Mirror, Mirror on the wall ....

Saxif · 8260


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on: November 18, 2006, 03:02:22 am
... who's the most stylish Warlock of them all?  :D

<Currently thinking of something amazing to write ...>


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Reply #1 on: November 18, 2006, 11:17:10 am
nice, sorted :)


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Reply #2 on: November 20, 2006, 05:04:50 pm
Re-installed and patched it all up over the weekend.... so just got to sort mods out like your good self sax :)

We're away later this week though, off up to the highlands for a long weekend, so prolly won't be on until next week sometime.


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Reply #3 on: November 20, 2006, 05:54:09 pm
Cool, when your back online we can get the band back together and go own some instances, mebbe do some Arathi Basin as a 5, assuming its easy to enter a grp of 5 together??

If your looking for add-ons check out 'ace addons' they are pretty good and cos they all fall under the same unbrella they don't all have lines of code for picking up the same information.

Enjoy your weekend in the Highlands,


<Currently thinking of something amazing to write ...>


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Reply #4 on: November 21, 2006, 09:43:08 am
ye, have fun on your weekend and look forward to seeing yas :)


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Reply #5 on: November 21, 2006, 10:02:08 am
Sounds cool Sax. We never did a BG, left just as they were implemented, so looking forward to trying 'em out.


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Reply #6 on: November 21, 2006, 11:49:39 am
they are fun, much better than the goal-less world pvp really.

WSG - capture the flag, you've played it 10000 times before and its really no different

AB - kinda like FPS style 'domination' where you hold/take control points. A darkly oh-i-am-a-priest-on-my-own and grimly stealthed combo could be fun here in defending some control points :)

AV - more mass style pvp akin to DAOC, 40vs40.

And the expansion is coming with this whole arena stuff which is 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5. As I understand it for say the 5v5 you have an arena team of 10 people eligible to play and must play 10 matches a week. There is another BG too that seems to be a similar sort of 'domination' style from what i can tell.


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Reply #7 on: November 21, 2006, 12:18:17 pm
Sounds smart... I still like CTF even though it's old. Hell I still enjoy vanilla DM ;)

I dread to think how underpowered we'll be with our equip though. And does everyone have six anti-fear trinkets so I'll be stuffed defensively? ;)

Believe rogues have been changed alot and Grim will have had her spec points reset. Which will be fun trying to remember what the fook they were! I can't even remember my spec now :) Fair bit shadow, not much holy, some of the, er, other one. Discipline? Heh. N00b again.


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Reply #8 on: November 21, 2006, 01:00:58 pm
Yeah you'll probably find your gear is a bit underpowered on returning. But the good news is the next patch changes the PvP rewards system, so it should be a fair bit easier for casual players to gear up for PvP. Might take a few weeks of playing the battlegrounds to get some decent gear, but at least you won't have to go without food, drink and sleep to get anything.
Next patch also introduces a whole new tier of talents for everyone (with extra points to spend on them too). So everyones talents are being reset and we'll all need to decide what to spend the points on. Rogue changes have meant that all three talent trees have their benefits now. New priest talents look especially good in the Shadow tree, and you want a fair bit of Shadow if you plan to PvP.


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Reply #9 on: November 21, 2006, 04:19:07 pm
Aye, iirc your gear is so bad even brigh has a chance of winning in a duel against you ! ;)


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Reply #10 on: November 21, 2006, 05:25:10 pm
Yep. I have a stick of newb beating +1, a pair of lead boots, and erm, a pair of goggles of the cross-eyed eagle. Or something. Only purple item is my cloak. Unfortunately, only it's actual colour is purple.

But it looks cool, and that's what matters!

Also my skeletal horse is probably a donkey in comparison to what you can get mount-wise, now.

Oh the ignominy! ;)


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Reply #11 on: November 21, 2006, 06:12:26 pm
as cern says dont worry about it, you'll be able to farm some nice pvp items. Then once TBC comes in it will level the playing field anyway (eko said to me that some TBC blues (and later greens i think?) he's seen on beta are comparable to Molten Core type epics)

p.s. stop using big words ;)


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Reply #12 on: November 21, 2006, 07:04:03 pm
Aye, true enough..... I'll still be better than many priests anyway on account of the fact that I have the odd heal spell or two hot-keyed ;)

It's interesting that the spells I can still remember where my hotkeys were, even now, are fear (\), flash heal (E) and bubble (Q). Bollocks knows what the others were :)

PS. Here's another long word for you: Wheelbarrow.


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Reply #13 on: November 22, 2006, 11:31:09 am
Made the mistake of reading up on the priest forums a bit, last night ;) Good grief. Lots of ppl moaning about fear nerfs... and apparently shadowpriests can now tank (to some extent) with some spell? At least that sounds like fun :)


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Reply #14 on: November 22, 2006, 04:21:53 pm
Every class board (as usual) is normally rantings and complaints about how bad their class is. Makes me feel a bit sorry for Blizzard CM's really, it must be a crappy job at times when all the people posting are so hostile. I read a (serious) post in the rogue forum the other day that they should get 200 energy (thats double what they get now) to make up for all the shortcomings of the class :0 Quite amazing the way people's perspectives just get totally skewed :)

Fear is pretty crappy on a priest, since you last played the introduction of pvp trinkets has nerfed it a fair amount. The nerf they are talking about i think at the moment is that it will become dispellable, but given i can only fear once every 26 secs, and most of the time the enemy gets out of it anyway I am not so bothered :) I find it mostly useful as a kind of distract tool, as people still take 1-2 seconds to click the right button, in which time i can run away ;)

Shadowpriests could always tank, just no bugger lets us ;) I believe there are examples of shadowpriests tanking big endgame mobs, but usually they are buffed up to the eyeballs (flasks of the titan etc) and have lots of stamina gear, really its the healing that keeps them alive and pretty much any class is probably just as capable under similar circumstances.