Guild Wars 2 Guild?

Saxif · 8269


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on: October 08, 2012, 08:35:56 pm
Hey Folks,

Cern and I talked about the future of the game a little and where we can or might go with it, given we are currently 4 regular players we are kinda handicapped in various ways as I am sure you're aware; dungeons, WvW and sPvP primarily.  Anyway to cut a long story short, I got in touch with Gahn (Na Fianna Dragun) to see who he was playing with and where (as I knew he was in GW2 via the forums).  It turns out he is a guildy in Merely Mortal (, through him I found out that Jarakin and Setroc run the guild and that most of the players (or allot) are former ex-DAoC players.  I knew Jarakin a bit back then but haven't kept in touch, despite that I asked if they would be willing to have us on board and they said 'yes'.

So the question is, do you folks wanna move across to MM? 

They are on Gunnars Hold, we can move the guild across but all the rep points accumulated so far stay on Gandara (Cern can explain that part better than I), the way I envisage it is representing their guild even though RoD willl be present on the server and maybe having alts in RoD, assuming that can be done; and I think it can.  This way we have access to more people, which will give us better options and allow us to play all aspects of the game, I for one would like to get into some organised WvW and dabble in some tournaments; as well as hitting all the instances ...

Anyway, open for disussion :)


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Reply #1 on: October 08, 2012, 09:36:38 pm
Well it's been a long time since I played with any of the folks mentioned, apart from a brief spell with NFD on the Daoc Ywain server. I'd like get more involved with WvW in GW2 but two things hamper this, one is the queue (can't do much about that) the other is a lack of folks to run with. Just like Daoc, it needs a bunch of people working together to achieve stuff if you want to do anything beyond tagging along with the zerg. So, I'd welcome the chance to run with and represent a WvW active guild.

That said, WvW will probably be enough PvP for me. Guild Group based sPvP (the tournament mode) doesn't really interest me, it's too competitive and too much like WoW Arena (which I never enjoyed). The casual sPvP you can't join as a guild group anyway, as we found out the other evening when we got placed on different sides!

Regarding Ravens Of Death, the guild exists on all servers, the name is unique and cross server. I believe the guild chat works cross server too. But any points earned for the guild remain on the server they were earned on. So if anyone moves servers they can still be a member of RoD if they want to but will find things like the guild bank will need to be re-earned on the new server. The representation system means it is possible to have one character representing one guild and, if desired, have an alt representing another. I think you can swap representation on a per-session basis too.

My only note of reservation would be the server community. The folks on Gandara seem generally nice, although in WvW they seem mostly disorganised. No idea how Gunnars Hold compares. I guess with free transfers still in place at the moment there's not a huge risk in moving.


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Reply #2 on: October 11, 2012, 10:40:39 am
Hola guys :)
not been around lately, had hard time to get myself playing & overall low motivation regarding gaming.
But I didnt quit, whatever you decide is the best I'd follow :)
Would be also handy to notify the few folks from old Legion Inc about eventual move, I'd take care via FB once (if) it becomes definitive.
I understand the move is now free , right? I'd rather no pay for it, not like it costs a fortune, but for the principle
cyas :)


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Reply #3 on: October 14, 2012, 12:38:00 pm
Ok, I moved across to Gunnars Hold, I haven't got into contact with anyone yet because I just got XCOM delivered on Friday so been playing that! :)

The cross server guild chat works fine and the guild screen tells you who is one which server.  The guild bank is non existant and we only have 10 points, I guess that was me ressing some npcs.  I'll prolly be playing XCOM all week, so will try and make contact next weekend and I'll let you know how it goes!



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Reply #4 on: October 14, 2012, 01:31:06 pm
Sorry for thread hijack but +1 on XCOM, only a few missions in but it seems real good :)


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Reply #5 on: October 14, 2012, 01:46:11 pm
Great Sax, let us know how it goes. The guild situation (cross server chat but no bank) is as expected. Is there a guild emblem on GH?

X-Com is very tempting. The original is definitely in my Top 10 of all time games, so I was worried if the new version might fail to live up to the legacy. But reviews seem generally positive.


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Reply #6 on: October 14, 2012, 01:58:19 pm
It is good :)

The only negative I have is not enough stats in game, you have abilities you unlock as you get more experiance instead.  The original had something like strength, dexterity, stamina, willpower and action points; this has been streamlined ... this tends to mean dumbed down but it isn't really that dumbed down tbh.  The tactical missions are great, reserach is just like it was, it is very much like a modern version of the old game tbh, I recomend it :)

Wonder if I'll be able to don scuber gear ala Terror from the Deep!

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Reply #7 on: October 15, 2012, 02:00:56 pm
only played a few hours so far but it's real fun, and brings back allot of good memories of the original :)