skill, people ignoring objectives or idling afk, excessive crowd control, too much cheese in the hands of certain classes. They didn't learn a single thing from other MMOs and in fact duplicated many of the same mistakes. But that's ok, I can play TOR for the PVE and pin my hopes on GW2 for some PvP fun.

Definitely staying subscribed for now, but Mass Effect 3 is incoming and after that it'll be Spring and time to spend less time saving the galaxy :)


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Reply #20 on: February 21, 2012, 11:36:24 pm
Meh, wasnt asking for info to start as I am happy avoiding mmorpgs for the moment.  Nothing really grabbing my interest, shame they didn't evolve something new or re-hash something old and different.

I would go back to DAoC if I did anything but without you guys around it isn't really worth it for long term, PUGs and stuff suck.  So will stick to Kingdoms for awhile, I wonder if they could intorduce heavy twitch combat into a PvP mmorpg, that'd be awesome :)

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Reply #21 on: February 22, 2012, 02:33:20 am
I would go back to DAoC if I did anything but without you guys around it isn't really worth it for long term, PUGs and stuff suck.

I'm bound to dip back into DAOC again sometime for a PvP fix, I'll let you know when I do. It's the best PvP in a MMO even after all this time. The endgame PvP is rather too hardcore for anyone not in a guild group. But the Battlegrounds are still a total blast, especially Molvik and the new one Cathal Valley for level 45-49 which is very much like old school Emain.


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Reply #22 on: February 23, 2012, 07:35:11 pm
Mayb I can start leveling up something to lvl 45 ready for when you need your fix ;p

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Reply #23 on: February 24, 2012, 02:06:33 am
Mayb I can start leveling up something to lvl 45 ready for when you need your fix ;p

Well no promises as I'm currently enjoying SWTOR. But if you want to level something up either Hib or Mid is good. Got some characters parked at 39 and 49 for Molvik and Cathal Valley on both realms.