Warhammer Online - reunited all again?

Shi · 4172


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on: August 23, 2007, 11:33:38 am
ola guys :)

1st of all Hi, long time no seen.

Hope ya having fun on your server.
Legion Inc is still kicking, with ups and downs as any guild in WoW, but well, the core is there, pretty solid, and mind in October we gonna celebrate our 1 year anniversary, pretty good if you ask me :)

But ok, the blabla aside, I drop by to raise a topic that for the moment is sure a distant future, but I wanna anticipate on this one still.
Warhammer Online.
As you know it's coming out, not sure when, prolly somewhere next year.
As you know too, Mythic is working on it, and it's gonna be a RVR based game, which for us, old daoc'ers surely is an appeal - no lie here.
A bad thing happened with WoW at release, due to various factors, ppl got spread all over the servers and this way we lost touch with many friends, m8s we met in DAOC etc.
I'd like to avoid this for Warhammer.
Thus my post.
I wanna know guys if you would be interested into integrating a Warhammer version of Legion Inc at Warhammer release - or Soul Pact? always loved this name but I had no right whatsoever to it so this way Legion Inc was born.
I'm not sure how many ppl would at all bother, but we got a solid core, of 'gamers' and now I guess friends, and I'm pretty confident quite some would move to Warhammer if the core decided to.
Now there are you, RoD.
And also got some RL friends of mine, like 10 ppl, playing atm some RP pve server in WoW, that I'm sure I can convince to come as well, as long as they want to play Warhammer.
That would be some solid base imo for a nice , relaxed and fun guild.

Details to be dicussed ofc.
I think would be great if we could meet and play again together when WO comes out.
Let me know your thoughts :)


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Reply #1 on: August 24, 2007, 10:14:03 am
Hello Shi :-) Nice to hear from you !

I'm glad legion are okay (congrats on almost a year!) and you're still having fun, how is that crazy mage of yours ? :) We're doing well thanks, we landed on our feet imo with a really good guild that aren't too hardcore but give enough progress in the raiding instances. In my opinion its been the perfect balance and have really been enjoying things thus far !

I have honestly not thought about Warhammer too much, so it's probably a little early to say for me. I signed up for the Beta but thats about it, I'm not even sure how seriously i'd play it having not seen the game yet. But yeah i agree it does look promising.

On the same server front, in principal sure - you know where we all are anyways, most of us read this board every week or so, so can keep in touch for sure.

Anyways, nice to hear from you! :D


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Reply #2 on: August 24, 2007, 04:17:51 pm
Heya Shiden,

I'm planning to check into WAR to see if it works, and if it does I'll prolly move over to it, as much as I am (suprisingly) getting into raiding, I would love to do some RvR which holds significance for a change ... I miss DAoC!!

Your right of course, we did all get spread out over the various WoW servers, mainly cos Prydwen.net was down at the time of release which was appaling timing :(  We could defo look to forming a guild or some such with release, I am sure we could contact alot of the old Hybernians through various contacts and even if we don't all get into the same guild having old contacts spread over several guilds would be pretty cool and allow us to mobilise a large number of ppl.  I am pretty sure that with the release of WAR our current guild Awakening WILL NOT be going across as they are all PvE lovers for the main, I'd say between use we do as much PvP as the entire guild put together!! :D

Anyway stay in touch dude :)


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Reply #3 on: August 24, 2007, 07:34:50 pm
Hey Shi,

Well I'm definitely going to be giving WAR a go when it finally gets here (keeping hearing rumours of big delays though, so we'll have to see). I really miss RvR, so much so that I periodically activate my US Daoc account every now and then for a bit of Thidranki mayhem - it's not worth sinking the time into big boy RvR anymore, but it's easy to level for Thidranki even on a classic server without /level and there's still lots of BG action on the classic servers.

Anyway WAR, yep we should definitely all get together on the same server and form a guild, whether it be a revived Soul Pact, Legion Inc or another name. I think a lot of the old prydwen Daoc'ers will be playing WAR and prydwen.net is still running so I expect nearer release it'll be worth hanging out there and seeing who of the old faces plans to play.
