Rogues and Stunlocks video

Lasiien · 4924


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on: April 14, 2005, 02:23:12 pm
Video by a 60th rogue, showing various stunlocks and other abilities, quite nasty:;3843631;;/fileinfo.html

Original thread -

File is 61mb or so. Found it a fascinating if a little worrying to watch :-)



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Reply #1 on: April 14, 2005, 03:26:16 pm
Impressive vid, and as you say rather worrying.
I've run into two kinds of Rogues so far in PvP, those who know how to stunlock and those who don't. My Shaman dies horribly to the former and against the latter it's a close call due to the sheer storm of DPS but I can sometimes throw in a few tricks of my own and pull it off. Excessive amounts of stuns are the problem, not the DPS.
MMORPGs always seem to make mistakes with the rogue/assassin classes and overpower them in 1v1 and then make the excuse that it's a group game - trouble is, many people find themselves in 1v1 situations often and while assassins/rogues should be strong 1v1 they shouldn't be unbeatable (which a Rogue is in WoW if they get their stunlock off).
I think the problem Blizzard have created with the Rogue is a very high DPS class (did you see some of the crits in that movie?) that can also produce very long stuns. To me it should be an either-or, because it's no fun for anyone to play against a class that shreds you to pieces while you're stunned. Indeed it's not much fun being obliterated while crowd controlled in any form - damage should have a high chance to break all crowd control forms, be it stun, root, snare, frost etc. No class should be able to kill you while keeping you permanently locked down - how can that be a fun game experience for the victim to have no chance to fight back or respond.
Gouge and Sap are ok because the rogue can't damage you while you're stunned with those without the stun breaking. That's how it should be. It's the other abilities (like Cheap Shot) which allow damage during stun which cause the problem.
Vanish is an issue too. They should also make it so that if the Rogue uses Vanish they cannot attack for a period of time after (something like 10 seconds), because the whole Cheap Shot + stun + unload damage + Vanish + repeat thing doesn't help. Vanish should be for escaping, not setting up another attack from stealth immediately.
If they sort out the stuns and I think the Rogue will be more balanced in PvP.


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Reply #2 on: April 16, 2005, 04:32:38 pm
I liked the dagger specced gnome ^^



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Reply #3 on: April 18, 2005, 09:19:27 am
because you have a dagger spec'd gnome tugo ? ;)

And yep I agree Cern, there is nothing worse than being able to do nothing.


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Reply #4 on: April 18, 2005, 05:54:37 pm
because you have a dagger spec'd gnome tugo ?

Of course I have one, see, he was so impressed he put him in his pwnage video  :cool:
  No seriousley, this vid clearly shows that rogue has to many stuns (which I wouldnt miss at all)
  Aparently blizz found a bug where attack power isn't calculated properly and thus ambush and backstab - the dagger styles don't do as much damage as intended. After "fixing" this and testing it they found out it's way to strong.
  Releaving, since those styles are really strong already, but that's not the end of the concernes. In under developement section on offial page u can see a screanie of the new weapons and there's an insane 49.7dps dagger with 2.9spd.
In other words, a weapon that would deal roughly 2200 damage upon successful ambush by moderately equiped lvl 60 rogue (on cloth armour). Now imagine ambush-vanish-ambush with this one.
  Dunno what u'll have to do to obtain it, put putting this in game is somewhat concerning. I'm saying this and I play a rogue  :confused:



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Reply #5 on: April 19, 2005, 12:28:44 pm
........better watch this to give me some ideas. ;)  :D

Crappest rogue ever.... ;)


(*mutters* why didn't I spec for stun lock...*grumble*) :p