Diablo 3

xann · 6143


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on: August 02, 2011, 12:28:50 pm
Any Diablos Fans?

Looking Forward to seeing what this ends up like, heard theres gonna be a real money AH for ingame items, which doesn't fill me with confidence about the rest of the game tbh... but we'll see.


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Reply #1 on: August 02, 2011, 05:50:53 pm
Yeah, the auctions for cash isn't something I look forward to either. Don't much care about the always-on internet connection required as I only play from my PC at home anyway, though I don't understand why it couldn't have been done like SC2 (where you have the choice to play offline at least).

It does look like Blizzard is getting more & more money-hungry even though WoW must net them a huge amount of money. Seems like they care more about the shareholders lately than about their customers (like most companies nowadays unfortunately). It's a shame since thus far they've always made great games, hope that at least won't change.

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Reply #2 on: August 03, 2011, 01:40:16 pm
Blizzard do seem to be getting very greedy. I had been looking forward to D3 but now I'm not so sure. The real cash AH is a two-edged sword. On the one hand it will solve the item duping which killed D2 and it will give some players lucky enough to get rare drops a chance to make a bit of cash legitimately, and that could add an extra dimension to adventuring. On the other hand it represents another step down a dangerous road the games industry has long wanted to travel.

A player run real cash AH might seem fine to many at first glance. But there is surely too much temptation for Blizzard to cynically manipulate things by keep feeding rare items into the system in order to keep the auction cash rolling in. This would be another reason they want the game to be online only, so that the database of rare items can be constantly expanded. Blizzard claim they expect to "just break even" with the AH. What BS, as if the greedy shareholders are going to be happy with that.


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Reply #3 on: August 03, 2011, 09:34:04 pm
Real cash auction house sounds wank, period.


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Reply #4 on: August 07, 2011, 03:42:18 pm
Its pretty greedy isn't it. I sort of get the 'theres a whole black market for real money and gold and people are getting hacked/ripped off etc, so why not legitimise it?' argument. But then again once you realise Blizzard will be taking a fee per listing then you start to understand how they'd be motivated to keep the churn of rare/desirable items even higher, and also with that none of the hacking and stuff goes away because the farmers can still make money from it. Not good imo :(

Sony Store kinda failed in EQ2 but maybe that was because there was a stigma to buying items perhaps ? I always though with that you would be walking around with a sword/armour etc thats been clearly bought with real money (as you can only get it from their store). That would kinda mark you out as a saddo wouldn't it ? :) But Blizzard seem to be finding a more sneaky way?


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Reply #5 on: August 08, 2011, 06:31:18 pm
Games should stay that way, I know they won't and stating that is almost pointless but I really don't think that buying items is a good way to go ... And that's from someone who has paid possibly ?500 or so in monthly fees to play certain games, ITS TOO MUCH ... I CAN'T TAKE IT!!

I am gonna go out and buy a SNES and stick with that, prolly cheaper than a Sword of Infinite Death and the Armour of Rebuking Blasphemy anyway!!


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Reply #6 on: September 19, 2011, 08:28:47 pm
hey guys :)
bloody password , took me time to recall it :)
big Diablo fan here, still guess my favo game ever :)
quite shocked by reading the stuff over real cash AH, hmm
whatever, will still get the game, hoping for beta, was lucky with S2 maybe this time too :)


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Reply #7 on: September 23, 2011, 08:22:33 am
so, the beta client torrent is easy to find online :) a bit like it was with SC 2, although this time the update goes via the launcher, similar like WoW's one. And that would be it :) HAHA
It's nice to see the login screen atm :) hihi
But I hope either get into beta or that a crack will be found, so at least sth can be done.
Browsed bit some forums, and there is one, it allows to log and wonder around Tristam, nothing else, weird
Anyhow, it's exciting to see the game so close :)


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Reply #8 on: September 27, 2011, 01:04:51 pm
here a board with lotsa happening, seems there is a sort of crack which allows you to go into the game and even mash some mobs
p26 i think explained, then 52-54 there is some more about mobs etc

disclaimer: I intend to buy the original, but this is a bit like this kiddo thing 'can't w8' ;)