
Saxif · 14034


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Reply #15 on: May 08, 2006, 04:52:22 pm
ye cool cern look forward to seeing you in game. I'll be on tonight on my alt yes but too high level for you I'm afraid (level 5 coming on 6). Might be able to hook up with darkly and grimly though if they are planning to play their alts tonight?

Tomorrow we play with our mains - level 7 now, just pointing that out so you don't get confused hehe :) Will happily call you names over guild chat though.

Some very basic advice - when you get to stormreach you should do the quest(s) in the tavern first and should be soloable (as long as you are not rolling a very low STR character). The next few quests 'lord goodblade' gives should be soloable depending on your class/design but it can start to get difficult here, just a warning :)

If you plan on your original intention of ranger/rogue, go rogue first level. It will be tougher but rogue's get many more skillpoints on creation and you wouldn't be able to boost some essential rogue skills (open lock, disable device) if you go ranger first. Though I'm not sure what you're planning to try out now (happy to provide some advice in game or on the forums).

See ya in game


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Reply #16 on: May 08, 2006, 06:37:01 pm
Unlikely to make it tonight, but can try and get on tomorrow evening. You'll be on your mains but that's fine as I'll be clueless and needing to do the noob quests anyway.
Given what you now know about the game, is rogue a good noob choice, or am I better off just making a fighter and whacking stuff?


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Reply #17 on: May 08, 2006, 06:41:14 pm
Rogue is a fine choice don't get me wrong, but it'll be tough at first because generally a rogue doesn't need high strength (though you can design one that does if its your thang). Most rogues go dex as it helps your AC in light armour, using light weapons and weapon finesse. What that means is it's hard at the start and your charcter needs to mature (level 3 you can get finesse which applies your massive dex bonus to your 'to hit')

If you fancy it i'd suggest you just went pure rogue, or maybe spalshing a level or two of ranger could be okay. More complex builds with a rogue are more difficult to pull off, i.e. a Fighter 6/ Rogue 4 can be built horribly so that they don't actually disarm any traps at all ! :)

Las (my rogue) is taking one level of fighter. Occasionally blow up a trap but mostly doing fine.


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Reply #18 on: May 08, 2006, 06:56:28 pm
Ok, well since it's just a trial to start with and I want to get stuck straight in, I'll probably go pure rogue or pure fighter and won't attempt to mutli-class.


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Reply #19 on: May 09, 2006, 07:35:28 am
While I'm no expert on rogues, rogue with 1-2 levels or fighter (for higher hp, higher BAB, shield proficiency and extra feats) should be very viable, same for rogue with 2 levels of ranger (a bit higher hp, higher BAB, shield proficiency, favored enemy & free two weapon fighting at 2 ranger) and 1 rogue/9 bard should also work since bards also have a lot of skillpoints and share many of the same class skills as rogues (hide, move silently, UMD, ...). It would make the already versatile bard into a true jack-of-all-trades at the loss of 2 lvl 4 spells which only pure bards can get, but you have to think past lvl 10 anyways as the cap will raise eventually.

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
Spookks :: Huldra :: Pistols/Elementalism


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Reply #20 on: May 09, 2006, 09:51:14 am
Kinda off topic on Eko's post :)

Aye, i thought a rogue 1 / bard 9 could be interesting. I was a bit scared to try it for our group though, seems viable on paper but not when you think about it some more. The problem being you miss out on the action boost and rogue enhancements, which could cause problems (this is about +14 or more to disable for example at level 10). I have them and still blow up the odd trap and haven't neglected any skills or enchancments - just one level of fighter puts me behind the action boost for a level here and there. Other problem is reflex save, they seem to be in the habbit of making the boxes through the traps now so that rogues make use of uncanny dodge and nice reflex saves.

Would be interesting concept for fun though. Enhancements really are too powerfull. Given the level cap eventually going to 20 could widen the gap even further :( Problem with traps is you don't get to have another go if you blow them up :)


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Reply #21 on: May 09, 2006, 09:59:27 am
Yeah Gimpy!!   Every time you blow up a trap its us who pay the price!!

<Currently thinking of something amazing to write ...>


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Reply #22 on: May 09, 2006, 10:01:27 am
pfft ! thats only if you havent all walked through the flippin trap first ;p

(yes, don't offend old steathy bollox as darkly kindly put it)


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Reply #23 on: May 09, 2006, 10:17:44 am
Wouldn't a rogue/bard be able to -partially- make up the lost action points with inspire greatness song, int buff, items? If you want to be able to disable all traps/pick all doors then pure rogue is indeed the way to go, but a rogue/bard also brings heals, buffs and cc. I still think it's a viable build, but probably not to disable traps on higher lvl/higher difficulty quests.

Katsui :: Huldra :: Blades/Assault Rifle
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Reply #24 on: May 09, 2006, 10:22:24 am
Yeah but it won't make up +14 or so difference at level 10 (even worse if you're not human - thats +18 or so to make up on a pure human rogue). Inspire greatness is +2 skills? Int buffs another +2.

Just think you'd end up with a Bard that can't really disarm anything once at 10 and blows up every trap :)

Open locks is a bit different as locks don't seem to have very high DC's, and you can't fail (i.e. can just keep retrying).


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Reply #25 on: May 09, 2006, 10:44:37 am
Heh, sounds nasty.

You're welcome to party with us, we'll be playing our alts tonight a bit probably, whether fighter, rogue or bard :)

The only prob will be I'm a sorc healer, who can only heal warforged race. So a bard could heal themselves I guess, which might be handy. Or if you made a warforge character, but the problem with that is that in pick-up groups you wouldn't be too popular (as traditionally wizards get narked when they're asked to heal WF).

So bit of a thorny one I guess, but for the trial it doesn't matter too much, you could always restart a char, or play a second one if you're gonna play for real.