Eve Online

Brigh · 13578


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Reply #15 on: March 09, 2009, 11:11:58 am
Oh no - been playing WoW for most of the weekend on my Alliance rogue and I hate to say it but I'm really enjoying it again - TBC is mostly empty now so quests are easier to complete as not fighting over mobs. Managed to get from 60 to 63 (due mainly to a maxed out reasted bonus) and enjoying the alliance quests!

Will see how I feel when I get to 70 though!

Brigh :D

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Reply #16 on: March 10, 2009, 07:48:13 pm


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Reply #17 on: June 20, 2009, 09:13:31 pm
definetly one of the most intresting games i've ever played, but i'd echo the early posts in this thread. It prolly takes years to learn the game properly, and even longer to be any real solo sucsess.

i've (and carc) had a lucky introduction to the game tho, having rich friends already been playing for a looong time helps, once the skills have been trained to fly a new ship it matrilizes in the hanger ;) we've been able to jump "straight" into some decent play, being a pvp Corp acting like a space mafia, its a laugh :)


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Reply #18 on: June 21, 2009, 12:53:53 pm
nice one, you'll have to let us know how you both get on, i always thought the game could get pretty engaging. Tell us more about what your guild does?


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Reply #19 on: June 22, 2009, 09:16:41 pm
Well recently we've been scouting for suitable PoS's (Player Owned Stations) to take down for a nice profit, either we try and totaly destroy the thing and loot it (think of anything that could be on a space station, power core, Labs, guns, can all be riped off and sold) Or after awhile of hammering the shields and taking out players of the enemy Corp, we call for a cease fire if they pay us X amount of isk.

Doesn't have to be a PoS involed tho, can just look for a nice rich mining Corp and declare war, harras them for awhile and get 'em to pay up for us to stop :)

Its a Militant Corp basicly, they've had the idea of doing some mercenary jobs, leting ppl hire us for protection or to attack someone else without incriminating themselves.

lately we've been operating in High Security space, were a war needs to be delcared and everything legal, can't just attack some1 else otherwise CONCORD(space police) turn up and blow to into next month. But Low Sec space is where things can get intreasting :) Capital ships like Titans, Carriers etc can only operate in Low Sec space, so thats where you can rly rake in some isk thru force... while in High Sec ppl are safe in the knowledge that there can only be Battleships at worst in the next system, but if ur PoS is in Low Sec, u nvr know if a bunch of Titans are gonna warp in on ur ass... and visa versa ofc, we've biten off more than we can chew on a few occasions :)


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Reply #20 on: June 23, 2009, 10:52:47 am
Playing a Mercenary sounds like a lot of fun. I have a retail box of EVE sitting on my shelf ready to install. Only reason I haven't is I've been busy with work and also away on hols. But now I'm back I'm going to give it a whirl. I'll give a shout once I'm set up in game, hopefully I can get my previous trial characters transferred to my retail account (support said this can be done) as one of them has a bit of ISK to get me started.


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Reply #21 on: June 23, 2009, 08:14:34 pm
Just steal some cash off Xan... he always had loads when he played wow (dunno where he got it all from!)

That merc corp sounds fun Xan, right up your street too - do you do assassinations ? If so i have a newbie target for you beginning with the letter C...... ;)


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Reply #22 on: June 24, 2009, 01:14:09 pm
Not really, Xan gave me his gold when he left and it was only around 1000g :P. Which I spent on dual spec for my shammy.

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Reply #23 on: June 24, 2009, 01:18:28 pm
Xan had 1000g ? :) Was carco's account still active? ;)


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Reply #24 on: June 30, 2009, 07:24:13 pm
Xan had 1000g ? :) Was carco's account still active? ;)

last thing i remeber was me giving carc gold to lvl his Enchanting :P

Haven't played EVE much recently, but the Corp did some roaming(random pvp in Low Sec) and killed the "wrong" guy it seems, the main station we dock at has been camped for a few days now by 30+ ships ;)

ps. rip MJ


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Reply #25 on: June 30, 2009, 08:21:59 pm
last thing i remeber was me paying carc back gold to lvl his Enchanting :P

corrected ;)


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Reply #26 on: July 02, 2009, 08:00:52 pm

<Currently thinking of something amazing to write ...>