
Brigh · 3257


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on: November 24, 2006, 10:04:08 am
Hey all

Good fun in scholo last night, glad we were able to complete Sax's warlock quest. If you need help with the other part of the quest then just shout. That goes for anyone else that needs help in an instance.

Brigh :D

Kilgour LVL 80 Gnome Rogue WOW
Kilgour LVL 70 BE Warlock WOW
Brigheiss LVL 70 Orc Warrior WOW
Brigh BR23 CR2 NC Planetside Gemini
Brigh BR26 CR3 TR Planetside Werner


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Reply #1 on: November 24, 2006, 12:17:25 pm
Aye, was fun last night and we did good getting 3 quests out of the way, thanks to ppl for helping out with Ras, especially Las for staying up those extra '15' minutes to finish it off :)  

Next time we can finish grabbing the deeds, and wipe out the rest of the bosses.  Also if ppl are about tomorrow maybe do some BG's, am keen to run about ganking alliance :)


<Currently thinking of something amazing to write ...>


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Reply #2 on: November 24, 2006, 02:14:58 pm
aye was fun :)