Bard in Thid

Saxif · 3529


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on: February 21, 2010, 01:29:06 pm
Well, I got my Bard to Thid and made the same mistake I did with my Druid, I thought cos I was lvling off oj mobs I'd be able to roll in Thid with the best of them!  A Zerker and Skald combo showed me how wrong I was  ::)  Even a Skald rips me apart with ease, was nasteh  :-\

Think I am to used to playing gimpy support classes, the damage they were doing was sick :(


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Reply #1 on: February 21, 2010, 03:20:46 pm
Skald is a strong class - has double the DD shouts, better armour and is a 'viking' class so does tank damage. And going toe-to-toe with a Zerker is only ever going to have one result for most classes. The whole Battle Bard thing is a myth really. Of the three speed classes Hib got the short end of the stick when it comes to solo / small team. Skald is a very solid class. Minstrel has heaps of toys (mezz, stun, pet, stealth). Bard has ..... mostly grouped oriented stuff, and most of that is very passive in PVE and very hard to master in RvR (as we've seen from guild runs recently).


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Reply #2 on: February 21, 2010, 06:25:19 pm
Yeah, I am still in shock about how badly I came off tbh ... Also no insta's at that lvl compared to the Skald insta mezz hurts alot, at one point the Skald Zerker duo took down 4 of us, 2 Bards, 1 NS and a BM, though the NS broke mezz at one point.  I am gonna stick with Battle Bard but mainly for lvling, assuming I take him out of Thid ...


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